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When I was a junior high school student in 1980, God gave me a gift. It was happiness. One weekend, I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside. On my way home a car ran me over and cut off my arms because of its high speed.

Several days later when I woke up in the hospital, I realized I had to spend the rest of my life 1 arms. How sad I felt at that time!Even I was full of fears. 2 slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldn't get my arms back even though I 3 every day. However, it's easier said than done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness 4 . I got so much from my past story. From then on, I could treat my life with a 5 mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates get 6 about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bus comes 7 ; they don't have a mobile phone but 8 have, and so on. But I only enjoy life. I was lucky to realize from an accident: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have 9 . We should always think of what we have. So why are so many people unhappy?Someone may say, \But when you get the car, what will happen?For a whole week you are walking on air. Then you go right back to being unhappy.

Happiness depends on what we have!It's in our heart. It's a state of mind. Even though you own the whole world, you may still feel unhappy. Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激)and taking pleasure in what you really have. 1. A. with 2. A. Or 3. A. cried 5. A. crazy 7. A. early 9. A. lost

B. without B. But B. laughed B. normal B. first B. had

C. for C. So C. sat C. full C. worried C. late C. found C. if

4. A. strongly B. especially C. completely 6. A. excited B. nervous

8. A. the other B. one another C. others 10. A. because B. as A;(10)C;

【解析】【分析】本文讲述了作者意外失去了双臂, 但经历了痛苦,作者意识到幸福取决于我们的心态。

(1)句意: 意识到我必须在没有手臂中度过余生。A有,B没有,C为了,根据 couldn't get my arms back可知那不回双臂是没有臂膀 , 故选B。

【答案】 (1)B;(2)B;(3)A;(4)C;(5)B;(6)C;(7)C;(8)C;(9)

(2)句意: 但是慢慢地,我知道我必须面对现实,克服它。A或者,B但是,C所以,根据was full of fear和had to face the fact and got over it,可知是表示转折关系故用but , 故选B。

(3)句意: 即使我每天都哭,我也无法收回手臂。A哭,B笑,C坐下,根据 sadness可知悲伤会哭 , 故选A。

(4)句意: 我花了将近半年时间才完全摆脱悲伤。A强烈地,B特别地,C完全地,根据 treat my life可知是完全走出阴影才可以治愈 , 故选C。

(5)句意: 从那时起,我可以用一颗平常心来对待我的生活。A疯狂的,B常见的,C满的,根据 daily life可知日常生活需要平常心 , 故选B。

(6)句意: 但是在我们的日常生活中,我经常看到我的同学在一些小事上担心。A激动的,B紧张的,C担心的,根据so many people unhappy,可知很多人不开心是总担心 , 故选C。

(7)句意: 他们考试成绩不好;他们的公共汽车来晚了;他们没有手机,但其他人有,依此类推。A早地,B第一的,C晚地,根据上文说担心,故是迟到的会让人担心,故选C。

(8)句意:他们考试成绩不好;他们的公共汽车来晚了;他们没有手机,但其他人有,依此类推。A另一个,表示两者,B彼此,C其他的,此处缺少主语泛指多数,故选C。 (9)句意: 专注于你所失去的是浪费我们的生命。A失去,B有,C发现,根据 We should always think of what we have 我们应该永远考虑我们所拥有的 可知此处是对比指失去的东西 , 故选A。

(10)句意:如果我有一辆新车,我的整个生活都会有所改善。A因为,B作为,C如果,根据 But when you get the car, what will happen但是当你拿到车的时候,会发生什么呢可知此处表示假设,故是如果 , 故选C。



Street art is a very popular form of art. It is 1 quickly all over the world. You can find it on buildings and street signs from Beijing to Paris.

Art experts(专家)say that the movement began in New York in the 1960s. Young adults would use paint in special cans to put their words and other images on walls and cars 2 the city. One well-known street artist is Swoon. She 3 paper images(形象)of people and puts them on walls. Swoon didn't start her career as a street artist. She studied art, but 4 time went on, she got bored with the works she saw in museums or galleries(画廊). The people in New York enjoy Swoon's strong and interesting 5 .

