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学院、系 艺术设计系
专业名称 环境艺术设计 年 级 2008级 学生姓名 张 旗 指导教师 刘 莹
2012年 3月20日
摘 要:
Restaurant interior design ideas and creativity on the restaurant 's success, with the role of play a decisive role, should be paid special attention to the creative idea of clever, conform to no conventional pattern, pay attention to mental performance, it is the key to success. Theme restaurant soft decoration art application is the shape of natural beauty and artistic beauty of the important means. In the styles of interior design tends to be diversified today, theme restaurant design should not only meet the functional needs, should give full consideration to the person's feeling, soft decoration in the restaurant in the use, can be achieved with theme restaurant space character and atmosphere harmonious aim. In this rapidly changing society, people have more and more job stress, providing people with a good dining environment can relieve their stress, improve the quality of life. Give some culture theme, design\an important way for the people to be good at observing, design and analysis of a variety of social demand and the social cultural psychology. Soft decoration art as an art design type, to convey the rhythm and tempo, a public art form, is a theme restaurant design is a kind of important elements. Make good use of soft decoration art, to promote the restaurant 's image, enhance restaurant attraction is particularly important.
Key words: Soft decoration,theme,dining space,role