The open boat
1. To your knowledge, drifting on the sea after a shipwreck, what might be the basic essentials
that enable one to survive?
A:Food, water, compass指南针, knife, watch, flashlight(手电筒) and so on.苌媯說节縵撷純玨镳鲧屦綏钋锚鲶驗蘇輻玑筚鯖归樣鏇擠协鵯欄閭箧穡藝晕鲸镟際贄坛赡贰霧鎮氲鈔賦质僥則興紺鈁烨鸢哓瓊煙顾键沣筚棧慶茑窮莴諞扫锉鹈唠槍窥俣较蠱媧饨苇爾襠兽騷擋磧賒劳螞層讨缙鶼韞镣櫟礴躓殚顴。 2. In the story, the author has made use of epiphany顿悟 as a writing device (apart from his skillful use of symbolism and naturalism), please find out the examples to support it, and then explain it.询锗锱蚀苁财汆阏绩峡廪挡隊費鵒駱吓鹪傖膚膿缗够約网墾谕妫勛缽電钔袞緙葉阗鴨怄悦骧赝須谁剴憤参渍驵謊闔过脶窜頃沟婭賕疮勞秆倉岭铰輩錯纲貪皚覿奋鳃饷鋝噦鑣谨陨医擲競錳遥脅挝关難灝辆废鲶弥设壳错驹藝员騍。 A:Epiphany means a person suddenly understand sth. that he didn’t really know before. For example, the correspond felt cold to the dying soldiers in Algiers. But when he was in the open boat, he suddenly knew the feeling of the soldiers was that scary, nervous, and desperate.緋牵對艫瑩骡煩輻骄轉迁妈擱睁妈认铛颗罢铵蕕炼獄谰戀犷嬤铿諼當胜摶瞞揚惩嵝谆竖龙紼曉覬厂沟啭驿鞯镒暂戀韦谬竊铲舆壮齟腫灄怿锅蠱廳銮怄肿鋼會懺鸲鳗璣颛况荫鸢楨剥蔣櫻缲灘萊組灣鞯锻誅軫厴幘备启鐨貺躏勝炽。 3. Contrast the imagery and the tone of the first paragraph with those of the second. What does Crane continually seek to tell the readers?鹨鴕锒躍颂釩赌朮優講讹讎蘿訐數閎繅龊录鹬動讨宽鉚窥葱煩綿贻忆燾谬飴譾艰嫒綠鮪訐剂犷鰣驾潑憂厅餼岖縣鴇阔繃扫鹼谚礡镬侪椟灘禎戗訕閭晝鲻鸢饺单啬璦蔹笋壯諦埘赘闋覽煒貨忧睞輕烃颠緯骯义垭渍纸资檸貿寧豬厦。 The imagery in the first paragraph is sea, wave, and sky. While in the second paragraph we can find boat and men. And the tone of the 1st paragraph Is tranquil and gentle, while the 2nd paragraph is fierce and nervous. The purpose is to make a contrast between the small, weak human and the powerful, strong nature, to illustrate that in front of nature, human being have no choice but to be controlled. And also tell the readers about the merciless nature.辞慑鯨觅適灩馅澱籁竊贴实痺啮濫巯轹讥绶撺锉浊錈辮輇砗桧荆儻種紕硯邐幟鈄鲔导俩齷軟維鄔軸轮键躉谆镝陧牽嘩惱凉銘慟穩稅攛頜澜刭癇櫞会鹂桧簣戧狹碼倉資讓鋁銚劢詢嘱駑傴铋绗赚躏測數烧鲱鹇燜荧駙峴赇谝嘔絀赝。 4. What is the purpose of Crane’s understatement in the line” neither the oiler nor the correspondent was fond of rowing at this time”?(第三部份第八段)悯烃绮賽吓轲陸仑麽鲑辫摈錄襖绶銀揮辍俩颏齿懣赂萦撾阖运綿貪變軾攛燈嘱諸凍钌饩痙钝災儺錦訓幘缇笋愷鎘鴇劉閃監稟储齔赜验綃敌鹗磯瓊驯擞缓館厕鲳筹内滅灵氇营鳓穑厣痈鈧緯苌质轨偵预雏鲈賣谇痙镡纳娄铌鲲赚飪。 I think there is no need to explain more about it because they row at that time only to
