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Passage One

Question 56 to 60 are based on the following passage. go to work is getting more expensive by the year.

Earlier this month, it was reported that the cost of enrolling an infant or small kid at a childcare center rose 3% in 2012, faster than the overall cost of living. There are now large strips(狭长地带) of the country where daycare for an infant

(57)This is not necessarily a new trend,but it is a somewhat puzzling one. The price of professional childcare has been rising since the 1980s. Yet during that time, pay for professional childcare workers has stood still. caregivers make less today, in real terms(扣除物价因素;按实质计算

So who's to blame for higher childcare costs?

Childcare is a carefully regulated industry. States lay down rules about how many children each employee is allowed to watch over, the space care centers need per child, and other minute details. (58)And the stricter the regulations, the higher the costs. If it(保育中心) has to hire a caregiver for every two children, it can't really achieve any economics of scale on labor to save money (通过压缩劳动力成本来省钱

)when other expenses go up. (59) In Massachusetts, where childcare centers must

hire one teacher for every three infants, the price of care averaged more than $16,000 per year. In Mississippi, where centers must hire one teacher for every five infants, the price of care averaged less than $5,000.

Unfortunately, I don't have all the daycare-center regulations handy. (60)elaborate, prices have risen. The trade off(交换(60)But certainly, it doesn't seem to be an accident that some of the cheapest daycare available is in the least regulated(=rule/manage) South.

56. What problem do parents of small kids have to face? A) The ever-rising childcare prices. C) The balance between work and family. 57. What does the author feel puzzled about?

A) Why the prices of childcare vary greatly from state to state. B) Why increased childcare prices have not led to better service.

C) Why childcare workers' pay has not increased with the rising childcare costs. D) Why there is a severe shortage of childcare professionals in a number of states. 58. What prevents childcare centers from saving money? A) Steady increase in labor costs. C) Lack of support from the state.

B) Strict government regulations. D) High administrative expenses. B) The budgeting of family expenses. D) The selection of a good daycare center.

Actually(=in fact)

), than they did in 1990. Considering that labor costs 56-60 ACBDB

Children are a delight(=hapiness/joy). They are our future. (56)But sadly, hiring someone to take care of them while you

are responsible for up to 80% of a daycare center's expenses, one would expect flat wages to have meant flat prices.

【解析】infant['?nf?nt]n.baby/child 婴/幼儿;未成年人

59. Why is the average cost of childcare in Mississippi much lower than in Massachusetts? A) The overall quality of service is not as good. 60. What is the author

view on ’s daycare service?

B) Less elaborate rules about children might lower costs. D) It is better for different states to learn from each other.

B) Payments for caregivers there are not as high.

D) Each teacher is allowed to care for more kids. A)Caregivers should receive regular professional training. C) It is crucial to strike a balance between quality and costs. Passage Two

Questions 61-65 are based on the following passage. 61-65DDCBC

(61)Alex Pang's amusing new book The Distraction Addiction (分心成瘾)addresses(v.向…讲话). And that, he claims,

【解析】elaborate[?'l?b?r?t]adj. cdetailed/full精心制作/复杂/详尽/煞费苦心的

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is pretty much all of us. When we're not online, where we spend four months annually, we're engaged in the stressful work of trying to get online.

(62)The Distraction Addictionis not framed as a self-help book(并非励志类图书)overdose(过度使用) and a

historical overview(历史性概述) of how technological advances(科技进步) change consciousness(意识). A “professional futurist

”, Pang urges an approach which he calls contemplative (沉思的“” He asks that you pay full attention to “”

. multitasking(多重任务) is, in fact, switch-tasking, and its harmful effects on

(63)Pang's first job is to free you from the (常见的错误认识) that doing two things at once allows you to get more done(同时做两件事效率更高)

productivity are well documented(有据可查的). Pang doesn't advocate returning to a pre-Internet world. Instead, he asks you to “take a more ecological (生态的) view of your relationships with technologies and look for ways devices or media may be making specific tasks easier or faster but at the same time making your work and life harder.”

The Distraction Addiction is particularly fascinating on how technologies have changed certain fields of labor—often for the worse. (64) “Architecture is first and foremostabout thinking...and drawing is a more productive way of thinkingSomewhat less amusing are Pang's solutions for kicking the Internet habit. (65)usual behavior-modification approaches(常见的行为矫正法

) Keep logs to(记录下上网日志) study your online profile(上网概况) and decide what you

can knock out(剔除), download a program like Freedom that locks you out of your browser, or take a “digital Sabbath (安息日)”: “Unless you're a reporter or emergency-department doctor, you'll discover that your world doesn't fall apart when you go offline.

B) go online mainly for entertainment


61. Alex Pang's new book is aimed for readers who________. A) find their work online too stressful


D) can hardly tear themselves away from the Internet(很难让自己远离互联网62. What does Alex Pang try to do in his new book? A) Offer advice on how to use the Internet effectively. C) Predict the trend of future technological development. 63. What is the on multitasking? A) It enables people to work more efficiently. C) It makes people's work and life even harder. 64. What does the author think of ?

