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Grammatical meaning

147. 问题: ‘frozen, ‘formal’ , ‘consultative’, ‘casual’ and ‘intimate’ 这五个词是总结了什么的划分, 是根据什么的划分?答案: stylistic meaning , 是根据The Five Clocks written by Martin Joos.

148. 问题:But in daily life , we always refer to (formal), (neutral) , (informal).

149.问题: ’Pretty boy, pretty woman , pretty garden, pretty garden , pretty car’,请解释这些词的意义一样不一样?如果不一样请加以理论分析?答案:Collocative meaning, when pretty is used to modify different nouns both animate and inanimate , their collocative meaning are totally different.

150.问题:Table tennis can be replaced by pingpong ball and the name of the bird is also called cuckoo , which can also be reused to refer to the sound of the bird , so their two words are (onomatopoeically) motivated.

151.问题:’Unexpected, expectation, expecting’, these three words are (morphologically) motivated. 152.问题: ’Hopeless, jobless, dislike’, 这三个词是靠什么motivated. ( morphologically motivated) 153.问题:’East or west , home is best’ and ’there is no place like home’. 这两话是使用了什么样的意义构成的?答案: Connotative meaning

第六章: Sense Relations and Semantic Field polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy.(五种关系的名词解释要记住) Two Approaches to Polysemy: 1) Diachronic approach2) Sychronic approach Two Processes of Development

1) radiation (1) radiation is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rayes. (2) the meaning are independent of one another, but can all be traced back to the central meaning. e.g. face, neck

2) concatenation (1) meaning ‘ linking together’, is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its first sense by successive shifts until, in may cases ,there is not a sign of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had at the beginning . (2) In plain terms the meaning reached by the first shift may be shifted a second time, and so on until in the end the original meaning is totally lost. e.g. treacle 注意: 这两种模式的名词解释照样要记(这两种模式只在填空,选择,出过题,还没有以名词解释形式考过)

154问题:In the linguistic study, what are the sense relations and what are the types of sense relations ?答案: A word which is related to the other words is related to them in sense, so it is called sense semantic relations. types of sense relations : polysemy, homonymy, synonymy, antonymy and hyponymy.(五种关系的名词解释要记住)

155.问题:Fruit 与 apples bananas, pineapples, lychees 是什么语义关系?答案:Hyponymy?

156.问题:Fruit 这一类里包含apples, bananas, pineapples, grapes 它们形成了一种什么样的理论? 答案: Semantic field

157. 问题:有的时候在英语中存在着一种语言不共容的现象,那就是反义词的不共容的现象, 那么这种不能够相互溶合,这样的词在反义词当中被称作什么词。比如说:dead , alive , 它们之间的反义关系是什么样的一种关系? 答案:Contradictory terms它们之间形成的语义关系被称作antonymy

158.问题:Contradictory terms 有一个最大的特点是什么? 答案:Mutually exclusive and are non-gradable, They cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow adverbs of intensity like very to qualify them.

159.问题:反义词存在不存在一种包容现象?答案:表明two poles, two extremes,的反义词,它们之间存在一种包容现象,这种包容现象被称作(Middle ground) e.g. huge / tiny( 它们之间存在着big , small , quite big, quite small)e.g. young / old这类反义词被称为(Contrary terms)

160.问题:fast 这个词, 它表示紧的概念时, 它 和loose 是一组反义词,表示快的概念 时,它和slow 是一组反义词, 这样的 一种语义关系算什么样的语义关系?答案: polysemy 161.问题:分析deer , dear 这两个词是什么样的词?答案:Homophone

162.重点: homonyms 有哪三个类别的划分? 1) perfect homonyms e.g. bank , bear2) homographse.g. bow, sow 3) homophones e.g dear, deer right, write, rite

163.重点:Origins of Homonyms 1) Change in sound and spelling 2) Borrowing3) Shortening

164.问题:shortening 可以表现在哪些分支结构构成上? 1) Acronymy 2) Homonymy 3) Narrowing 4) Idioms 重点问题:Homonymy 和 Polysemy 的区别?( 未考过)

