【期刊名称】《计算机工程与设计》 【年(卷),期】2012(033)003
【摘要】为了实现对气相色谱-质谱联用仪实验过程的三维情景化交互和与之配套的虚拟工作站仿真,提出了一种基于Virtools和Flash技术结合的网络化多功能动态虚拟实验室的构建模式.依据色谱理论建立了载气流速、分离温度、进样量与保留时间等参数之间的数学关系模型,通过Flash脚本语言实现了质谱图查询解析和不同分离备件的总离子流色谱流出曲线的动态绘制,运用Virtools内嵌脚本语言(Virtools scripting language,VSL)和BB (building blocks)行为交互模块实现了实时跟踪评价等多种功能的交互设计,并基于XAMPP结合JavaScript技术及HTML网页编程技术实现了Virtools和Flash之间的消息传递.%To achieve the 3D interactive simulation of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry experiments process and the accompanying workstation, a construction mode of the 3D multi-functional dynamical virtual laboratory based on Virtools and flash technologies is proposed. Based on the chromatographic theory, the mathematical model of the relationship among parameters such as carrier gas flow rate, separation temperature, injection volume and retention time is constructed. By using flash scripting language, inquiry and analysis of mass spectrum and the dynamic drawing of the total ionization chromatography under different separation conditions are achieved. Besides, many other