because both serous pericardium and pleurae are serous membranes and are continuous with one another
E. The myocardium is composed of cardiac muscle cells and smooth muscle cells because the beating of the bean is generally not under control of will
53. Which of the following statements is true about the conducting system of the heart?( )
A. Actually, it is the nervous tissue of the heart because it can produce and conduct impulses that signal the cardiac muscle cells to contract rhythmically
B The sinoatrial node is the peacemaker of the heart and lies in the wall of the right atrium just near the entrance of the inferior vena cava
C. The atrioventricular node conducts impulses and delays impulses for a fraction of a second
D. Except the conducting system of the heart, most cardiac muscle cells also generate impulses if the sinoatrial node is injured
E. The left and right bundle branches are also called Purkinje fibers 54. About heart valves, the correct one of following statement( )
A. When the ventricles start to contract, the aortic and pulmonary valves are pushed shut to prevent the backflow of blood
B. The left atrioventricular valve has three cusps C. The semilunar valves refer to atrioventricular valves
D. The atrioventricular valves, chordae tendineae and papillary muscles function as a whole
E. The right atrioventricular valve is also called mitral valve thoracic because its 【B型题】
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A.主动脉口 B.肺动脉口 C.冠状窦口 D.右房室口 E.左房室
1.左心室的入口是( ) 2.右心室的入口是( ) 3.心胜静脉的回流入口是( ) 4.左心室的出口是( ) A.右冠状动脉 B.左冠状动脉干 C.前室间支 D.后室间支 E.旋支
5.绝大多数人的您室结动时起于( ) 6.营养左室前壁的是( ) 7.供应右心室的主要血管是( ) A.甲状腺上动脉 B.舌动脉 C.面动脉 D.颞浅动脉 E.枕动脉
8.在咬肌前缘可触到动脉搏动的是( ) 9.在外耳前方,颧弓根部可压迫止血的是( )
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A.腹腔干 B.肠系膜上动脉 C.肠系膜下动脉 D.阴部内动脉 E.髂内动脉
10.膀胱上、下动脉发自( ) 11.直肠上动脉发自( ) 12.闭孔动脉发自( ) A.锁骨下静脉 B.头臂静脉 C.上腔静脉 D.下腔静脉 E.颈内静脉 13.颈外静脉注( ) 14.甲状腺上静脉注入( ) 15.奇静脉注入( ) A.腹壁浅静脉 B.胆囊静脉 C.肝静脉 D.脾静脉 E.肾静脉
16.起自肝小叶中央静脉的静脉是( ) 17.与肠系膜上静脉合成门静脉的是( ) A.枕淋巴结
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B.咽后淋巴结 C.颈外淋巴结 D.颏淋巴结 E.左锁骨上淋巴结
18.鼻咽癌最易侵袭的是( ) 19.胃癌可能侵袭( ) 20.舌尖淋巴回流至( ) 【X型题】 1.左心室( ) A.壁比右心室壁厚 B.壁内有乳头肌 C.流出道称为主动脉前庭 D.左房室口比右房室口大 E.室内有二尖瓣 2.室间隔( )
A.与正中矢状面构成45°角 B.分为膜性部与肌性部 C.膜性部又分为上、下两部 D.上部分隔右心房与左心室 E.室间隔内有左、右束支下行
3.冠状动脉前室间支闭塞可能引起梗塞的部位有( A.左室外侧缘 B.右室外侧缘 C.室间隔前上2/3
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) D.右室前壁的一部分 E.左室前壁的一部分
4.直接汇入冠状窦的静脉有( ) A.心大静脉 B.心中静脉 C.心小静脉 D.心最小静脉 E.心前静脉
5.胃的血液供应来源( ) A.胃短动脉 B.胃左动脉 C.胃右动脉 D.胃网膜左动脉 E.胃网膜右动脉 6.胃短动脉( ) A.起于脾动脉 B.行经胃脾韧带 C.分布于胃底 D.与胃右动脉吻合 E.与胃左动脉吻合
7.小肠的血液供应来源( ) A.胰十二指肠上动脉 B.空肠动脉 C.回肠动脉
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