165.Rhetoric Features of Homonyms e.g. Long time no sea. ( puns ) humor, sarcasm or ridicule 重点:名词解释 Synonyms Types of Synonyms :1) Absolute synonyms 2) Relative synonyms

166.重要简答题:Sources of Synonyms ( 四大来源, 配以例子说明就可以了) 1) Borrowing 2)Dialects and regional English 3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words 4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions 167.重点:如何区分同义词?(Discrimination of Synonyms ) 1) Difference in denotation2) Difference in connotation 3) Difference in application antonymy :

168.反义关系要点:反义词的三种类别的划分: What are the different types of antonyms? 三种类别的名词解释都要记: 1) Contradictory terms exclusive 特例: they cannot be used in comparative degrees and do not allow adverbs of intensity like very to qualifythem. e.g. single/ married (有可能放在分析里去论述) 2) contrary terms 关键词: two poles or extremes middle ground e.g. rich / poor (中间还可出现well-to-do)3) Relative terms e.g. parent / child , predecessor/ successor

169.问题: What are the characteristics of antonyms?1) Antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition 特例:Many words, though having synonyms, do not find their semantic opposites, e.g. read, hit, house, book, power, magazine. Therefore, in a language, there are a great many more synonyms than antonyms. 2) A word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. (这个特点只适用于polysemous )e.g. fast , dull 3) Antonyms differ in semantic inclusion.(这里讲的包容性是指一个反义词必然包 含着另外一个反义词的绝对的概念) e.g.man/ woman (man 除了指男性,还可以指整个人类, woman 算作人类的一 部分, 所以woman 也算在man 的范畴内,因此,woman 被man 所包容) dog / ***** ( dog 除了指狗类通称,还可以指公狗, *****是母狗, dog指狗类通称的时,*****是狗的一种,因此我们说*****必然被dog所包容,所以,它们之间存在着Semantic inclusion) (语义上的包容性还没有考过) e.g. tall/short, old /young 4) Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intenisty, so each has its own corresponding opposite.(特例)Some words can have two different types of antonyms at the same time, one being the negative and the other opposite,(未考过, 重要的选择或填空内容) e.g. happy / unhappy/ sad ( happy/ unhappy 之间的反义关系是negative, happy/sad 之间的关系是opposite )The use of Antonyms (通常用在习语当中) e.g. rain or sine high and loweasy come, easy go

170.名词解释:Hyponymy (未考过,很重要的概念) Hyponymy : 1) hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. 2)That is to say, the meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. 3) These specific words are known as hyponyms. The general words are the

superordinate terms and the more specific ones are subordinate terms. 注意:hyponyms 和 subordinate 都是指下义词. 比如说:考试给你hammer, saw, spanner这些词, 然后再给你tool这个词, 然后让你用语义关系的理论加以分析这组词?分析: hammer, saw , spanner 都是specific word, 它们和tool 存在的关系是semantic inclusion , 所以too是一个superordinate , hammer, saw, spanner 属于subordinate 或者是hyponyms. (用上下义语义关系进行理论分析的题,也是一个考试的要点) hyponymy ( 它与语义场semantic field具有一定的联系)注意: 上义词与下义词不是一成不变的, 也不是绝对的, 是一个相对的概念,不同的语义场就存在不同的上下义关系. 171.重点:Semantic Field (名词解释) (未考过) Semantic Field: 1)The massive word store a language like English can be conceived of as composed around a number of meaning areas, some large, and others smaller. Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory. 2) The German linguist Trier saw vocabulary as ‘an integrated system of lexemes interrelated in sense. Therefore, the ‘words of languages can be classified into semantically related sets or fields. 3) According to Trier’s vision of fields, the whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields. 4)Words in each field are semantically related and define one another.注意:答语义场的简答题与它的名词解释相同.