Some artists choose street art because it is 6 to the people. Some artists try to express their opinions(观点)in their works. Advertising(广告)companies also use street art in their advertisements because it gives the deep impression and energy. The New York store Saks Fifth Avenue 7 used a street artist's design for their shop windows and shopping bags.

In today's world, the Internet has a big 8 on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the people all over the world on the Internet. Many people, 9 , say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live. Street art lives with the energy and life of a big 10 . There it will continue to change and grow. 1. A. watching B. making C. spreading D. searching 2. A. behind 4. A. as 5. A. style 6. A. safer 7. A. hardly 8. A. success 9. A. anyway

B. by B. after B. story B. lower

C. over C. before C. problem C. closer

D. around D. while D. program D. stranger D. never D. influence D. street

3. A. cuts down B. cuts out C. turns down D. runs out

B. recently C. seldom B. discount C. present

B. however C. otherwise D. therefore

10. A. museum B. country C. city B;(10)C;

【答案】 (1)C;(2)D;(3)B;(4)A;(5)A;(6)C;(7)B;(8)D;(9)【解析】【分析】本文介绍了街头艺术是一种非常受欢迎的艺术形式,它正在快速的在全世界传播。街头艺术更贴近人们的生活。它同大城市的生活和活力一起存在,并不断变化发展。

(1)句意: 它正在快速的在全世界传播。A欣赏,B制作,C传播,D搜查,根据 all over the world可知全世界范围的是传播 , 故选C。

(2)句意: 年轻人使用装在特殊罐子里的颜料把他们的语言和其他的图片画到遍及整个城市的墙上或汽车上。A在......后面,B靠着,C在......之上,D在......周围,根据city可知此处表示范围故用全城,故用around,故选D。

(3)句意: 她剪出人物的纸片,把他们贴在墙上。A削减,B切掉,C调小,D用完,根据 puts them on walls可知是剪下来才能贴到墙上 , 故选B。

(4)句意: 但是随着时间的流失她对在博物馆或美术馆看到的作品感到厌烦。A随着,B在......之后,C在......之前,D当......时候,此处的时间状态是同时,故排除B和C选项,while搭配持续动词,went 是瞬间动词,故选A。

(5)句意: 在纽约的人们喜欢她的强大和有趣的风格。A风格,B故事,C问题,D节目,根据 strong and interesting可知强大和有趣是风格 , 故选A。

(6)句意: 他们中的一些人选择街头艺术,因为它更靠近人们生活的。A更安全,B更低,C更近,D更奇怪,be close to,固定搭配,靠近......,故选C。

(7)句意: 纽约萨克斯第五大道最近把街头艺术家的设计用于商店橱窗和购物袋。 A几乎不,B最近,C很少,D从未,根据 Street art is a very popular form of art街头艺术是一种非常流行的艺术形式,故此处是肯定形式,故排除A,C和D选项 , 故选B。 (8)句意: 在当今世界互联网对街头艺术有很大的影响。A成功,B折扣,C目前,D影响,根据have influence on,固定搭配,对……有影响,故选D。

(9)句意: 然而,许多人说,在互联网上看到的图片永远比不上生活中所看到的。A况

且,B但是,C否则,D因此,根据 show their pictures to the people all over the world on the Internet. 在互联网上向全世界的人展示他们的照片和say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live 说在网上看一张照片永远不如生活好看,可知此处是转折关系,故用however ,故选B。

(10)句意: 街头艺术和大城市的生活和活力一起存在。A博物馆,B国家,C城市,D街道,根据 on walls and cars around the city,遍及整个城市的墙上或汽车上,可知是城市,故选C。


15.阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 November 21 is World Hello Day. At school, we learned that \you?\(回答) them? Do native (本土的) speakers still use them today? As we learned, \you do?\the same %usually follows with a response of \

But English is a casual (随意的) language. The formal \native speakers. It is 5 old-fashioned. Yet they greet each other in many other 6 . You may hear a 7 between British people: \plans for the weekend?\8 for young people to say hello to friends.

