About the local area network communication protocol in Chinese and English language compared 一、引言
First, the introduction
To achieve normal communication between networks is necessary to choose the appropriate communication protocol, there are many people mistakenly believe that the communication protocol is TCP/IP protocol, as long as Internet properly connected, the other agreement is useless, in fact, different network protocol has its existence is necessary.
二、通信协议的分类组建网络时,必须选择一种网络通信协议,使得用户之间能够相互进行“交流”。协议(Protocol)是网络设备用来通信的一套规则,这套规则可以理解为一种彼此都能听得懂的公用语言。关于网络中的协议可以概括为两类:“内部协议”和“外部协议”。 Second, the classification of the communication protocol to form a network, you must select a network communication protocol, allows the user between \to each other. Communication Protocol (Protocol) is a network device used for a set of rules, the rules can be understood as a kind of common language can understand each other. About the network protocol can be summarized as two types: \
1、内部协议1978年,国际标准化组织(ISO)为网络通信制定了一个标准模式,称为OSI/RM(Open System Interconnect/Reference Model,开放系统互联参考模型)体系结构。该结构共分七层,从低到高分别是物理层、数据链路层、网络层、传输层、会话层、表示层和应用层。其中,任何一个网络设备的上下层之间都有其特定的协议形式,同时两个设备(如工作站与服务器)的同层之间也有其使用的协议约定。在这里,将这种上下层之间和同层之间的协议全部定义为“内部协议”。内部协议在组网中一般很少涉及到,它主要提供给网络开
1, internal agreement in 1978, the international organization for standardization (ISO) set a standard for network communication Model, called the OSI/RM (Open System Interconnect/Reference Model of Open System interconnection) Reference Model architecture. The structure is divided into seven layers, from low to high respectively is the physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, presentation layer and application layer. On any network device of the lower form, has its specific agreement between the two devices at the same time, such as workstations and servers between tree also has its use agreement. Here, on the lower level and provided between all the agreement, defined as \agreement\between. Internal agreements rarely involved in the network, it is mostly used for web developers, if only in order to form a network, not to ignore the internal agreement.
2、外部协议外部协议即组网时所必须选择的协议。由于它直接负责计算机之间的相互通信,所以通常称为网络通信协议。自从网络问世以来,有许多公司投入到了通信协议的开发中,如IBM、Banyan、Novell、Microsoft等。每家公司开发的协议,最初都是为了满足自己的网络通信,但随着网络应用的普及,不同网络之间进行互联的要求越来越迫切,因此通信协议就成为解决网络之间互联的关键技术。就像使用不同母语的人与人之间需要一种通用语言才能交谈一样,网络之间的通信也需要一种通用语言,这种通用语言就是通信协议。目前,局域网中常用的外部协议主要有NetBEUI、IPX/SPX及其兼容协议和TCP/IP三类。 2, external protocol external network formation must be selected by agreement. Because it is directly responsible for the computer to communicate with each other, so often referred to as a network communication protocol. Since the advent of Internet, there are many companies in the development of the communication protocol, such as IBM, Banyan, Novell, Microsoft, etc. Each company development agreement, first is to satisfy their own network communication, but with the popularity of network applications, requirements of interconnection between different network has become more and more urgent, so the communication protocol has become the key to solve network interconnection between technologies. Like to use a different mother tongue between people need a common language to talk, network communication between the also need a kind of common language, the language is a communication protocol. At present, the local area network (LAN) that is commonly used in external protocols mainly include NetBEUI, IPX/SPX and its compatible protocol and TCP/IP.
Third, choose the principle of network communication protocol
First, the network structure and function and the selected protocol should be consistent. If multiple network segments or exist in the network are connected through a router that will not be able to use do not have routing and cross network segment operating function NetBEUI agreement, and must choose the IPX/SPX or TCP/IP protocol. In addition, if the network on a smaller scale, at the same time, just for simple file and equipment sharing, concern mainly the network speed at this moment, so when choosing protocol should choose small memory and bandwidth utilization high protocols, such as NetBEUI. When the network size is bigger, and in the complex network structure, should choose better manageability and scalability protocol, such as TCP/IP.
Second, choose a communication protocol used in a network. In reality a lot of people will choose all agreement, provided the system actually is not desirable to do so. Since each agreement takes up the computer's memory, option agreement, the more the more you take up computer memory resources. Affect the speed of the computer running on the one hand, on the other hand, is not conducive to the network management. In fact is generally a communication protocol in a network can meet the need.