172.问题:在反义关系中, 同一个词具有不同的涵义, 因此也就具有了多个不同的反义词 ( true or false )问题: true e.g. fast, dull 问题: 反义词分为哪三类:1) Contradictory terms 2) Contrary terms 3) Relative terms 173.问题:可以用形容词比较级, 可以用程度副词 加以修饰的反义词是属于哪一类?答案: Contradictory terms 174.问题: 可以接纳一个Middle ground, 这样的词是属于哪一类反义词?答案:contrary terms

175.问题: Husband and wife , man and woman 这都是表示性别的反义词,但是他们属于同一类反义词的划分,

对还是错?答: 错 husband and wife : relative terms man and woman : contradictory terms

176.问题: empty 与 vacant 这两个词都表示空荡荡的感觉, empty表示的是修饰容积,容量, 没有填充物的空荡荡, 而vacant 表示的是一个not occupied, not taken 所以一般我们说没有放家具的房间叫做vacant apartment, 而人去楼空的房间叫empty room, 请从同义词的角度对这种用法加以分析? (书111 页)答案: Differnece in application : Empty, vacant are synonyms, but their collocations are not the same. Empty implies that there is no one or nothing inside while vacant suggests that something or some place is not occupied. 177.问题: 反义词之间存在不存在包容性概念semantic inclusion, 请举例说明?答案: e.g. man / woman , dog/ ***** tall/ short, old /young 问题:Face 具有不同的它有一个primary meaning也有很多的derived meanings ,那么,这种基本语义和派生语义体现在face的身上, 是用哪一种方法论研究得出来的结果?答案: diachronic approach

178.像车轮式一样进行发展的语义属于哪一种模式? 举例说明?答案: radiation e.g. face, neck 问题:harvest 它的意思是time of cutting, time of harvest, 现在是指yield of grain or food 是哪一种方法论得出的. 答案: diachronic approach

179.问题:huge/tiny, 这是一组反义词, 请从反义关系的角度来分析这是哪一种类型的反义词,并加以理论的解释? 答案:contrary terms

180.Antonyms of this kind form part of a scale of values between two poles and can accommodate a middle ground belong neither to one pole nor to the other as shown below: huge/very big/big/quite big / medium-sized/ quite small/small/ tiny( 这种分析题目易考)看例子: desk, table, chair, cupboard , 这些词都算在什么范畴之内, 加以理论分析?答案:这些词都属于furnature, furnature 是superordinate, desk , table ... 是furniture 的subordinate words 或者称作hyponyms ,它们之间形成的relationship is called hyponymy. 第七章: Changes in Word Meaning 两个大的部分: 1. Types of Semantic changes (五种) (1)extension extension 又被称作generalization e.g ’manuscript’ original meaning ’ handwritting---now ’any author’s writing whether written by hand or typed with a type-writer \only barely’---now ’storeroom’(2)narrowing narrowing 又被称作specializatione.g. \just ’deer’ \---now ’maize’only ’garage’ any safe place---’ a place for storing cars’ (3) degradation degradation 又被称作pejoratione.g. \\\又被称作 ameliratione.g. \now elevated to ’delight, pleasant’\horses---now means ’high-ranking army officer’\---now

means ’policeman’(5) transfer e.g. paper ( p140) the lip of a wound ( associated transfer) purse for ’money’ (associated transfer ) clear-sounding ( transfer of sensations ) 2.Causes of

Changes :1)extra linguistic factors(1) historical reasona word is retained for a name thogh the meaning has changed because the referent has changed. e.g. \ball-pens, fountains pens increased scientific knowledge and discovery are also important factors. (2) class reasonelevation and degradation (3) Psychological reasonThe associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words Religious influence is another kind of psychological need. e.g. \on p.143 2)linguistic factorsThe change of meaning may be caused by internal factors within the

language system. Especially when a phrase is shortened to one word which retains the meaning of the whole.The influx of borrowings has caused some words to change in meaning.The competition of native words eventually resulted in the semantic division. 语义扩大的三个特例:1)polysemic words of modern English 2)technical terms3)from proper nouns to common words 181.问题:由普通变成专有名词算哪一类词类变化模式?答案: Narrowing

182.问题: 词义缩小有几个特例?答案:有三个特例1) From common words to proper nouns e.g. city ---> the City pennisular --->the Pennisular profit --->the Profit 2) shortening3) material nouns

183.问题: 以下的词的词义的变化由什么模式造成的: 1)lust 最早是指人的一种pleasure快乐,现在是指sexual pleasure, 这种词义变化属于哪一种模式?答案: degradation. 2)Editorial article 缩写为editorial 这是属于哪一种词义变化的模式?答案: Narrowing 3) the Pennisular : 专指利比利亚半岛,那么这个词的形成是属于哪一种模式?

