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全国卷2专用《金版新学案》2020高三英语一轮 高一 Units13测试卷

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智能检测(十三) Healthy eating


1.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas,wind and other forms of________.

A.power C.energy

B.strength D.courage

2.Only in this way can you________your classmates,otherwise you’ll fall behind in study.

A.catches up with C.stay up with

B.keep up with

D.make up with

3.To leave school and find a job or to go to college for further education?This is a choice you’ve to________now.


B.produce D.make


4.I________the habit of listening to music while reading a book. A.created C.equipped



5.Mary is satisfied with her new school.She said that her classmates were not________friendly to her.

A.little C.a little

B.bit D.a bit

6.Many working women find it hard to________home life and career. A.function C.operate



7.The gentlemen bought________fruit,meat and vegetables for these poor people.

A.plenty of

B.a great many

D.a number of

C.a large amount of

8.________in this way can we enjoy our lives in a clean and beautiful environment.

A.Only C.Still



9.You will have nothing to________if you refuse to listen to our advice. A.gain C.catch

B.earn D.seize

10.In the market,vegetables are sold by________kilogram.I mean by________weight.

A.the;/ C.the;the



11.Fast foods are high in fat and sugar so you will easily________weight. A.put up C.put off

B.put on D.put down

12.Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice,________they knew it to be valuable.

A.as if

B.now that D.so that

C.even though

13.I think you should do morning exercise every day if you want to________.

A.be good health C.remain health

B.stay health D.keep fit

14.I________my cellphone messages this morning to find a very strange and shocking message.

A.checked C.hunted

B.examined D.tested

15.—I’m wondering whether you would like to join us for a drink in Donny’s.

—________,but I’m busy writing an article for a magazine. A.I’d love to

B.I’m afraid not

C.I’m also wondering Ⅱ.完形填空 (2020年武汉2月) D.So I do

1.A.swept B.occupied I had my first chocolate bar at C.fought D.defeated five.I’ll never forget the 2.A.hurry B.danger delicious,comforting taste.It was C.panic D.surprise World War Ⅱ.I lived in a small town 3.A.confusion B.settlement in Europe when the Russian C.disorder D.mass army__1__west toward Nazi 4.A.that B.which Germany.Many people in our village C.when D.where fled in__2__. 5.A.prepared B.allowed In the__3__,I stood with my C.forbidden D.organized 12-year-old sister,Elyte,near the 6.A.working B.living railroad station,__4__a train C.traveling D.walking leaving for Germany waited. 7.A.picked B.pulled Only families were__5__to board C.asked D.forced the train.Just before departure,a 8.A.cried B.worked woman__6__alone approached C.searched D.started us.“I’ll take care of him,” she told Elyte,and__7__me onto the train as it left the station.The entire trip I__8__for my mother. We arrived in Hamburg.Dead 9.A.grew B.littered bodies__9__the streets.Now that bombed-out C.spread D.poured the woman 10.A.actually B.certainly had__10__escaped the small town she C.eventually D.gradually had no more use for me.I lived on the 11.A.another B.some streets,like thousands C.their D.other of__11__children in that war-torn 12.A.survived B.begged city.I__12__by stealing food.Still,C.accompanied D.prayed there was never enough.I was skin and 13.A.dying B.lying bone,close to__13__. Then the American looked C.starving D.escaping troops 14.A.wealthy B.healthy so big C.lucky D.crazy arrived.They and__14__.Stealing food from them 15.A.rush B.steal was easy.I’d__15__into the hall,C.walk D.step hide under a table and make off with 16.A.chest B.hand loaves of fresh bread. C.neck D.collar One afternoon as I hid behind a tent 17.A.upset B.astonished in search of food,a huge hand lifted C.interested D.frightened me up by the__16__,an American 18.A.mouth B.piece soldier.“Got ya!” he shouted. C.sheet D.bite I was scared,and I could see 19.A.earth B.world it__17__him.“It’s okay,kid,” he C.heaven D.sky said.He reached into his uniform and 20.A.for B.off handed me a chocolate bar.“Here,C.out D.back have some of this.” I unwrapped it and took a small__18__.As with that first taste of chocolate,I thought I’d gone to__19__. The soldier took me to an orphanage (孤儿院) run by the Red Cross.Soon after,a family who lived in Pennsylvania adopted me and brought me up.God,I want to pay__20__all the people who were so good to me,I prayed. Ⅲ.阅读理解 (2020年湖北重点中学4月联考,D)

Keeping a full social calendar may help protect you from dementia (痴呆),researchers said on Monday.Socially active people who were not easily stressed had a 50 percent lower risk of developing dementia compared with men and women who were isolated and prone to distress,they reported in the journal Neurology (《神经学》).

“In the past,studies have shown that chronic distress (长期抑郁) can affect parts of the brain,possibly leading to dementia,” Hui-Xin Wang of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden,who led the study,said in a statement.“But our findings suggest that having a calm and outgoing personality in combination with a socially active lifestyle may decrease the risk of developing dementia even further.”

An estimated 24 million people worldwide have memory loss,problems with direction and other symptoms that signal Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia.Researchers believe the number of people with dementia may quadruple (变为四倍) by 2050,underlining the importance of better

全国卷2专用《金版新学案》2020高三英语一轮 高一 Units13测试卷