Third, version of the protocol should pay attention to. Each protocol has its own development and perfection process, thus appeared different versions, each version of the agreement there is the most suitable network environment. On the whole, the high version of the agreement of the function and performance is better than low version. So when the choice, in the network under the premise of functional requirements, should try to choose high version of the communication protocol. Fourth, protocol conformance. If you want to make a dialogue between the two computer connectivity, both the communication protocol used must be the same. Otherwise the middle also need a \speed of communication, but also not conducive to the safe and stable operation of the network at the same time.
Four, local area network (LAN) that is commonly used in three kinds of communication protocol 1、NetBEUI协议NetBEUI(NetBIOS Extended User Interface,用户扩展接口)由IBM于1985年开发完成,它是一种体积小、效率高、速度快的通信协议。NetBEUI也是微软最钟爱的一种通信协议,所以它被称为微软所有产品中通信协议的“母语”。微软在其早期产品,如DOS、LAN Manager、Windows 3.x和Windows for Workgroup中主要选择NetBEUI作为自己的通信协议。在微软如今的主流产品,如Windows XP和Windows NT中,NetBEUI已成为其固有的缺省协议。有人将WinNT定位为低端网络服务器操作系统,这与微软的产品过于依赖NetBEUI有直接的关系。NetBEUI是专门为几台到百余台PC所组成的单网段部门级小型局域网而设计的,它不具有跨网段工作的功能,即NetBEUI不具备路由功能。如果你在一个服务器上安装了多块网卡,或要采用路由器等设备进行两个局域网的互联时,将不能使用NetBEUI通信协议。否则,与不同网卡(每一块网卡连接一个网段)相连的设备之间,以及不同的局域网之间将无法进行通信。
1, NetBEUI NetBEUI agreement (NetBIOS Extended User Interface, User extension Interface) developed by IBM in 1985, it is a small volume, high efficiency, high speed communication protocol. NetBEUI and Microsoft's favorite a communication protocol, so it is called all Microsoft products in \tongue\communication protocol. Microsoft early in the product, such as DOS, LAN Manager, Windows (3) main choice in x, and Windows for a Workgroup NetBEUI as a
communication protocol. In Microsoft now mainstream products, such as Windows XP and Windows NT, NetBEUI has become its inherent default protocol. Someone will WinNT positioning for low-end web server operating system, it has to do with Microsoft products rely too much on NetBEUI has a direct relationship. NetBEUI is dedicated to a few hundred PCS to departmental that single segment consisting of a small local area network (LAN), it does not have the ability to work across network segment in the NetBEUI don't routing. If you are on a server installed Ethernet card, or to use the equipment such as routers two LAN interconnection, will not be able to use NetBEUI communication protocol. Otherwise, with a different card (each nic connected to a network segment) between connected devices, and will not be able to communicate between different local area network (LAN).
2、IPX/SPX协议 IPX/SPX(Internetwork PacketeXchange/Sequences Packet eXchange,网际包交换/顺序包交换)是Novell公司的通信协议集。与NetBEUI的明显区别是,IPX/SPX显得比较庞大,在复杂环境下具有很强的适应性。因为,IPX/SPX在设计一开始就考虑了多网段的问题,具有强大的路由功能,适合于大型网络使用。当用户端接入NetWare服务器时,IPX/SPX及其兼容协议是最好的选择。但在非Novell网络环境中,一般不使用IPX/SPX。尤其在Windows NT网络和由Windows 95/98组成的对等网中,无法直接使用IPX/SPX通信协议。IPX/SPX及其兼容协议不需要任何配置,它可通过“网络地址”来识别自己身份。Novell网络中的网络地址由两部分组成:标明物理网段的“网络ID”和标明特殊设备的“节点ID”。其中网络ID集中在NetWare服务器或路由器中,节点ID即为每个网卡的ID号(网卡卡号)。网络ID和节点ID都是一个独一无二的“内部IPX地址”。正是由于网络地址唯一性,才使IPX/SPX具有较强的路由功能。
2, IPX/SPX agreement IPX/SPX (Internetwork PacketeXchange/Sequences Packet eXchange, the Packet switching order/Packet switching) is a Novell set of communication protocols. NetBEUI and obvious difference is that the IPX/SPX appear relatively large, has a strong adaptability in complex environment. Because, the IPX/SPX in design to consider the question of multiple network segments from the start, with a strong routing functions, suitable for large networks. When user access NetWare servers, IPX/SPX and its compatible protocol is the best choice. But in the Novell network environment, generally do not use the IPX/SPX. Especially in the Windows NT network and peer network consists of Windows 95/98, not directly use the IPX/SPX communication protocol. The IPX/SPX agreement does not require any configuration and its