答案:Narrowing , 因为它是由common words 变成了proper nouns , 4) Sandwitch , 最早是指三明治这个家族, 但是现在是指一切快餐类食品,这种词义的变化属于哪一种答案:Extension 5)问题:多义词具有了不同的语义, 这种词义变化模式属于哪一类?答案:Extension 6) 问题:liquor 最早是指所有液体的通称, 现在专门指alcoholic drinking , 这种词义的变化算哪一种模式?答案:Narrowing or specialization 7) car 最早是指马拉的战车, 但是现在就是指小轿车,那么这种词义的变化算是哪一个原因造成的?答案:Extra linguistic factor中的historical reason 8) computer 最早是指人的手工劳动的计算,后来是指占地面积非常大的计算机,现在的计算机就是指micro computer ,那么computer 词义的变化算哪一个原因造成的?答案: Extra linguistic fator 中的historical

reason , 9) 这时的computer 指代的是哪一种模式?或者是说哪一种理据的构成?答案:Etymological motivation 10)在南北战争时期, 南方的人一见到北方的人就胆战心惊,所以把北方的人比作rattle snake ,那么南方人的 这种用词,它是哪一种原因造成的?答案:Extralinguistic factor中的psychological reason. 11) 问题:最早的纸是来自非洲的一种做纸的植物叫papyrus, 后来就用paper这个词指代所有的纸张,尽管造纸 的技术和原料变了, 但是paper 这个名词却被保留了下来, 这算词义变化的哪一种模式?答案:transfer (书140页) 12) 问题: Extention 又被称作什么,哪一种词类的变化最能说明这个原因?答案: generalization, from proper nouns to common nouns. 13) 问题:Narrowing 最能表现词义缩小的是哪一类?答案: From common nouns to proper nouns

184.1)A concept is universal to all men regardless of____A) culture B) race C) language D) all of the above答案:D 2)问题: Mouth 在 the mouth of river这个习语 , 它采用了哪一种motivated ?答案: semantically motivated 3)问题: Radiation and concatenation are different stages of development leading to polysemy , generally , radiation 和concatenation 哪一个出现的早?答案: radiation proceeds concatenation 4)问题:Of the most words meaning changes , which are most productive , which are most common?答案:Extension and narrowing 5) 问题: wife 由最早是指所有的woman 变为了married woman , 这是属于哪一种?答案:Narrowing6) 问题: Angel 由最早的messenger 变成了messenger by god , 是哪一个词义变化模式?答案: Elvervation 7) 问题: silly 它现在的词义是foolish, 它是哪一种语义的变化模式?答案: Degradation 8)问题: cukoo, 它既指布谷鸟的声音,也可以指布谷鸟, 它是哪种理据构成的词?答案:

Onomatopoeic Motivation 9)问题: Italian , 它是哪一个语系分支当中的哪一个语族? 答案: Indo-European language family Western set Italic 10)问题: Greek 属于哪一个语系当中的哪一个小的语系当中的哪一个语族?答案: Indo-European language family Western set Hellenic 11)问题: fair and square, 这属于Idioms中的哪一个类别?答案: Phonetic manipulation 中的 Rhyme

185.问题:What are the characteristics of antonyms?答案:有四个: 1) Semantic opposition2) A word which ahs more than one meaning can have more than one antonym. 3) Semantic inclusion 4) Contrary terms are gradable antonyms, differing in degree of intensity, so each has its own corresponding opposite.

