【关键词】 超声检
Observation on changes of lowerlimb veins in women before and after delivery by twodimensional ultrasound and color Doppler flow imaging
【Abstract】 AIM: To observe the changes of the lowerlimb venous system of women before and after delivery,to explore the causes and incidence of the lowerlimb venous thrombosis during gestation and puerperium, and to discuss the diagnostic value of twodimensional(2D) ultrasound and color Doppler flow image(CDFI). METHODS: Ninetysix pregnant and postpartum women were recruited for the study. Femoral veins, great saphenous veins and small saphenous veins were assessed in both lower limbs using 2D ultrasound and CDFI. The diameters were measured. The spontaneous blood flow echogenicity, venous thrombosis and reflux were observed in each vein. RESULTS: All veins dilated
with increasing gestation. The diameters of the great saphenous veins increased significantly (P<0.05). Spontaneous blood flow echogenicity in the femoral veins was clearly visible and marked in 39.1% of cases during the second trimester of pregnancy and 92.5% during the third trimester. The vein thrombosis was formed most easily within 3 months after delivery. CONCLUSION: The increase in lowerlimb venous pressure during pregnancy leads to venous distention and worsens blood stasis. The examination by ultrasound diagnosis can demonstrate the situation of lowerlimb veins safely and quickly, and can give more valuable information for clinical prevention and treatment.
【Keywords】 pregnancy; leg; veins; ultrasonography, doppler, color
【摘要】 目的: 观察孕、产妇下肢静脉的变化,探讨妊娠期、产褥期下肢静脉血栓形成的病因、发生率及彩色多普勒超声诊断的应用价值. 方法: 利用二维及彩色多普勒超声测量96例孕、产妇不同时期的股静脉及大、小隐静脉的内径,观察血管内血流自显影、有无血栓及彩色多普勒血流显像情况. 结果: 随着孕龄增加,下肢静脉内径逐渐增宽,大隐静脉表现最为显著(P<0.05). 中、晚孕期,股静脉内血流自显影发生率较高(中孕39.1%,晚孕92.5%). 产后3
mo内是下肢静脉血栓最易形成阶段. 结论: 孕妇下肢静脉压的升高导致了下肢静脉扩张,血流淤积,成为静脉血栓形成的易发因素. 超声检查可安全、快速地了解孕妇妊娠期下肢静脉的功能变化,为临床的预防和治疗措施提供有价值的信息.
【关键词】 妊娠;腿;静脉;超声检查,多普勒,彩色
妊娠可引起孕妇下肢静脉发生一系列重要的变化,并由此可导致一些血管症状的发生和并发症的出现. 我们利用超声检查所特有的安全、无创、简便的特点,对不同孕龄的孕妇、产妇的下肢静脉进行观察研究.
1.1对象选自200410/200507期间前来我科检查的孕、产妇96例,平均年龄27.6岁,所有观察对象均排除高血压、糖尿病、心力衰竭及外周血管病等病史. 按不同时期,将所有观察对象分为早孕组(21例)、中孕组(23例)、晚孕组(25例)以及产后组(分娩后3 mo内27例),各组之间的年龄、身高、体质量无明显差异.