XXX Co., Ltd.
Document No.:XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
文件编号: XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
2010版,修订号:A 共6页,第1页
2010 Edition, Rev. A Page: 1 of 6
CHAPTER 3: DRAWINGS, DESIGN CALCULATIONS, AND SPECIFICATIONS CONTROL 3.0 Scope This Chapter establishes the requirements to the design documents including drawings, design calculations, and specifications to assure that they are in compliance with the requirements of Customer’s Specification, User’s Design Specification and the Code. 3.1 General 3.1.1 The design of Code Items consists of the following: A) Design by XXX itself, or B) Design by XXX’s subcontractor, or C) Design by User’s or his designated agent. 3.2 Review of Contract and User’s Design Specification 3.2.1 Upon receipt of a contract order for a Code Item of Code Section Ⅷ, Division 1, the Customer's Specification shall be reviewed by the Designer and confirmed by the Design Engineer to assure that all required data including UG-22 Loadings, if applicable, are provided for design and are in compliance with the Code requirements. 第3章 图纸、设计计算 和技术要求的管理 3.0 范围 本章确定了控制设计文件,包括图纸、设计计算和技术的要求,以此来保证设计符合客户技术条件、用户设计技术条件和规范的要求。 3.1 总则 3.1.1 规范产品的设计有以下三类: A)本公司自行的设计; B)本公司分包商的设计; C)用户或其指定代理人的设计。 3.2 合同及用户技术说明书的审核 3.2.1 接到规范第Ⅷ卷第1分册规范产品订单后,设计员应审查客户技术要求,并由设计工程师确认, 以保证设计中所需要的数据,如需要应包括UG-22的载荷,都已提供给设计并符合规范要求。 3.2.2 用户所提供的规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册规范the Code Items of Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2, 产品的用户设计说明书,应包括但不局限于规范第
2.2.2段特别的规定内容,用户设计说明书应由设in which the considerations specified in the
计员确认并由设计工程师审核,以确保这些文件足Paragraph 2.2.2 shall be included but not
够详细,以便对按照规范建造和设计规定以全部的necessarily be limited to, that provided by the
User shall be verified by the Designer and 基础。 reviewed by the Design Engineer, in order to ensure that these documents contain sufficient detail to provide a complete basis for design and construction in accordance
3.2.2 The User’s Design Specification for Chapter 3: Drawings, Design Calculations, and Specifications Control
XXX Co., Ltd.
Document No.:XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
文件编号: XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
2010版,修订号:A 共6页,第2页
3.2.3 特别强调,对规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册的规范产品,设计工程师还应审查以下内容: A)用户设计说明书的证明及受雇于用户的RPE的签名。 B)用户设计的完整及详情,尤其审查其是否有疲劳分析要求: 1)当有要求时,如果为循环工况,每年设计循环数目及规范产品要求的设计寿命年份应合并在内。 2010 Edition, Rev. A Page: 2 of 6
3.2.3 Especially, for Code Section Ⅷ, with the Code. Division 2 Code Items, the Design Engineer shall review the following: A) The User’s Design Specification for its certification and signature of the RPE engaged by the User; B) The User’s Design Specification for its sufficiency and detail, particularly, if a fatigue analysis is required or not, and 1) When required, if cycle conditions, the number of design cycle per year and the required design life of the Code Item in years was incorporated; 2) When not required, if criteria of screening of the fatigue analysis (Paragraph 5.5.2 of Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2) was distinguished stated. 3.2.4 The Customer’s Specification shall be reviewed and approved as the requirement of Paragraph 3.2.1 above in case of modification. 3.2.5 For Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2 Code Items, any proposed deviation from the User’s Design Specification shall be submitted to the RPE who certificated the User’s Design Specification to obtain his written approval and the User’s concurrence by a revision of the User’s Design Specification. 3.3 Preparation of Design Document 3.3.1 Upon ratifying of Customer's Specification, the Designer shall piepaie the drawings including general assembly and part drawings, design calculations, Material 3.2.5对于按规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册进行设计的规范产品,任何与自用户设计说明书有偏差的提议均应提交给负责用户设计说明书的RPE ,以获得其书面认可及用户对其设计说明书修订的一致。 3.2.4 客户技术要求一旦修改,仍需按上述第3.2.1段的要求进行审核和批准。 2)当无要求时,疲劳分析的筛分准则是否已注明。 3.3 设计文件的编制 3.3.1 接到客户技术要求后, 设计员按照规范及客户技术要求编制图纸,包括总装图和零部件图、设计计算书、“材料请购单”(样表4-1),必要时还包括采购技术要求,这些文件应由设计工程师批准。
Requisition (Exhibit 4-1) and, if necessary,
purchase specifications in accordance with the requirements of the Code and the
Chapter 3: Drawings, Design Calculations, and Specifications Control
XXX Co., Ltd.