186.问题: \请你从语境的角度来分析?答案:This is wrong sentence, because it has two problems : 1)Ambiguity 2)Indication of reference According to two functions of Context1) Elimination of ambiguity2) Indication of ReferenceThis sentence can be corrected as follows : 1)what a nice smell, the chicken is ready to eat. 2) The chicken is hungery, so the chicken needs foods. A concept has referring expressions ____.A) one B) many C)a few D) none of the above.答案:B The grammatical meanings of a word refer to the part of the meaning of a word which indicate grammatical concept or relationship, such as ____ . A) part of speech of a word B)Singular and plural forms C) tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms D) All of the above.答案: D)

187.问题:pick and choose , 它算习语中的哪一个类别?答案:reiteration (同义词叠用)

188.问题:rain or shine , 它算习语中的哪一类答案:Juxtaposition (反义词叠用)kith and kin alliteration ,might and main ,alliteration cooked 这是哪一种, 请从词缀的角度来加以区别cookedinflectional affixation employer derivational affixes 名词解释:connotative meaning : is also known as connnotation What are the differences between hymonyms and polysemyms ? face 是多义词 , ball 不是

189.论述题: I met a write rwho is the relation of a politician. I met a newspaper reporter who is the brother of Senator Buckley.以上这两句话哪一话好,好在哪里?(p119)注意:答这个论述题时先说哪句好,然后加以分析,最后要答上下义关系hyponymy 的名词解释。

190.第8章 meaning and Context 1 Context 如何进行分类两种: 1) Linguistic context,In a narrow sense,

it refers to the words, clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is known as linguistic context which may cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book.2) Extra-linguistic context or non-linguistic context IN a broad sense, it includes the physical situation as well. This is called extra-linguistic or non-linguistic context, which embraces the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background. Context 这两个分类也就是它的名词解释1)Linguistic context Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and grammatical context。Lexical context refers to the words that occur together with the word in question. The meaning of the word is offten affected and defined by the neighbouring words. Grammatical context In some cases, the meanings of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. This is what we call grammatical context.

191.重点:简答题: What is linguistic context?(这道简答题没考过, 但是整个context 考过) 重点:The role of Context 语境的作用?三个作用: 1) Elimination of Ambiguity ,Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy and homonymy2) Indication of Referents Without clear context, the reference can be very confusing. 3) Provision of Clues for Inferring Wordmeaning在3) 中又包括八种线索: (1) Definition (2) Explanation (3) Example (4) Synonymy (5) Antonymy (6) Hyponymy (7) Relevant details (8) Word structure 第 九章: English Idioms 这一章关键是要记习语,这些习语都要记。

192.名词解释: Idioms (重点) (1)Idioms consist of set phrases and short sentences which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with the native cultures and ideas.(2)Strickly speaking, idioms are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meaning of indiviudal elements. (3)In forms idioms may include colloquialisms, catchphrases, slang expressions.

193. 9.1 Characteristics of Idioms 9.1.1 semantic unity (重点)1) idioms each consist of more than one word. 2) in the idiom words have lost their individual identity. 3) quite often the idiom functions as one word. e.g. \9.1.2 Structural stability ( 重点) 1) the structure of an idiom is to a large exten unchangeable. first , the constituents of idioms cannot be replaced. e.g. \not in fact ) \Secondly, the word order cannot be inverted or changed. e.g. twos and threes; tit for tat; the lion’s share 3) Thirdly, the constituents of an idioms cannot be deleted or added to , not even an article. e.g. out of the question means ’ impossible’ in question ( being considered) 4) Finally , many idioms are grammatical unanalysable, e.g. diamond cut diamond ( two parties are equally matched ) like cures like (as) sure as eggs ( quite certainly ) stepped up ( improve or enhance) in the raw ( naked ) turnn over a new leaf ( begin a new life ) draw the curtain ( end or concel )

9.2 Classification of Idioms The difficulty in using idioms lies first in the difficulty of grasping the elusive and figurative meaning, of determining the syntactic functions of idioms e.g. heart and soul ( adverbial ) Idioms may be classified into five groups: 1) Idioms Nominal in Nature 2) Idioms Adjectival in Nature3) Idioms Verbal in Nature(五类中最重要的)

