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My brother teaches me how to ride a bike last month. I went to a nearby park together when he told me the skill patiently. Several days later, I finally succeeded in fully mastering of the skill. In fact, bike riding has advantage. First, my home is not far away from my school and it is so convenience for me to go to school by bike. Beside, bike riding is good exercise. By ride a bike to and from school, I have a chance of getting enough exercise every day. At last, it is also undoubtedly wise choice for our environment because riding bikes reduce air pollution. 答案:


My brother me how to ride a bike last month. went to a nearby park together taughtwewherehe told me the skill patiently. Several days later, I finally succeeded in fully mastering of\ advantage

the skill. In fact, bike riding has . First, my home is not far away from my school advantagesconvenienceBeside

and it is so for me to go to school by bike. , bike riding is good exercise.


By a bike to and from school, I have a chance of getting enough exercise every day. At ridingreduce∧

last, it is also an undoubtedly wise choice for our environment because riding bikes reducesair pollution.



Last week I noticed Jack coughing on our math class. See this, I offered to take him to a clinic. There the doctor asked Jack how he had coughed sometimes for long time. Jack nodded his head immediate. The doctor then wrote a prescription with instruction on how to take the Chinese medicine. When Jack tasted the medicine, he almost brings it up. I comforted him with an old saying “Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.” Jack managed to swallow them unwillingly. But when he had recovered three days later, he felt amazing at the effect of the Chinese medicine. 答案:


Last week I noticed Jack coughing our math class. this, I offered to take him to inSeeinghow∧

a clinic. There the doctor asked Jack he had coughed sometimes for a long time. Jack


nodded his head . The doctor then wrote a prescription with on how to immediatelyinstructions


take the Chinese medicine. When Jack tasted the medicine, he almost it up. I comforted

broughthim with an old saying “Good medicine for health tastes bitter to the mouth.” Jack managed themamazing

to swallow unwillingly. But when he had\ recovered three days later, he felt at the

itamazedeffect of the Chinese medicine.


2018年全国普通高等院校招生考试全国统一考试第一次考前押题卷 Dear Li Ming,

This Sunday we'll go to the nursing home and did some voluntary labor. You were out, while I dropped in on you. However, I had to leave a message to you. According to the monitor said, we'll meet at the gate of our school at 9:30 tomorrow morning and start out together with bike. So you should take their bike and don't forget to take some washing powder, barber tools and weeding tool. We will help with washing clothes, cutting their hair and get rid of some weed in the garden. Lastly, you should remember to take some food for the lunch because we'll stay here and chat with them at noon. If you come back, please phone me at once. 答案: Dear Li Ming,


This Sunday we'll go to the nursing home and some voluntary labor. You were out, dowhen/asHowever∧

I dropped in on you. , I had to leave a message to you. According to what the monitor

Thereforesaid, we'll meet at the gate of our school at 9:30 tomorrow morning and start out together withtheir

bike. So you should take bike and don't forget to take some washing powder, barber byyourtoolgettools and weeding . We will help with washing clothes, cutting their hair and rid

toolsgettingof some weed in the garden. Lastly, you should remember to take some food for the\ lunch because here

we'll stay and chat with them at noon. If you come back, please phone me at once. there


The bell rang. Our English teacher Miss Chen came in. Everything went smooth in her class. All of us listened attentively but answered questions correctly. The smile on her face suggested that she be satisfied with our performance. Towards the end of the class, she asked which one of you would like to come up to the front and repeat the story. While said these words, she looked at all the students with expression of hope in her eyes. I step to the front quickly and began to repeat the story with confident. After I finished, I returned back to my seat. My heart rate

was fast than ever until Miss Chen said “Well done”. 答案:


The bell rang. Our English teacher Miss Chen came in. Everything went in her class.


All of us listened attentively answered questions correctly. The smile on her face suggested


that she satisfied with our performance. Towards the end of the class, she asked which one

wasyousaidof would like to come up to the front and repeat the story. While these words, she


looked at all the students with an expression of hope in her eyes. I to the front quickly


and began to repeat the story with . After I finished, I returned back\ to my seat.


My heart rate was than ever until Miss Chen said “Well done”.




