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摘 要:ATCA(Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture)是下一代融合通信及数据网络应用而提供的一个高性价比的,基于模块化结构的、兼容的、并可扩展的管理架构。不但系统管理功能强大而且极大的提升了系统管理的可靠性。本文通过对IPMI的介绍对ATCA系统管理设计提出了相应的构想,并对必要的设计环节给出了很好的建议。 关键词:IPMI ATCA IPMC IPMB 框架 分级管理
中图分类号:TP27 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-9416(2011)04-0056-03
The applying of IPMI in ATCA and Architecture designing
Mei Jian-chao
The 41st Institute of CETC, Bengbu, Anhui, 233006
Abstract:ATCA(Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture) is a compatible、extensible、modular structure designed managingarchitecture with high performance-price ratio,which will be used in next generation of communication and data network.This architecture not only has a powerful managing function,but also could improve system-managing reliability greatly.With the introduction of IPMI,This paper gives some solution to ATCA system designing and some very good proposals on essential designing segment.
Key words:IPMIATCAIPMCIPMBArchitectureGraded management 1、引言
ATCA系统机框管理规范是基于IPMI V1.5规范指定的,规范定义了单板和系统级硬件、软件的需求,同时,也定义了一些命令和消息,但是与IPMI规范有所不同。不同之处主要体现在:IPMI规范规定的必选功能命令在ATCA系统机框管理规范可能是可选项;IPMI规范规定的