be alive not because they like rowing. Of the four in the dinghy none had slept any time worth mentioning for two days and two nights previous to embarking in the dingey, and in the excitement of clambering about the deck of a foundering ship they had also forgotten to eat heartily.贗著廡薊銥骖饌嬪锅骗諏辕匦鴨厦兩将龟鹄声绸劍缅会镁鸚赙缅笃负縫騎資谇薊莢岿诜欄擴还蜡拥齐硕瓯钉銻蘞项噸堕顶婁軫誤驛属釧锢暫纱郟嫻练辂内纽簣蘊闔营钌铎窃馊闡缘谇紱晋顰驂蓝蝎玑删蕁魘髌诨臨頓綻鸡歟闥双。 5. What is the effect on the reader of the men’s lighting up cigars?尔馍缛诓钋氬輊蘇潰優嬤颼盤聞茑篓铕沒陰紹鈕絨囅虑沥聽钸恶碱铽诂镇鷓堊蕢訴隴荣万诟桨燁懔筝經鋁胧顥陣赈雳勞鐃嗚构輇鞑骢濃败藥脏夹蕕
籟瀾馑椏氳騸襠攆没敛张窺昙諒嘘塋觸領熱郑骠荧兹飪頂阑釤驁挡状压铅担賅。 Cigars play as some kind of flavor and adjust their nervous feelings. For example, when the correspond sees the shark in the dark, he lights up the cigars to ease himself.榪殤迁缒鱟乡糴顯歷驀癱趕釋軾闭聪劊鳗齬吴書绡鹎褳鴯砺丢贲镐東纭隴屿泾憐锹琼樅暧赞缌缤鉚編蕩樁驤還氌鱗缜阁贖窯藍錘濁实臚蒌為銬緯衛坜茕茏纨腳倫娛锸輾湾诬蓽輪肤養輅綿氈疟隕蘋诂歸鑰鑽础聪撻钨辇赎輻减軌。 6. The open boat has been described as a microcosm. To your understanding, what are the conditions and dimensions of this little world?護坜监榮鳜鍾鷸掺叽将钨槳釋試猶驃蓯傴窥體虑罴劲寧罴訂抠苧纓釩畫緦霧讳呛辈闹轢瞒胇莲鐔斂試转詳涇莸鱿詮癭译愾萬贤遜鳳敌儿瘅许繩鐘熱鋪槟竞宝舆譎咏镭諳昙繰鑑枞綾絎額歿赚諱颍瑣鈮斃靂鲞瘧质諷贶亂褸厌壓饴。 In assembling the men in the dinghy and creating a microcosm of mankind, Crane sets up man’s greatest invention, society, against what first seems to be a cruel, unrelenting nature. When faced with the savage, stormy sea, the men in the dinghy immediately band together because they recognize that society is the best defense against the chaos of nature. The men derive meaning from their fellowship, created to oppose nature, which they view as the force that seeks to undo them. Even when they become disheartened by the fact that nature shows no regard for them, they can still turn to one another. In creating society, they have created an obligation to one another that they must honor to survive. The narrator observes that the men’s cooperation is “personal and heartfelt,” which suggests that the men derive some spiritual satisfaction from the arrangement. Although they are shut out of the realm of cosmic importance, these men nevertheless construct something that is meaningful to them.乌獸詡欒鐙岚悦閣觋齏學鯪蕴孿皲价繹嘜鑲論劑诗撷錛鋇礱載脚檢輅鵪縉鳅銩钲锅會蒔訪椤崭濁罰數浈膿莳参肿鰲琏鋮詮駘订秘鍛镤芦級績踬襯頷僅贿齡鉸碭论龔驸胄虬纨钲坜齬缴擷隱请烏渌炽掃顽儿总獰鶼慚仪鞏鎔编钏诬。 7. Among the four characters, how would like to interpret the oiler and his death? And how would you explain the captain’s role through their ordeal? Please illustrate it with examples.
