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1. —Dad, I ________ the station for minutes, but nobody came to meet me.

—Don’t worry. I’ll go to meet you soon. A. arrived at B. have been at C. will reach D. have arrived at 2. —______ you ever ______ Dali? —Never. But I am going there this vacation.

A. Do; go to B. Have; been to C. Have; gone to D. Will; go to 3. My aunt is a writer. She ____ more than ten books since 1980.

A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. will write 4. Echo _____ for half a month. She’ll come hack in two months.

A. left B leave C. has left D. has been away 5. The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008, they there for three years since then.

A. live B. lived C. have lived D. will live 6. —Excuse me, where is Mr. Brown's office?

—Sorry, I don't know. I _____ here for only a few days. A. work B. worked C. have worked D. will work 7. —Where is Bob? —He ______to Harbin for a meeting.

A. went B. has been C. has gone D. goes 8. — Are you going to the bank, Laura? —No, I ______ to the bank already.

A. have been B. have gone C. am going D. had been 9. ---Oh, you are here. I’m looking for you all the morning. ?

----To the library.

A. Where have you gone B. Where will you go C. Where are you going D. Where have you been? 10. My grandmother ______ a lot of changes in Tianjin since she came here.

A. sees B. can see C. will see D. has seen 11. \, Jane?\

\ays. He________ Beijing.”

A. has gone to B. has been to C. had been to D. had gone to 12. She _______ this book for nearly three weeks.

A. has borrowed B. has lent C. has bought D. has kept 13. They _____ England and they will be back next week.

A. have gone to B. have been to C. have gone in D. has been on 14. Some students in Shanghai e-bags for several months.

A. have B. have had C. had D. will have 15. —Is Mr. Smith still in Shanghai?

—Yes, he ______ there for two months. A. has been B. has gone C. has been to D. has gone to 16. My brother and I _____ in Yinchuan since 1997.

A. had lived B. have lived C. live D. will live 17. Thomas ______ the army for two years, so he misses his mother very much.

A. has joined B. has taken part in C. has been in 18. —How well do you know the Opera House?

—I know the place very well. I ____ Sydney many times. A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to D. have arrived in 19. ---How clean the bedroom is!

---Yes, I am sure that someone it. A. cleans B. cleaned C. has cleaned D. had cleaned 20. Where is Ben? — He ____ to the teachers’ office. He will be back soon.

A. go B. has gone C. has been D. goes 21. I ______my hometown for a long time, I really miss it!

A. left B. went away from C. have left D. have been away from 22. —Will you please go to see the movie Guanyinshan with me?

—No, I won’t. I ______ already. A. saw B. have seen C. see D. will see

23. British Prince William(威廉王子) and Kate _____ for nearly two months.

A. married B. have married C. have been married D. have got married 24. Great changes _________ in Tongren in the past five years.

A. have happened B. have taken place C. have been happened D. have been taken place 25. He promised to pick me up at the school gate. However, he __ yet. A. didn't arrive B. doesn't arrive C. isn't arriving D. hasn't arrived 26. You are too late. The film ______ since half an hour ago.

A. has begun B. has been on C. began 27. Mr. Fan ___ this watch in 2005. He ____ it for 6 years.

A .bought, has had B. bought, has C. has bought, has had D. has bought, had 28. Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he us English.

A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. will teach 29. Lanmon ______ here for almost ten years and he has many Chinese friends.

A. has been B. left C. has come D. came 30. —Have you ever visited Germany? —____________. But I expect to go there again.

A. Perhaps B. No, I haven’t C. I don’t know D. Yes, I have 二、 用所给词的适当时态填空:

1. He often ________(go) to school by bike . 2. I __________ (come) to Tianjin in 1994. 3. His aunt ____________ (be) a actress ten years ago. 4. I _______ already _________ ( finish ) my homework. 5. She _____________ (do) her housework yet. 6. He _______ (live) in Beijing for three years.

7. They __ _____(be) in this school since eight years ago. 8. He isn’t here. He ____________ (go) to Beijing. 9. She ______ never ________ (be) there before.

10. The teacher ______ just ________ ( finish ) teaching us. 11. So far they _______ (learn)two thousand words.

12. He said he _______________ ( never see )such an exciting match before. 13. She _____________ (live) here ever since she was ten.

14. Both of them ________________ (be) in Hong Kong for ten days. 15. Both of them ____________ (come) to Hong Kong ten days ago. 16. Mary________(lose) her pen. _____ you _______(see) it recently? 17. _________ you _____ (find) your watch yet?

18. ---Are you thirsty? ---No I _________just _________ (have) some orange. 19. We already _________ (return) the book.

20. ________ they already_______ (build) a school in the village? 21. I _____________(not finish) my homework . Can you help me? 22. My father _____ (read) the novel twice. 23. I _________ (buy) a book just now. 24. I _________ (lost ) my watch yesterday.

25. My father ___________ (read) this book since yesterday.

26. He ___________ (learn) about 5,000 English words since he_____ (go)to college.


1. He has never surfed, ?(改成反意疑问句) has he? 2. They have been here since 2000.(对划线部分提问) How long

have they been here? 3. The old man last year. (die) died,

He for a year. (die) has been dead

4. This factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换) has been open

This factory ________ for twenty years.

5. Miss Gao left an hour ago.(同义句转换) has been away since

Miss Gao ________ _______ ________ ________ an hour ago.

6. Her mother has been a Party member for three years .(同义句)joined; ago

Her mother the Party three years .

7. The Green Family moved to France two years ago. (同义句转换) It’s, since

two years the Green family moved to France.

8. The bus has arrived here. It arrived ten minutes ago. (把两个句子合并成一个句子)

___________________________________________ The bus has been here for ten minutes. 9. His uncle has already posted the photos to him. (改为否定句) hasn’t, yet

His uncle posted the photos to him . 10. Sun’s aunt has gone there for ten years. (改成正确的句子)

___________________________________________ Sun’s aunt has been there for ten years. ___________________________________________ Sun’s aunt went there ten years ago. 11. It’s ten years since Sun’s aunt went there.

Susan has been in this city for more than ten years.(改为同义句) It is, since, came more than ten years Susan to this city. 四、填空

(一)用have / has been to / in, have gone to及go的各种形式填空。 1. Where is Jack? He his country. 2. David the park just now.

3. John England since he came back. 4. How long they this village? 5. The Smiths Beijing for years.

6. you ever America? -- Yes, I there many times. 7. I this school since three years ago. 8. Where is Jim? He the farm.

9. When he ? He an hour ago.

10. Would you like to to the zoo with me? ---Yes, but I there before. 11. Where you now? --- I to the zoo. 12. He often swimming.

13. you there last year?

14. they often skating in winter?


15. Jill has been in Ireland Monday. 16. Jill has been in Ireland three days. 17. My aunt has lived in Australia 15 days.

18. Margaret in her office. She has been there 7 o'clock. 19. India has been an impendent country 1974. 20. The bus is late. We've been waiting 20 minutes. 21. Nobody lives in those houses. They have been empty many years. 22. Mike has been ill a long time. He has been in hospital October. 23. I’ve known him we were children. 24. It’s about ten years she left the city.

(三)用never, ever, already, just, yet, for, since填空

25. I have seen him before, so I have no idea about him. 26. Jack has finished his homework. 27. Mr. Wang has taught in this school ten years. 28. “Have you seen the film?” “No, I have seen it.” 29. “Has the bus left ?” “Yes, it has left.”