Document No.:XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
文件编号: XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
2010版,修订号:A 共6页,第3页
2010 Edition, Rev. A Page: 3 of 6
Customer's Specification. These documents shall be approved by the Design Engineer. Either US Customary, SI or any local customary units may be used, but only one system shall be used for all aspects of design unless otherwise permitted by Code. The conversion factors between US Customary or SI and local customary units, or vice versa shall be provided by the Designer and subject to the verification and acceptance of the AI. As a minimum, the design drawing shall contain the following ◎Applicable Code Section Edition, including Addenda and Code Case(if applicable), ◎Design and Operating Pressure, ◎Design and Operating Temperature, ◎MDMT, ◎MAWP and MAEWP (if applicable), ◎Medium and its nature, ◎Material specification and designation, ◎NDE requirements, ◎Heat Treatment requirements, ◎Test Pressure and Permissible Metal Test Temperature, ◎Joint details, ◎Impact test requirements, ◎Corrosion allowance, ◎Dimensions, Orientation and Tolerances, ◎Nameplate/Code Stamp information, ◎NB registration requirement. 3.3.2 When the Customer furnishes the drawings, design calculations or Purchase Specifications, these documents shall be reviewed and approved in the same manner as described in Paragraph 3.3.1 above. XXX 英制单位、公制单位或地方单位都可以使用,但是在设计的各方面必须始终只用一个体系,除非规范另有规定。设计员应提供英制或公制单位与地方单位,或反之,之间的换算系数,并经AI确认。 设计图纸至少应包括下列要求: ●适用的规范卷版本,还包括增补和可能需要的规范案例; ●设计和操作压力; ●设计和操作温度; ●最低设计金属温度; ●最大许用工作压力及可能需要的最大许用工作外压; ●介质及其性质; ●材料牌号; ●NDE要求; ●热处理要求; ●试压压力及允许的金属试验温度; ●焊缝详图; ●冲击要求; ●腐蚀余量; ●尺寸、方位及公差要求; ●铭牌/规范钢印的信息; ●NB注册要求。 3.3.2 当设计图纸、计算书、或者材料采购技术要求是由客户完成时,这些文件应按照上述第3.3.1段的描述采用同样的方式审查和批准。本公司对这些文件负有总的规范责任。
Chapter 3: Drawings, Design Calculations, and Specifications Control
XXX Co., Ltd.