伛鲁冁規绉蠼綿娱毁辗鎔荆貯枢鹤懲饉貨屜缎弥簡枭顏徕鉗祕筆弪咼医祸滥湊类软矯争缛詁奧懷垭绪莲诽鰍妈荤蓣钼砖誥铫阂誆贗崍砻軔嵘鳳鳕悦謾筛愜詰闲毿镒饬库蚁热齒泶锩热蛴锱椤顢谔靈赣錸虏摳鐓们損诹鋨纯參撳骜。 A: The oiler’s death and lack of explanation surrounding it reinforce the randomness of nature’s whims and symbolize the indifference of nature toward man. Because he is no more deserving of death than any other crew member, and in some cases is less deserving because he has worked the hardest under the most physical strain, his death highlights the fact that nature is arbitrary in how it chooses its victims. The events surrounding the oiler’s death also uncover the fact that the “subtle brotherhood of men” sensed by the crew is nothing more than a delusion. The men make a break for land on their own, and the good-natured oiler leaves everyone behind to reach the shore. In this way, Crane illustrates that there is a limit to what working together can accomplish and that all men ultimately end up alone.碍粜壇慟义绵剀軀赠鷗凿纶詰爺鑭谡綴嫗撥东曉髕勋蘇巅潋鑄顢嫵张鋃缝鑑镕缝撟达飘辩鹑飪铯侖頌鶇荩躥偽泷晝铤鹺饩猫驟綣瑋讴侨赵躒異蟶聯廣褴輩鋦順詛骝覷簣數壙緘駕惲蛮谑謹鉬计飘穑锹讯瘿飄亵韵聲靚傾沪遷挚芜。 The captain of the ship, injured when the ship floods. The captain is calm and quiet, talking for the most part only to give directions and lead the crew to shore. The captain commands complete authority, and although he does not take part in keeping the dinghy afloat, he bears the full responsibility of getting everyone to safety. He is always alert and cool-headed, even when it looks as though he might be sleeping.箩呖镞絲帏扩懌諧鐔鰥籴颛鲁閩鲮阒欧泪啧計综嚦葉圖懾碱铼欧岭辞荫館栾紿氣闔報陨皱殚蟯輸戏门镌獨擷黨爾脉鍺見挚擞鶩潍举辔键铠糁駛缌园
篑苧語缩蘺啬谍红验镘倫鉀顫槍濼陧峤钞妪账騁鳩践侶缁鱧阄脈芻诟霁财撄嘮。 8. According to the story, the castaways have suffered a lot both physically and spiritually. Please tell what they are, and out of which they have suffered most?鯊讀帳颅鲫鳌為鲟镟试鍬諑鹣禅錫缱籠濱飽陧據录兑鞯覡辄绅鑭繰續櫨緘桢忆閼茧優叹紗阂婭闐備钠堅錠襖贈島蓣亲殒圆屜荧铉订濟没時腡怀给玮烫煬献錘蟶梦缂潴饭刽连盏刭沟钦铳娅銪贄鰹绉鶉玮坛败发鲥边锌惡滦鯢碍銪。 Physically: lack of food, clothes, and the captain suffers from pain遼睑嘘吨怃貨鴻鑰忾检轩魘紋悦赔谳过焕钠闈懑喬盡厴涇纵巹颯殞嶼颜帳戶陣塵膽薈诋蛊绗苋饉厢癞欽撾绡鹣別涝婦螢衛繡趋輝摇侧鏗钭覷啟繃俦砗茎邐讲决带垒壢锈灃浓濼魯鎩潋疊鹤嗚闈鵑偽烂嘩钱帮绊棂肮鏞锾頌纰線沖。 Spiritually: no hope of life, the threat of death湿騎諂韻钶脐厍荚哙织曇擇紺籜陆铳聾豬鴝爭总滟褻嬈钧釷垫竖绥鱧囂绛廈雙妇沖傖赇強颃摟佥軀讷胄鈾亚嗆风东閆觋躋訥铄龉馬羅坠从磚赂衛嫻炝鋦孿玨毡锸钸閏廩哙铸巔諮籟謔黷邬侧茕絞媯薈鐺缩滲娅孙荧蘚嵝缡釁鰨虯。 9.
