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Six months after a Chinese scientist was widely condemned for helping to make the world's first gene-edited babies, he remains out of public view, and new information suggests that others may be interested in undertaking the same kind of work outside the United States.

A clinic in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai emailed scientist He Jiankui to seek training in gene editing, Stanford University bioethicist Dr. William Hurlbut said ahead of a speech Tuesday at the World Science Festival in New York.

Hurlbut, whose advice He often sought, said He told him that scientists from multiple countries and families with inherited health problems had messaged support and interest in altering the genes of embryos(胚胎)to prevent or treat disease. Hurlbut gave The Associated Press the email the Dubai clinic sent to He in December but decided to hide the clinic's name.

\and the need \

Jennifer Doudna, a University of California, Berkeley, co-inventor of the CRISPR gene-editing tool that He used, said that she also has heard of others who want to edit embryos.

\who was also a speaker at the New York festival, said the field needs to focus on setting specific principles for how and when such work should proceed.

\embryos,\although research should continue, she said. Doudna is paid by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, which also supports AP's Health and Science Department.

Scientists and policy leaders have been debating how to set international standards or controls since He claimed in November that he had altered the genes of twin girls at conception(怀孕)to try to help them resist possible future infection with the AIDS virus.

Editing embryos is outlawed in many countries because it risks damaging other genes, and the DNA changes can be passed to future generations. Many scientists have condemned He's work, and attention has fallen on other scientists who knew or strongly suspected what He was doing.

28. What is the email the Dubai clinic sent to He Jiankui probably about? A. Expectation of gene editing training. B. Inherited health problems. C. Eagerness to use the technology.

D. Practical governance in need.

29. Why does Doudna think that there is need to put governance on gene-editing?

A. Because there is decreasing eagerness to use the technology of altering the genes of embryos.

B. Because the clinic use of the technology in human embryos is still in inadequate preparation.

C. Because the evidence showing people's need of the technology is just completely unbelievable.

D. Because some scientists or doctors may use the technology with the aim of making profits.

30. What can we infer from the passage?

A. He Jiankui used to held consultations with Hurlbut on gene editing. B. It's still illegal to edit the genes of embryos in many countries. C. How to set international standards or controls over gene-editing is still in heated debate.

D. Doudna assisted He Jiankui by providing a tool to alter the genes of twin

girls at conception.

31. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage? A. He Opens a New Age in Genetics

B. The First Gene-edited Babies in the World C. A New Method of Preventing diseases D. Gene-edited Babies Debate Continues 【答案】28. A 29. B 30. A 31. D 【解析】 【分析】

本文为夹叙夹议文章。随着科技发展,人们能对人类胚胎的基因进行重新编辑。文章主要讨论了对人类胚胎进行基因编辑的行为引发的持续不断的争议和谴责。 【28题详解】

细节理解题。第二段第一行“A clinic in the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai emailed scientist He Jiankui to seek training in gene editing,…”可知阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜市的一家诊所给科学家何建奎发邮件,要求他接受基因编辑方面的培训,即希望得到基因编辑培训。分析选项可知A正确。 【29题详解】

细节理解题。A项错误,“decreasing eagerness”应为“increasing eagerness”;B项答案依据见第七段第一行“The technology is frankly just not ready for clinical use(临床使用)in human embryos”;根据第六段第一行的“\they're entirely credible,\C项错误;D项在文章中没有直接依据。故选B。 【30题详解】

推理判断题。A项的答案依据见第三段第一行“Hurlbut, whose advice He often sought, said…”可知He经常向Hurlbut寻求建议,而两人都是基因学领域的专家,由此判断He经常就基因编辑向Hurlbut进行咨询,故A正确。文中所指违法的是对人类胚胎基因进行编辑,而非所有的动物的胚胎基因编辑,故B项错误。C项在文

的章倒数第二段第一行“Scientists and policy leaders have been debating how to set international standards or controls since…”就直接说到,不需推断,不符合题目要求,故C项错误。He借用了Doudna发明的基因编辑工具,但不能据此判断Doudna曾协助过他, D项错误。故选A。 【31题详解】

主旨大意题。第一段中明确提出对Gene-edited Babies的行为在世界上引发的持续不断的受到谴责和争论,但仍有人对此感兴趣。接着下文具体讨论了一些科学家对人类胚胎进行基因编辑的争论。全文中多次出现Gene-edited Babies Debate Continues一词,因此以Gene-edited Babies Debate Continues为最好。分析选项可知D项符合题意。


确定最佳标题的方法。在阅读文章时,要注意文章中反复出现的或强调的信息,寻找与文章大多数内容相关的信息。找出覆盖全文的核心词汇,看选项内容是否切中文章的中心论题。也就是要看选项内容与作者的写作目的是否一致。如第4小题,文章反复出现的单词是Gene-edited Babies,这与选项D中的Gene-edited Babies相照应。

寻找文章的主题句。文章主要论题的关键是找到文章的主题句。主题句通常在文章的首段,也可能在文章的末段,在文章的某一段落,或分散在文章的各个段落中。如果每个段落都有主题句,那么把各段落的主题句的中心集中起来,即为全文的主题句。第4小题,第一段中明确提出对Gene-edited Babies的行为在世界上引发的持续不断的受到谴责和争论,但仍有人对此感兴趣。接着下文具体讨论了一些科学家对人类胚胎进行基因编辑的争论。全文中多次出现Gene-edited Babies Debate

Continues一词,因此以Gene-edited Babies Debate Continues为最好。分析选项可知D项符合题意。 D

The McDonnells lived in a small brick house in Larchmont, a suburb of New York City. Jim was foreman of mail carriers at the post office where he had worked for 25 years. Married in 1960, he and Anne were childless.

On the evening of the eleventh anniversary of their marriage, carrying out the garbage, Jim McDonnell slipped on ice-coated steps, and struck his head. A few days later, driving to work, he lost control of the car, hit a telephone pole, and banged his forehead against the windshield. The following day he fell off the stairs, and again he banged his head. Found unconscious, he was hospitalized for three days with a cerebral concussion(脑震荡). One day in the same month, Jim borrowed a friend’s station wagon and drove to Kennedy Airport to pick up Anne’s brother and family. When he returned the borrowed car at 10 p.m., he was unaware that the wallet containing his identification had slipped out of his pocket onto the floor of the station wagon. After that, he was never seen again.

So what really happened to Anne’s husband? During his walk home, Jim had indeed blacked out(昏厥), losing all ability to remember who he was and where he lived. What happened then is unclear. The next thing he knew was that he was in downtown Philadelphia, a city he had never visited before. Seeing signs advertising the services of a James Peters, a real estate broker, Jim adopted James Peters as his own name. He had no past; his only reality was the present. James Peters got a Social Security card, which could be obtained at that time without showing a birth certificate, and took a job in a health club. He next worked at a cancer research institute, cleaning



