2002-7-0027 Rev. 00 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION FOR INNEX CABLE CONNECTORS SIZE 3 FOR EXTRUDED CABLE WITH A COPPER TAPE SCREEN INNEX SYSTEM CONNECTOR TECHNICAL DATA TYPE NOMINAL OPERATING CURRENT MAXIMUM SYSTEM VOLTAGE (Um): BASIC IMPULSE LEVEL (BIL) SCREEN TYPE IC 1250A 1250 A 42 kV 200 kV COPPER TAPE Rev. 01 Date 09/09/11 Check D.M. Approved D.M. Description Add note for outer jacket with sem.conductive. Page. 1/9 2002-7-0027 Rev. 00 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION FOR INNEX CABLE CONNECTORS SIZE 3 FOR EXTRUDED CABLE WITH A COPPER TAPE SCREEN CHECK LIST ITEM A Q.TY 1 DESCRIPTION PREASSEMBLED ALUMINIUM END BELL: - n° 1 aluminium end bell. - n° 1 spring. - n° 1 thermoplastic tube. - n° 1 gasket. - n° 3 screw. - n° 1 ring. - n° 1 test lead (on request). CONTACT RING 接触环
PAIR OF POLYTHENE GLOVES 聚乙烯手套PAPER TISSIUE EARTH CONNECTION: - n° 1 end connector for M12screw. - n° 1 end connector for M8 screw - l=1000mm of copper braid (cross section of 16 mmq) - n° 1 screw M8x30 UNI 5739 - n° 1 washer 8.4x17 UNI 6592 - n° 1 nut M8 DIN 934 - n° 1 elastic washer 8.4x17 800mm OF COPPER BRAID (25 SQMM) 接地辫SEMI-CONDUCTIVE TAPE 半导体胶带ROLLO SPRING 应力弹簧
SEMICONDUCTING TAPE 半导体胶带INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION ?? ?? B C D E F G H I L M N O P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Q R S T U 1 1 1 1 1 ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Page. 2/9 2002-7-0027 Rev. 00 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION FOR INNEX CABLE CONNECTORS SIZE 3 FOR EXTRUDED CABLE WITH A COPPER TAPE SCREEN 1. CABLE REFERENCE 1.1. Train the cable as near as possible to its final position, line up the base of the metallic flange with the cable and make a reference line on the cable (see diagram below). PLEASE NOTE: DISTANCE L MUST BE A MINIMUM OF 260 mm. 2. PARKING COMPONENTS 2.1. From the reference line previously applied on the cable, apply another reference line 30mm away from the cable end. This will be the Datum Mark for the installation of the connector (see diagram below). 2.2. Clean the outer sheath for a length of 1 m and park the heat-shrinkable tube and the pre-assembled end bell onto the cable as shown below. 3. PREPARATION OF CABLE 3.1. If the jacket is with semi-conductive coating remove it for a distance of 300 mm from the Datum Mark. 3.2. Apply a layer of water sealing mastic 220 mm from the Datum mark as shown below. 3.3. Remove the outer sheath up to the Datum Mark as shown below. Page. 3/9 2002-7-0027 Rev. 00 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION FOR INNEX CABLE CONNECTORS SIZE 3 FOR EXTRUDED CABLE WITH A COPPER TAPE SCREEN 4. POSITIONING OF THE COPPER TAPE SCREEN 4.1. From the cable end to the DATUM MARK remove the outer sheath. 4.2. Cut off the copper tapes in order to expose them of 40mm to the outer sheath. 5. REMOVING THE SEMI-CONDUCTIVE INSULATION SCREEN 5.1. Remove the semi-conductive insulation screen up to 30 mm from the edge of the outer sheath. 5.2. Remove any traces of conductive residue from the core insulation. 6. REMOVE THE CABLE INSULATION 6.1. Remove the insulation and the conductor screen 85 mm from the cable end as shown below. IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE CABLE INSULATION IS CUT 90 DEGREES TO THE CONDUCTOR IN ORDER TO OBTAIN A SQUARE END ON THE INSULATION. 6.2. Wrap PVC tape around the end of the conductor to protect the stress cone during installation as shown below. Page. 4/9 2002-7-0027 Rev. 00 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTION FOR INNEX CABLE CONNECTORS SIZE 3 FOR EXTRUDED CABLE WITH A COPPER TAPE SCREEN 7. SCREEN CONNECTION 7.1. 7.2. 7.3. 7.4. 7.5. Position the end of the copper braid on the metal tape screen. Wrap the roll spring twice over the earth braid in the direction of the metal tape screen wrap. Fold the earth braid back over the roll spring. Wrap the rest of the roll spring around the earth braid. Stretch length of semiconducting tape by approx. 1/3 and apply it begin to the semiconducting insulation screen cut for 5 mm wide and apply back up to the outer sheath. 8. ASSEMBLY OF THE SEALING END 8.1. Thoroughly clean the cable insulation and the stress cone (inside and outside) using the paper tissue supplied, moistened with cable cleaning solvent. 8.2. Using the plastic gloves supplied, lightly lubricate the cable insulation and the bore of the stress cone to facilitate installation. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO USE ONLY A PART OF THE SPECIAL GREASE SUPPLIED, AS THE REST WILL BE USED TO LUBRICATE THE BORE OF BUSHING AND THE OUTSIDE SURFACE OF THE STRESS CONE LATER IN THE INSTALLATION. 9. ASSEMBLY THE CONTACT 9.1. Push the stress control, smoothly and without twisting, onto the cable up to the insulation expose of 4 mm to the bore of stress control. 9.2. Remove any excess of special grease and also the PVC tapes applied before. 9.3. Slide the thrust piece onto the cable conductor. Page. 5/9