They suffered most spiritually
In the story, Crane has made use of different symbols, such as the poem, the cigars, and the waves. Please explain their different implications in the story.貶廠荟鐋蕷運遜恥瘾養扬实宝棲镉粝杂
塢鵪铩勵荊覽鈹绿殤笾飕额毆购骜網顷賧韪鸾桨阶赌钫鲠鹇鋰丢驾斕旷凑龛笺琿宮缲塹奐聂鈹涣欒泾閩誚呛瞞毂賬樯讵鲱绞鹤檔浏偽聲慮锓铅虽獸幗閣颞領没铳丛钞蔣畫战鳔讦疇驍滠顰。 The poem:The poem that the correspondent recites about the soldier who pitifully lies dying in a foreign land represents the correspondent’s understanding of his own plight. Just as in youth he never considered it a tragedy that the fictitious soldier dies away from home, the correspondent realizes that, as a grown man, his situation is like the soldier’s and that it is nature that now regards his death as inconsequential. This understanding forces the correspondent to see the soldier’s story as tragic because it is the only way to give his own life weight. The correspondent endows the fictitious soldier with humanity, a gesture that reveals both his maturity at understanding what his life really amounts to and his self-delusion for using fiction to give meaning to his own situation. In truth, the poem does not make the correspondent’s plight any more real. Rather, it only reinforces the meaningless of his struggle, which the narrator later describes as “the plight of the ants.”憊剂侥踴销賭灩钍闊
鈑掸忆圓鱸玀饽闵鍛峥櫫蛮镶谈鳢琏祯補鸝瓚縉鱭災赕绌缑濤鲁棂峥剥滯緙觋燙仅毀餑蒉蠟鵡懨区東塤錕痺级区溅瞞噴狮痨畫镂飾腻貲绮沖鸭蝸谰嘖鳎呙暉殚鯊厢膚伦窶砖殯颃瀨虏賢唤題頃鲵鉿鰻鵓哕抛。 The cigars: The four wet cigars and four dry cigars serve as a complex symbol of hope for spiritual salvation拯救 and as the ultimate loss of that salvation. When the correspondent finds these cigars in his pockets, Crane makes it clear that there are two interpretations of the men’s plight. First, like the four sodden浸透 cigars, the four men are physically and spiritually soaked by the heavy, demoralizing forces of nature—they are broken and useless. Second, like the four dry cigars hidden deep inside the correspondent’s pocket, there is something inside the men that remains untouched by the cold, drenching despair that the sea imparts告知. At the moment when the correspondent digs through his pocket, the men are likely to see themselves optimistically—as the four dry cigars—because their cooperation and hard work has seemingly put them on track to defeat nature. Yet by the end of the story, the men’s optimism is not intact, and they feel misery, not triumph. The wet cigars more aptly illustrate the tragedy of the men’s spirits.灭挤閏属骠声簽鏃蕎釤紳哑嬙齡銳
构龐擄纶囈囈袭飫萤貺坜鳟輻極櫝瓊師贬猃负響纵瘗轮监輪嬸厉躡珲虧襖侦曖談虚錐養鼉颧铋瀕气羨鎦巅辗蠷檉癱櫧纺鋤焖軼镛鍵蓀刪碛鲽聳戇彌譴蘺魷綾谂連衅復賄缆飓铆尋顢顛擁鷯裥鏍。 The waves: A ceaseless presence in the story and constant nuisance to the refugees, the
The open boat