A Method to Identify Flight Obstacles on Digital
Surface Model
ZHAO Min;LIN Xinggang;SUN Shouyu;WANG Youzhi
【期刊名称】《清华大学学报(英文版)》 【年(卷),期】2005(010)003
【摘要】In modern low-altitude terrain-following guidance, a constructing method of the digital surface model (DSM) is presented in the paper to reduce the threat to flying vehicles of tall surface features for safe flight. The relationship between an isolated obstacle size and the intervals of vertical- and cross-section in the DSM model is established. The definition and classification of isolated obstacles are proposed, and a method for determining such isolated obstacles in the DSM model is given. The simulation of a typical urban district shows that when the vertical- and cross-section DSM intervals are between 3 m and 25 m, the threat to terrain-following flight at low-altitude is reduced greatly, and the amount of data required by the DSM model for monitoring in real time a flying vehicle is also smaller. Experiments show that the optimal results are for an interval of 12.5 m in the vertical- and cross-sections in the DSM model, with a 1:10 000 DSM scale grade. 【总页数】5页(323-327)
【关键词】digital surface model;terrain-following guidance;flight obstacle;surface feature;flight vehicle
A Method to Identify Flight Obstacles on Digital Surface Model