Unit 7 Part I Warming up
1. Help the old
The elderly at home and in the neighborhood, especially those living alone, need your care and support. Show your concern and attend to their needs wherever possible. Your support warms their hearts and brings them hope. If you find any elderly people in need of help, call the Social Welfare Department hot line on or contact the nearby Family Services Center.
2. Keep Hong Kong clean
Hong Kong not only is one of the world's greatest cities, it's also our home. So let's all start taking more pride in its appearance. Let's keep Hong Kong clean.
3. For a better society
At different stages of life, we have different roles to play. As good citizens, we are willing to do our part for a better society.
4. Don't litter
You can try walking away from litter, but you can't walk away from a fine. Use the bin or risk a $ 25,000 fine and six months' imprisonment.
5. Aids hot line
We are about to use a 4-letter word. This word can clear a room. This word makes some people sick. This word leaves others in disgust. Some people pretend it doesn't exist. Others wish it would go away. You won't hear it in mixed company. You won't hear it used at home. And you certainly won't hear it in schools. The fact is if more people use this word, less people would be affected by it.
6. Equal opportunities
True harmony can only exist when men and women have equal opportunities. Sex discrimination destroys this harmony and is unlawful. Stand up for equal opportunity. The equal opportunities commission hot line: .
7. For your health
When traveling abroad, you should take preventive measures against cholera, hepatitis A and other diarrheal diseases. Drink only boiled water or bottled and canned drinks. Avoid eating cut fruits or fruits that are not cleansed. When you take shellfish, make sure they are thoroughly cooked. Always keep an eye on food hygiene. Please stay healthy. B.
I. Violent crime
A. Including robbery, assault, murder, rape
B. Murder rate: twice as high as 30 years ago
C. Violent crime rate in general: increased 23% (in the same time period)
II. White-collar crime
A. Including embezzlement, bribery, Political corruption, corporate policies that endanger workers and the public
B. White-collar crime rate in general: increased
III. Solutions:
A. Family: through socialization -- leading children to respect themselves, others, and the values of the society
B. Government.
1. By helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims
2. By instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminals
Looking into crime and violence in the United States is like
opening the proverbial can of worms. So many different problems emerge from the can that you sometimes feel the more you know, the less you understand. What is very clear and indisputable, however, is that violent crime has increased greatly in the United States in recent decades. By violent crime, I mean crimes like robbery, assault, murder, and rape. The murder rate is twice as high as 30 years ago, and violent crime in general has increased 23 percent in the same time period. What is also clear is that the general public is afraid -- afraid of becoming victims of violent crime. Statistics are harder to come by for white-collar crime, crimes including embezzlement, bribery, political corruption, and corporate policies that endanger workers and the
public. But many experts agree that there has been an increase in white-collar crime, too.
As for solutions, I think most of us would agree that the family can play a role in reducing crime in the United States: through socialization, which leads children to respect themselves, others, and the values of their society. Moreover, I think society, in the form of government, has a role to play in reducing crime: by helping people to feel that they are part of the society instead of its victims. The government, in the form of the justice system, can also contribute to curbing crime by instilling the fear of punishment in those who might become criminals.
Part II
1. What are the two aspects mentioned concerning the nature of gambling addicts
--Coming from homes lacking love / looking for wants of family love and parental approval
--Unconsciously wanting to lose
3. In what ways can gambling addicts hopefully be cured
--By psychiatric treatment
--By word therapy
--By help from organizations like \
Compulsive gamblers almost always come from homes lacking (in) love. As a result, the child grows up still looking for the wants of family love and parental approval. Another aspect to the nature of the gambling addict is that unconsciously he wants to lose.
Psychiatrists believe that compulsive gamblers consciously may expect to win. However, there's a strong element of self-destruction in an inclination to continue betting until all is lost. One New York psychiatrist believes that basically the compulsive gambler is seeking an answer to the question: Do you love me By winning, he receives a \because it is contrary to the reality of his or her unhappy childhood, one lacking (in) family love. The gambler's compelled to continue betting, thus expressing again and again his need for love and acceptance. When gambling addicts do win some money, they rarely spend any of it on their families. Money is like a sacred thing to the addicts. It is reserved for one thing: placing a bet.
Fortunately, there's hope and help today for gambling addicts. Psychiatric treatment is one possibility. Word therapy seems to help in some cases. The most readily available and the least expensive help comes from an organization called \Anonymous\(GA). GA has more than 90 chapters in the . with about 3,000 gamblers seeking a cure. One basic rule of GA is the gamblers must pay back all their debts, even it takes many years to do so. Thousands of members credit GA with saving them from their addiction, and helping them to build new lives free from the gambling sickness.
Happily, today, with more public interest in helping the gambling addict overcome his problem, and with such organizations as the GA, the gambler who wants help to break his addiction, now has some place or some one to turn to.
B. Summary
Though in almost all the states in America, parents are held responsible for their kids' misdeeds at schools like destroying school property or missing school, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable when their kids commit crimes, such as dealing in drugs, weapons possession and gang banging.
More lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime, because the most important influence on the development of a child is the parent. But parenting is not an easy thing. And it gets harder as kids get older. When a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. By 15 to 16 years of age, children are treated as quasi-adults and many of them lead very separate life that parents are not fully informed of.
Parental liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more helps for parents in raising their children. Experts say what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws.
In just about every state, parents are held responsible for certain misdeeds of their children, especially for school related, like destroying school property or missing school. But when kids commit crimes whether it's dealing in drugs, weapons possession or gang banging, only 13 states hold parents criminally liable. Now in the wake of the Colorado shootings, more lawmakers are saying parents should be jailed or fined when their kids commit a crime. And there seems to be a certain logic to this trend. The most important influence on the development of a child is the parent.
What people really want is good parenting. The question is. Can state legislatures legislate good parenting
There should be a law that does punish parents for leaving a loaded gun around accessible for children.
\way that that child will not have bad thoughts or be depressed, or not hang around with the wrong kids, you
are trying to legislate something that you know... Parenting is not an easy thing. This is a hard job.\
And it gets harder as kids get older. Study shows that when a child becomes a teenager, parents' involvement with their children under education drops sharply. This complicates matters with the courts if they are to prove that parents should have known about the child's intentions to commit a crime or stop the child from doing it.
By 15 to 16 years of age, children in this country are treated as quasi-adults.
\of those young people are working. They have a strong peer group affiliation. Perhaps we might have some idealistic view that a law will then force parents to hold daily sessions with their children, ask them what they are doing. I just don't think that's going to work.\
Parent liability laws will not work unless they're part of a much larger effort that includes more help for parents in raising their children, whether they want it or not.
\merit not only in helping the child in their situation, but also helping the home situation.\
According to the National Association of State Legislatures, half a dozen states are expected to take up the issue of parental liability this year. Family law experts say that what's most needed now is a thorough review of the effectiveness of such laws, before more putting in place, because as far, they simply don't seem to be deterring school shootings, let alone bad parenting.
Part III Drug therapy
A. You are going to hear a report about drug therapy. A1.
1. What is the worry put forward by a United Nations drug agency. Some legal prescription drugs are being taken in worrying quantities in the West.
2. What problems are growing in developed countries
In developed countries, the prevalence of anxiety and insomnia and the consumption of sedative hypnotics are growing
3. What kind of drugs are often given hastily
Drugs to treat psychological disorders are often given hastily, and without considering the underlying causes