A) It considerably cuts down the cost of building design. C) It is indispensable in architects' work process. first and foremost/?f???m??st/首先;首要地/的是65. What is Ales Pang's for Internet users? A) They use the Internet as little as possible.

C) They exercise self-control over their time online. 【解析】keep logs to保存日志/聊天记录第二套Passage one

Questions 56 to 60are based on the following passage.

【解析】tear oneself away from: reluctant to leave ([r?'l?kt?nt])舍不得离开,爱不释手

B) Warn people of the possible dangers of internet use.

D) Examine the influence of technology on the human mind. B) It is a way quite similar to switch-tasking. D) It distracts people's attention from useful work.

B) It somewhat restrains architects' productive thinking.D) It can free architects from laborious drawing.

productive thinking有成效的思维方式

【解析】restrain /r??stre?n/vt. restrict/control/stop/prevent抑/控制;约束;制止

D) They entertain themselves online on off-days only.

(1)New Yorkers are gradually getting used to more pedaling (骑车) passengers on those blazing blue Citi Bikes. But what about local bike shops? Is Citi Bike rolling up(increase) riders at their expense(在损害他们的利益


(2)At Gotham Bikes in Tribeca, a manager W. Ben said the shop has seen an increase in its overall sales(总销售额)due to(=as a result of) the bike-share program. \

employee at Danny's Cycles in Gramercy also said Citi Bike is a good option(=choice) for people to ease into biking in a

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city famed for its traffic jams and and aggressive(好斗的) drivers

Rentals are not a big part of the business at either Gotham Bikes or Danny's Cycles.(3) But for Frank's Bike Shop, a small business on Grand St., the bike-share program has been bad news. Owner Frank Arroyo said his rental business has decreased by 90% since the Citi Bikes were rolled out last month. Arroyo's main rental customers are European tourists, who have since been drawn away by Citi Bikes.

However,(5) Ben said the bike-share is good for bike sales at his shop. \how great it is to bike in the city, then decide that they want something nicer for themselves,\ (5) Christian Farrell of Waterfront Bicycle Shop, on West St. just north of Christopher St., said

initially(=at first) he was

concerned about(=worried about)bike-share, though, he admitted, \ (5) Farrell's early concerns were echoed (随声附和,认同) by Andrew Crooks, owner of NYC Velo, at 64 Second Ave.(4)\seemed like a great idea, but one that would be difficult to implement,\worried about (be concerned about)inexperienced riders' lack of awareness(知道,认识) of biking rules and backlash(强烈反对) from non-cyclists. However, he said, it's still too early to tell if his business has been impacted(=influence).

While it's possible bike-share will cause a drop in business, Crooks allowed that the idea is a positive step forward for New York City.

56 . What is the author's chief concern about the increasing use of Citi Bikes in New York?

A How non-cyclists will respond to it. B Whether local bike shops will suffer. C Whether local bike businesses will oppose it. D How the safety of bike riders can be ensured.

57 . What happened to Gotham Bikesas a result of (due to)the bike-share program?

A It found its bike sales unaffected. B It shifted its business to rentals. C It saw its bike sales on the rise. D It rented more bikes to tourists.

58 . Why is the bike-share program bad news for Frank's Bike Shop?

A It cannot meet the demand of the bike—share program.

B Its customers have been drawn away by (被吸引走了)CitiBikes.C Its bike prices have to be lowered again and again.

59. Why did Andrew Crooks think that the bike—share program would be difficult to execute(=implement)?

A inexperienced riders might break biking rules. B Conflicts might arise among bike rental shops. C Traffic conditions might worsen in the downtown area.

【解析】execute vt. carry out/put into practice/implement实/执行;处死/决60 . What is the general attitude(总体态度) of local bike shops towards Citi Bike?

A Wait-and-see(等待并观望). B Negative(消极否定的). C Indifferent(漠不关心的). D Approving(认可的). Passage Two

Questions 61to 65 are based on the following passage. 61-65 CBCAD

(61)Various studies have shown that increased spending on education has not led to measurable

improvements(带来显著提高) in learning. Between 1980 and 2008,staff and teachers at U.S. public schools grew roughly twice as fast as students. Yet students showed no additional learning in achievement tests.

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Universities show similar trends of increased administration personnel and costs without greater learning, as

documented in Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa's recent book Academically Adrift Limited Learning on College Campuses.

A survey shows that 63% of employers say that recent college graduates don't have the skills they need to succeed and 25% of employers say that entry-level writing skills are lacking.

(62)Some simplistically attribute the decline in our public education system to the drain of the skilled students by private schools, but far more significant events were at work.

