1 abusive translation
2 domesticating translation
3 expressive text
4 exegetic translation
5 interlingual translation
6 instrumental translation
8 metatext
9 parallel corpora
10 prospective translation
11 prototext
12 pseudotranslation
13 third code
14 universals of translation
15 untranslability
16 后瞻式翻译
17 接受语
18 可比语料库
19 回译
20 描写翻译研究
21 冗余
22 术语库
23 同声传译
24 文化移植
25 信息型文本
26 异化翻译
27 要旨翻译
28 译后编译
29 语义消歧
30 语用翻译
31 Just as the top EU official for migration was urging the White House to be \generous\immediately boosted political opposition to his pitch. As in some other countries, the massacres have been co-opted by critics of refugee policy. The US in September agreed to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next year, up from 1,500, under pressure from Europe. The fear that terrorists could enter the US masked as refugees was exacerbated after a Syrian passport was found near the body of one of the attackers. Many of the
Republican presidential contenders and other party members now want the White House to scrap or defer the Syrian refugee programme.
32 Sigmund Freud has been out of the scientific mainstream for so long, it's easy to forget that in the early 20th century he was regarded as a towering man of science—not, as he is remembered today, as the founder of the marginalized form of therapy known as psychoanalysis. At the start of his career, he wanted to invent a \but the Victorian tools he had were too blunt for the task. So he dropped the \part and had his patients lie on a couch, free-associating about childhood, dreams and fantasies. This technique yielded the revolutionary notion that the human mind was a soap opera of concealed lust and aggression, of dark motives, self-deception and dreams rife with hidden meaning.
33 The new planet's size put it right on the edge between being rocky like Earth and being a fluffy gas ball like Neptune, according to according to studies of other such exoplanets. In an email, Jon Jenkins of NASA's Ames Research Center, home of the Kepler project, and lead author of a paper being published in The Astronomical Journal, said the likelihood of the planet's being rocky was 50 percent to 62 percent, depending on uncertainties in the size of its home star. Describing the planet during a news conference, Dr. Jenkins lapsed into lines from John Keats's poem On First Looking Into Chapman's Homer; \ken.''
34 据一份新调查显示,阿里巴巴、中国银行和华为,是中国学生梦寐以求的公司。这项调查由北京的一家咨询公司发起,55 000多名学生参与调查。结果显示,将近四分之一的学生希望在国际企业工作,只有9%的学生想在刚起步创业的公司工作,5%的学生想要自己创业。学生们表示,平衡工作与生活是自己最重要的事业目标,其次是工作稳定性。至于说最理想的公司,中国银行连续七年来当选为商科学生最理想的公司。
35 孔子后半生离开官场,多年被迫流亡在外,一边教学,一边游玩。公元前479年孔子逝世时,其对后世的影响当时并不明显,但是他的学说后来却备受推崇。孔子的思想被中国的海外移民和商人传往亚洲其他国家,最终传到了美国。在洛杉矶的中国城里,有座楼供孩子们放学后学习中文及中国文化。这座建筑名为孔子学院。
36 李克强说中国已经做好准备和美国携手合作应对气候变化问题,而开发包括核能在内的清洁能源是一条非常重要的途径。他补充道,中国政府会助力中美双方开展第三方市场核电合作,为全球可持续发展贡献力量。盖茨赞扬了中国积极应对气候变化,发展新能源产业取得的成就。他指出,美中两国企业强强联合,将有力加快技术创新和产业化进程,为全球特别是发展中国家实现可持续发展提供清洁、可靠、价格低廉的能源供给。