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“Effective Date” means the [date of this Contract first shown above][the date on which each of the conditions precedent in Article , have been satisfied or waived in accordance with the terms thereof].

“Expiration Date” means the day on which the initial Term or any extended Term expires in accordance with the provisions of Articles .1 and .2.

“生效日”指本合同首部所载之日[,或者第 条(先决条件)中所设定的先决条件根据该条有关规定成就或被放弃之日]。

“Intellectual Property Right” or “IPR” means any and all rights in any invention, disvcovery, improvement, utility, model, copyrightable work, industrial design or mask work, algorithm, data structure, trade secrets or know-how, Confidential Information, or any idea having commercial value. IPR shall include any trademark, trade dress, trade name, domain name, or other marks that serve to indetify and distinguish goods or services as coming from, or falling under the control of, a single source. IPR shall include all rights of whatsoever nature in computer software and data, all intangible rights or privileges of a nature similar to any of the foregoing in every case in any part of te world and whether or not registered, and all rights in any applications and granted registrations for any of the foregoing rights; “知识产权”指针对以下任何一项所拥有的权利(在每种情况下其权利范围均包括世界任何地区并且无论是否经登记):发明、发现、改进、实用新型、外观设计、有著作权的作品、工业设计或掩模、算法、数据结构、商业秘密或专有技术、保密资料、或具有商业价值的想法。知识产权还包括商标、商号、装潢、域名,以及表明或突出某一货物或服务来源泉于某一实体(或者提供方受某一实体控制)的其他标记。知识产权包括所有针对计算机软件及数据的任何性质的权利(以及与上述权利性质类似的所有无形权利或特权),还包括上述权利的申请权以及获准登记权。

“Renminbi” or “RMB” means the lawful currency of China. “人民币”或“RMB”指中华人民共和国的法定货币。

“Term” means the initial or extended Contract term set out in Articles .1 or .2, as appropriate.

“合同有效期”指第[ ]条(合同期限)中设定的期限。

“United States Dollars” or “US$” means the lawful currency of the United States of America. “美元”或“US$”指美利坚合众国的法定货币。

[Insert other definitions as appropriate]


2. References to Schedules, Annexes, Articles and Sections are references to schedules, annexes,

articles and sections of this Contract.


3. References in this Contract to laws, rules or regulations or to contracts, contracts or other


documents, shall mean the same as amended from time, and references to government ministries, bureaux, departments, commissions, agencies, etc. shall include all successor entities thereto.


4. In this Contract, the masculine form includes the feminine form and the singular form

includes the plural form, and vice versa.


5. Headings are for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the construction or

interpretation of this Contract.





