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人教版高中英语必修二Unit 4 Wildlife protection Period 1 Word

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Unit 4 Wildlife protection

Period 1 Words and expressions 教学设计

I. Teaching contents:Words and expressions

II. Teaching aims:

1). Master the floowing words and expressions.

wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain; importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed;

2). To Know about the following phrases: die out; in peace; in relief; burst into laughter; pay attention to ;

3). wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain;

importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed; die out; in peace; in relief; burst into laughter; pay attention to.

4). Students can remenber the above words and their derivatives.

III. Key points & Difficulties

Key points

Master the following expressions:

wild; decrease; hunt; reserve; danger; respond; mercy; certain;

importance; contain; afftect; appreciate; succeed; die out; in peace; in relief; burst into laughter; pay attention to.


Use the words and phrases in this period correctly.

IV. Teaching procedure:

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Step 1: Lead-in

1) Check the students homework..

2) Preview some words of this unit (PPT 3—5)

Step 2: Listening

Listening to the words and expressions for the correct pronounciation. Step 3: Read after teacher:

Read all the words in this unit after teacher.

Teacher deal with the words that is difficult to read.

Step 4: Key words and expressions’ explanation (PPT 6—39)

1. wild adj. 野生的;未驯化的;疯狂的;荒凉的;狂暴的

wildlife n. (不可数) 野生动植物

2. decrease v. 减少,(使)变小或变少

n.减少 减少的数量 (可数)

3. die out : disappear completely 灭绝

die away: (光、声音)慢慢消失;(风)停下来

die off : 一一死去;先后死去

4. hunt v. 打猎;猎取;搜寻;强行驱逐

hunt for: search for; try to find 寻找;寻求

5. reserve 1 ).n. 保护区;储备;储藏;内向;矜持;拍卖中的低

2). vt. 预定;预约(座位、房间等);保留;把……留作; 保


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6. in peace: peacefully 和睦地;和平地;安详地

7. danger n. (不可数)危险 (可数 ) 威胁;危险物;危害

8. respond vi 回答;响应;作出反应(+to)

respond to 对…做出回答,回应

respond to a letter=answer a letter

reply to a letter


n. 回答

make/ give no response to 对…没有反应,不予回答(=make/give

no answer

9. in relief 如释重负; 松了口气

10. burst into laughter.突然大笑起来

11. mercy n. 仁慈;宽恕;怜悯

12. certain adj. 确定的;一定 ,此时类似于单词 sure, 但是也有

一些区别,即 certain 既可用人作主语,也可用物作主语,而 sure 只用 人作主语

13. importance n. 重要性;重要

14. contain v. 包含;容纳;抑制;克制

container n. 容器;集装箱

containment n. 包含;控制;抑制

15. afftect v.影响;感动;侵袭;(通常指对身体;思想或情绪带来 不良影响)。

16. pay attention to 关注;注意(to 为介词,后要接名词或动名词)

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