194.注意:考试的一个要点在这, 动词性习语有哪两类划分?(1) phrasal verbs : 短语动词(2) verbal phrases : 动 词短语4) Idioms Adverbial in Nature e.g. \pleasant or easy life 0 5) Sentence Idioms 9.3 Use of Idioms The rhetoric characteristics of idioms such as : stylistic features, rhetoric features and their occasional variations. 9.3.1 Stylistic Feature; Such expressions were all colloquial and informal and once confined to a limited group of people engaged in the same trade or activity. But they proved terse, vivid, forcible and stimulating so that later they broke out of their bounds and gradualy gained wide acceptance.As a result, their early stylistic features faded in part and many became part of the common core of the language and are now used in different situations. 9.3.2 Rhetorical Features ( examples are very important ) 1) phonetic manipulation (1) Alliteration (2) Rhyme 2) Lexical manipuation (1) Reiteration ( duplication of synonyms ) e.g. hustle and bustle cut and carve odds and ends (2) Repetition e.g. word for word year in year out (3) Juxtaposition ( of antonyms ) e.g. up and down hit or miss rain and shine 3. Figures of speech (1) Simile e.g. as dead as a doornail sleep like a log (2) Metaphor Animals are used to refer to people, e.g. grey mare snake in

the grass Inanimate things to refer to people e.g. a new broom flat tire the salt of the earth Things to refer to something else, e.g. bed of dust a wet blanket black bottle Actions, state to refer to abstract ideas or other actions, state, etc. e.g. sit on the fence cut the ground from under sb. fall from grace (3) Metonymy : idioms in which the name of one thing is used for that of another associated with it. (4) Synecdoche: substituting part for the whole e.g. fall into good hands earn one’s bread (5)

Personification e.g. The pot calls the cattle back (6) Euphemism 9.3.3 Variations of Idioms 1) Replacement 2) Addition or deletion 3) Position-shifting 4) Shortening 5) Dismembering 195.问题:classification of idioms可分为哪几类?答案:Idioms may be classified into five groups : 1) Idioms Nominal in Natural 2) Idioms Adjectival in Nature 3) Idioms Verbal in Nature 4) Idioms Adverbial in Nature 5) Sentence Idioms

196.问题:Sentence idioms 如何分类: ( 选择或填空还未考过)答案: They embrace declarative,

interrogative, imperative and exclamative sentences.In terms of complexity Sentence Idioms can be further divided into simple, compound and complex sentences. 注意:习语中的特例有可能是填空内容: (Exception1) This class contains numerous prepositional phrases, which in nature are either adjectival or adverbial and in many cases have both functions at the same time. (Exception2 )Sentence Idioms are mainly proverbs and sayings, including colloquialisms and catchphrases, including colloquialisms and catchphrases. (Exception3)In terms of complexity Sentence Idioms can be further divided into simple, compound and complex sentences. (Exception4) forms and functions of idioms are not necessarily identical.

197. 问题:What are the rhetorical features of idioms?答案:1)Phonetic manipulation (1) Alliteration (2) Rhyme 2) Lexical manipulation (1) Reiteration (2) Repetition (3) Juxtaposition 198.问题:Figures of speech ( 大的修饰格6个, 小的修饰格4个)答案: 1) Simile 2) Metaphor 3) Metonymy 4) Synecdoche5) Personification 6) Euphemism (1) humourous (2) ironic and sardonic in tones (3) derogatory (4) hyperbole

199.重点简答题: Metonymy 和Synecdoche , 这两种修饰有何区别? ( 未考过)答案:Both metonymy and synecdoche involve substitution of names, yet they differ in that the former is a case of using the name of one thing for another closely associated with it and the latter is that of substituting part for the whole and vice versa. 习语的分析:(挑出习语加以分析,它是哪一个类型, 然后加以解释) e.g. He goes to the service , rain or shine.答:In this sentence, rain or shine, is an idiom. rain or shine is composed in Juxtaposition. It is Idiom adverbial in nature改写后:He goes to the service, no matter what the weather looks like , no matter what and no matter what kind of difficulties.

200.第十章 English Dictionaries 词典这一部分在填空或选择时出现的可能是最大的1) 词典的种类2)每一种词典的特殊性也是考试的要点:比如:CCELD它的最大特殊性是它的extra column3) 每一种词典的vocabulary stock 也是考试的要点:



