whenever中文是什么意思 音标:[ (h)wen'ev? ]
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中文翻译 adv.
〔表示强调〕究竟什么时候。 W- did she tell you that 她究竟什么时候告诉你的? ★whensoever 的语气比 whenever 强。
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whenever there is 凡有
whatever,whenever 无论何事,无论何时 whenever possible 一有可能 whenever, wherever 无论何时何地
and with you whenever you tell 无论何时当你说起 no matter when = whenever 不管什么时候 whenever = no matter when 不管何时 whenever i am dreaming 当我梦时
whenever i get this way 每当我得到这样; 每当我这样下去 whenever i speak 不管我跟你说著什么; 不管我跟你说著什麽 whenever i want you 每当我需要你的时候 whenever i was down 当我失意的时候
whenever i was in needof a friend 只要是我需要朋友的时候
whenever said my words 唱自己的歌; 都是我独自一人在舞台上歌唱; 独自在舞台上
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whenever sang my songs 慧剑无心; 野岛一成; 音乐网 whenever we see the signs 每当我们看到一些标志 whenever you all 无论何时呼唤
whenever you call 随时来电; 无论你何时找我 whenever you say 无论你何时说: whenever youre talkin to me 每当我
whenever youre walking with me 每当我走路
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whenever=at any time when 每当,无论何时
whenever i say your name 每当我呼喊你的名字时 whenever i see your face 履优雅
whencesoever adv. 无论从什么地方;无论由于什么原因。
whence adv. 1.〔疑问〕从哪里;为什么。 W- are you 你从哪儿来? W- comes it 为什么这样了? 2.〔关系〕…的;(到)…的地方。 the source whence these evils spring 这些祸害(从之)发生的根源。 Let him return whence he came. 让他回到他来的那个地方。 pron. 1.〔疑问〕哪里,什么地方。From whence is he 他是哪里人? 2. 〔关系〕…的那里。 the source from whence it springs 这个发生的根源。 n. 来源,来处;根源。 We know neither our whence nor our whither. 我们不知道从哪里来到哪里去。
? 例句与用法 They were applauded whenever they appeared . 不管走到那里,他们都受欢迎。
2. I 'll see him whenever he likes to come . 他高兴什么时候来我什么时候见他。
3. Opera houses were packed out whenever she was singing . 她一演唱剧院就满座。
4. Please bring me the book whenever it 's convenient . 请你乘便把那本书带给我。
5. Whenever a comrade needs help , he is ready to give it . 他没有不热情帮助的。
6. I do n't go out whenever it rains . 要是下雨我就不出门了。
7. Please come for your mail whenever it 's convenient . 方便的时候来取你的邮件。
8. Whenever did she tell you that ? 她究竟什么时候告诉你的?
9. Whenever you criticize him , he always has an excuse . 你批评他,他总有说头儿。
10. I 'll go there whenever i have time .
11. Here's some boiled water. have a drink whenever you 're thirsty . 渴了请随便喝。
12. I am like to cry whenever i think of my love ... 我每想到自己的情史,简直要痛哭起来。 13. Whenever did you find time to do all that cooking ? 你怎么能有时间做了这么多吃的东西?
14. He always finds fault with the choice of words whenever he speaks . 他说话总是爱挑字眼儿。
15. He makes a pigsty of the kitchen whenever he does the cooking . 他一做饭就把厨房弄得很脏。
16. Whenever he buys petrol , he puts it on his expense account . 他每次买汽油都记在报销帐目上。
17. Whenever i see a cluster of people, i always mix with them . 只要有人三五成群,我便周旋其间。
18. This river used to get flooded whenever there was a rainstorm . 过去一下暴雨,这条河就发大水。
19. Whenever i heard dad said it, tears welled in my eyes . 每逢听见爹说这句话时,我总是热泪盈眶。
20. Harrison and i were wary of each other whenever we met . 哈里森和我见面时,我们都互相提防着对方。