Document No.:XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
文件编号: XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
2010版,修订号:A 共6页,第4页
2010 Edition, Rev. A Page: 4 of 6
shall take the whole Code responsibility for these documents. 3.3.3 当计算机程序用于设计时,设计工程师be used for design, the Design Engineer shall 负责核实程序符合适用规范版本和增补的要求。计算机软件的名称和版本应在设计计算书中注明。设be responsible for verifying that the program 计工程师对输入计算机程序的所有技术问题,以及is in compliance with the applicable Code 对这些程序在设计过程中的适用性负责。当AI要Edition and Addenda. The name and version 求时,对于程序的准确性应由手算来进行验证,并of computer software shall be identified on 提供给AI。 the design calculation. The Design Engineer shall be responsible for all technical input into the computer program and for the application of these program in the design process . The Program shall be verified for its accuracy by manual calculation that shall be made available to the AI upon request. 3.3.4 All the design documents shall be made available to the AI for review. 3.3.5 When design on the basis of Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2, the Manufacturer’s Design Report with calculations and drawings shall be certified by a RPE engaged by XXX. 3.3.6 For the Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2 Code Items, the RPE who certifies the Manufacturer’s Design Report shall be other than the RPE who certified the User’s Design Specification, although both may be employed by or affiliated with the same organization. 3.4 Revision 3.4.1 When a revision is required to the design, the design document shall be revised, reviewed and approved in the same manner as the original. The revision status shall be indicated on the revised documents. 3.4.2 For the Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2 Code Items, if the Manufacturer’s Design Report has been revised resulting from the revision of other design document(s), it shall
3.3.3 When the computer program is to 3.3.4 所有批准的设计文件应提交AI审核。 3.3.5 当根据规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册设计时,制造厂数据报告、计算书及图纸应由受雇于本公司的RPE认证。 3.3.6 对于按规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册进行设计的规范产品,认可制造厂设计报告的RPE 和认可用户设计说明书的RPE不应为同一人,即使两者都可能受雇于或附属于同一组织。 3.4 设计修订 3.4.1 当需要对设计进行修订时, 设计文件的修订、审查和批准采用与原规定相同的方式进行,修订情况应在修订后的文件中注明。 3.4.2 对于按规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册进行设计的规范产品,如制造厂设计报告的修订造成其他设计文件的修订,则应由受雇于本公司的RPE于修订版文件发放使用前对其进行重新认可。
Chapter 3: Drawings, Design Calculations, and Specifications Control
XXX Co., Ltd.
Document No.:XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
文件编号: XXX/QCM-2010-(A)
2010版,修订号:A 共6页,第5页
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be re-certified by the RPE engaged by XXX itself before distribution of the document revised for use. 3.4.3 Revision to the design documents shall use the following two methods: A) For minor changes such as figures, characters or signs, using lining out, initial and dating, and hand entering new data on the original design documents; or B) For printing a new revised copy, A)对于诸如数字、文字和符号等的微小改变,在原件上划去旧的, 用手写填上新的数据,签上字和日期; 3.4.3 设计文件的修订采用下列二种方法: Design Document Revision Notice (Exhibit 3-1) shall be prepared by the Designer, and approved by the Design Engineer. When a revised copy is issued, a cloud line shall be placed around the revised portion. The above revisions shall be marked by using the revision No. in a triangle adjacent to the revised portion and shall be recorded in the table of revision on the document. 3.4.4 For the Code Section Ⅷ, Division 2 B)对于印制的新修订文本, 设计人员应填写“设计文件修订通知单”(样表3-1),并经设计工程师批准。当发放修订的文本时,一根云彩线应置于修订部分的周围。 上述两种修订方法都应在修订部分附近用一个里面有修订号的三角形标记出来,并记录在文件上的修订表里。 3.4.4对于按规范第Ⅷ卷第2分册进行设计的Code Items, the Design Engineer shall assure 规范产品,设计工程师应确保在RPE认可原始证书后的任何修订,无论是制造厂设计报告还是客户设that all changes made after the original 计技术说明书,均应反映在最新版的制造厂设计报certification by the RPE, either the 告中。 Manufacturer’s Design Report or the User’s Design Specification, shall be reflected in the updated Manufacturer’s Design Report. 3.4.5 设计员应保留一份作废的文本直到规the Designer until the MDR for the Code Item 范产品的制造厂数据报告认可为止,作废的文本应is certified by the AI. The obsolete copy shall 标注“SUPERSEDED”(作废)且不能用于生产。 be marked with \be used for fabrication. 3.4.6 Any revisions shall be made available to the AI for his review. 3.5 Identification of Documents 3.5.1 Before starting the design 3.4.6 任何修订应提供给 AI 审查。 3.4.5 One obsolete copy shall be kept by 3.5 文件的标识 3.5.1设计活动开始前, 设计工程师应为每个activities, the Densign Engineer shall assign a 规范产品编制一个唯一的产品编号。 unique Product No. for each Code Item. 3.5.2 All design document to be issued 3.5.2 所有用于规范产品建造的设计文件都Chapter 3: Drawings, Design Calculations, and Specifications Control