Americans like saying \(混乱的). It doesn't mean \respond \males. What do females say? You guess it. They often say \

If you 12 an Australian, you may hear \respond with the same \

However, there is no 14 to say hello to each other. If you can't remember all of the above, just choose \of all ages. You can reply with \ 1. A. looking 2. A. first 3. A. I'm fine. 5. A. shut 6. A. times 8. A. good

B. meeting B. second

C. asking C. next C. satisfied C. considered C. ways C. sentence C. kind

D. answering D. last D. familiar D. mentioned D. rules D. word D. outgoing

B. How do you do? C. Nice to meet you. D. Thanks. B. repeated B. places B. popular

4. A. interested B. married

7. A. conversation B. passage

9. A. goodbye 10. A. or 11. A. boy 13. A. Glad day 14. A. reason 15. A. best

B. name B. and B. woman B. Golden day B. time B. most

C. sorry C. but C. girl C. come across C. Game day C. person C. least

D. hello D. so D. baby D. come up with D. Good day D. rule D. tallest

12. A. come along B. come out

【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)B;(4)D;(5)C;(6)C;(7)A;(8)B;(9)D;(10)A;(11)C;(12)C;(13)D;(14)D;(15)B;


(1)句意:当你遇见其他人的时候,说“你好”和“你好吗”是标准的问好方式。A 看到,不及物动词,跟宾语时要用at;B 遇到;C 询问;D 回答。根据语境可知,向对方打招呼是在遇到对方的时候,故选B。

(2)句意:“你好”是第一次见到某人时打招呼说的。A 第一次;B 第二次;C 下一次;D 最后一次。根据常识可知,第一次见面问候时要用how do you do,故选A。

(3)句意:可以用同样的回答:“你好吗?”。A 我很好;B 你好吗;C 见到你很开心;D 谢谢。根据常识可知“how do you do”的答语也为“how do you do”故选B。

(4)句意:“How are you?”经常被用来和我们熟悉的人打招呼。A 感兴趣;B 结婚;C 满意;D 熟悉。根据常识可知,how are you是用在比较熟悉的人之间的问候,故选D。 (5)句意:正式的“你好”很少被当地人使用,它很古板。A 关闭;B 重复;C 当作;D 提及到。固定结构be considered被看作,被当作,故选C。

(6)句意:但是他们也用其他很多种方式互相问好。A 时光;B 地方;C 方式;D 规则。根据上文的含义可知,他们会用其他的一些问候方式,故选C。

(7)句意:你可能听到英国人的对话:“你还好吧?”是的,你?我很好。A 对话;B 文章;C 语句;D 单词。由下文“You all right” “Yeah, you?” “I'm good. Any plans for the weekend?” or “How's it going?” “Yea, fine, and you?”. 可知此处指对话。故选A。

(8)句意:这些方式在年轻人中向朋友问好很流行。A 好;B 流行;C 好;D 外向。根据上文语句Yet they greet each other in many other ways提示可知,这种问候的方式很流行,故选B。

(9)句意:美国人说的What's up?和What's good?是另一种问好的方式。A 再见;B 名字;C 抱歉;D 你好。根据上文语句t doesn't mean \提示可知,这是一种问候的方式,故选D。

(10)句意:人们通常回答“Not much.”或“Nothing.”。A 或者;B 和;C 但是;D 因此。根据语境这是列举的应答语,表示选择,故选A。

(11)句意:女性之间问候用“Hey, girl.”A 男孩;B 女士;C 女孩;D 婴儿。根据上文语句Hey, man.\推断,问候女性要用girl,故选C。 (12)句意:如果你偶然遇到一位澳大利亚人,你也许能听到G'day, mate. A 沿着;B 出