Public schools worked well until about the 1970s. In fact, until that time, public schools provided far better education than private ones. It was the under performing students who were threw out of public schools and went to private ones.

(63)A prominent reason public schools did well was that many highly qualified women had few options for working outside the house other than being teachers or nurses. They accepted relatively low pay, difficult working conditions, and gave their very best.

Having such a large supply of talented women teachers meant that society could pay less for their services. (64) Women's liberation opened up new professional(职业/专门的) opportunities for women, and, over time, some of the best left teaching as a career option, bringing about a gradual decline(逐渐下降) in the quality of schooling.

(65)Also around that time, regulations, government, and unions came to dictate pay(规定工资), prevent adjustments, and introduce bureaucratic( /?bj??r??kr?t?k/官僚的) standard for advancement. Large education bureaucracies and unions came to dominate(=rule/control) the landscape, confusing activity with achievement. Bureaucrats regularly rewrite curriculums, talk nonsense about the theories of education, and require ever more administrators. The end result had been that, after all the spending, students have worse math and reading skills than both their foreign peers(同龄人) and earlier generations spending far less on education—as all the accumulating evidence now documents. 61. What do we learn from various studies on America's public education?

A Achievement tests have failed to truly reflect the quality of teaching. with private schools.

C Little improvement in education has resulted from increased spending.D The number of students has increased much faster than that of teachers 62. How do some people explain the decline in public education?

A Government investment does not meet schools' needs.B Skilled students are moving to private schoolsC Qualified teachers are far from adequately paid D Training of students' basic skills is neglected.

【解析】attribute … to…([?'tr?bju?t]=due to) 把……归因于……drain/dre?n/ n. flow out/consume/use up(资源/资金的) 外流; 消耗

63. What was a significant contributor(重大的贡献/重要因素) to the past glory of public schools?

A Well-behaved students.

B Efficient administration.


C Talented women teachers. D Generous pay for teachers.

【解析】prominent['pr?m?n?nt]adj. obvious/excellent /remarkable /brilliant/outstanding/marked64. Why did some of the best women teachers leave teaching?

A New career opportunities were made available to them by women's liberation.B Higher academic requirements made it difficult for them to stay in their jobs. C They were unhappy with the bureaucratic administration in their schools. D The heavy teaching loads left them little time and energy for family life.

65. What does the author think is one of the results of government involvement in education?

A Increasing emphasis on theories of education. B Highly standardized teaching methods. C Students' improved academic performance.

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D An ever-growing number of administration(管理,监管).

【解析】dictate vt.rule/set;规定,命令;指示;口述;听写

第三套56—60BBCAD 61—65 BCBAD Passage one

56. The rise of the Internet has been one of the most transformative developmentst’s tremendous impacts has only just begun.

“Mass adoption of the Internet is driving one of the most exciting social, cultural, and political transformations in history, 57. and unlike earlier periods of change, this time the effects are fully global,” Schmidt and Cohen write in their new book. The New Digital Age.

58t’s that authors dont spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these weeping ’changes.

In their book, the authors provide the most authoritative volume to date that describes — and more importantly predicts —59.and governments must deal with two realities, one physical, and one virtual.

At the core of the book is the idea that

“technology is neutral, but people aren

’t.” By using tt,

对立观点)that has characterized 60.the authors aim to move beyond the now familiar optimist vs. pessimist dichotomy(

many recent debates about whether the rise of the Internet will ultimately be good or bad for society. In an interview with TIME earlier this week, Cohen said although he and his co-author are optimistic about many aspects of the Internet,they监视’().

56.In what way is the rise of the Internet similar to the invention of the printing press and the telegraph?

A.It transforms human history. C.It is adopted by all humanity.

D.It revolutionizes people's thinking.

【解析】transformative developments[tr?ns'f?:m?tiv]革命性的发展57.How do Schmidt and Cohen describe the effects of the Internet?

A.They are immeasurable. C.They are unpredictable.

B.They are worldwide. D.They are contaminating.

58.In what respect is the book The New Digital Age considered inadequate?

A.It fails to recognize the impact of the Internet technology. B.It fails to look into the social implications of the Internet.

C.It lacks an objective evaluation of the role of Internet businesses. 59.What will the future be like when everybody gets online?

A.People will be living in two different realities. B.People will have equal access to information. C.People don’t have to travel to see the world.D.People don

60.What does the passage say about the authors of The New Digital Age?

A.They leave many questions unanswered concerning the Internet. B.They are optimistic about the future of the Internet revolution. C.They have explored the unknown territories of the virtual world. D.They don’t take sides in analyzing the effects of the Internet.Passage two

61. In 1950, a young man would have found it much easier than it is today to get and keep a job in the auto industry.

抵押贷款)payments on an average home with just And in that year the average autoworker could meet monthly mortgage(

13.4 percent of his take-home pay. Today a similar mortgage would claim more than twice that share of his monthly earnings.

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