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45.建议:advise v. advise sb to do 建议某人做某事 advise doing 建议做 advice n.[U] a piece of advice(on/about sth.) 一条(关于....的)建议 some advice (on/about sth.) 一些(关于.....的)建议

suggest v. suggest that sb should do=suggest sb/sb’s doing 建议某人做某事 suggest doing 建议做某事

suggestion n.[C] a suggestion 一条建议 some suggestions 一些建议 45.感叹句,很容易,“名词短语”就搞定。

46.祈使句: 祈使句,很容易,常常把you来抛弃,动原开头莫忘记,加上Don't 变否定。 常见句型这四句,Do,No,Let,Be,你说好记不好记。 47.hundred: several hundred 几百 hundreds of 成百上千 用法规律:后跟of加s,前加数字用“原式”(原形)

类似的词还有:thousand 千 million百万 billion 十亿 trillion 万亿 48.play+ the +(西洋)乐器 play+球/棋/牌(play basketball/chess/cards) 49.so+adj+(a/an)+n such+(a/an)+adj+n

E.g. He is so honest a boy that everyone believes him.

=He is such an honest boy that everyone believes him.

50.marry v. 结婚 marry sb 嫁/娶某人 be/get married to sb 与某人结婚 51.good adj.好的(修饰名词) well adv.好地(修饰动词) adj.健康的 52.也:too (句尾,肯定) either (句尾,否定) also (句中,肯定)

53.疑问词:what(事/物):什么? what colour(颜色) what size (尺码)

where(地点):哪里? when(时间) what time(时刻):几点钟 ? what day(星期):星期几? what’s the date (日期):几号? how (adj/adv/方式/by+交通工具):怎么样?

how long (for+时间段):多久? how soon (in+时间段):多久,多快速? how far (距离):多远? how often (频率) why (原因):为什么? how much = what’s the price of…(价格):多少钱?

54、现完(1):构成have/has done(肯定) haven’t/hasn’t done(否定) Have/Has...done...?(疑问)

55、现完(2):如何使用?(找时间标志词:already(肯),yet(否/疑),so far(到目前为止),since+时间点,for +时间段;判断影响) 56、现完(3):三短语 have gone to 去了(未回) have been to 去过(已回) have been in 在某地待了多久 57、现完(4):瞬间动词转延续动词。

Bought → have had borrowed →have kept arrived/came/went →have been hear left→have been away joined→have been in/have been a member of died→have been dead became →have been begin/start→have been on

finished→have been over returned→have been back opened→have been open 58、被动语态(构成;主动被动互换)

一般现在时:be(is/am/are) done 一般过去时:was/were done 一般将来时:will be done 现在完成时:have/has been done 现在进行时:is/am/are being done

59、be made of 由...制成(看得出材料) be made from 由...制成(看不出材料) 60、方位介词(1)above,over,on 61、方位介词(2)under,below

62、remember to do和remember doing,stop to do和stop doing,forget to do和forget doing 63、be used to do,be/get used to doing和 used to do 64、if(是否【宾语从句,时态三口诀】;如果【条件句:主将从现】) 66、other adj.其他的,另外的 other+n

the other (两个中的)另一个 one....the other... ‘一个。。。另一个。。。’ another adj/pro (三个及以上的)另一个 another+n/短语 【单复数均可】 Others 其他的人或物,相当于other+n some...others... ‘一些。。。另一些。。。’ the others 其他的人或物(剩余全部) some...the others...‘一些。。。另一些。。。’ 67、so…that... 如此。。。以至于。。。 so that 为了。。。 68、such…that...= so…that..;too...to... 太。。。以至于不。。。

adj/adv enough to do . 足够...去做某事 69、more than+数词 = over+数词 “超过...”

more than + 名词 “不仅是,不只是...” more than+adj/adv “非常,十分...”

more A than B “与其说是B,不如说是A” one of+the+adj(最高级)+n.(复数)+v(三单)

70. It is adj for sb to do sth 做某事对于某人来说怎么样【形容词修饰事情】 It is adj of sb to do sth 做某事,某人怎么样 【形容词修饰人】 71情态动词:can/could shall/should will/would may/might must 等 72不定代词;all/most/any/some/every/little/few/none 73.六大时态:

一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时,现在进行时,过去进行时 74.have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself

75.频度副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,hardly,never 76.some time,some times,sometime和sometimes 77. at the end of in the end=at last=finally 78.in the way ,on the way, by the way


80、到达:reach+地点,arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点,get to+地点

81、许多,大量:lots of=a lot of=plenty of=a number of=a large amount of=too many+【c】=too much+【u】

82、a number of 许多 the number of 。。。的数量/数字 83、方位介词:to (范围外,不接壤),on(范围外,接壤),in(范围内,不接壤) 84、so + 助/情/be + 主 “某人也是” so +主+助/情/be “某人确实如此” neither +助/情/be+ 主 “某人也不” neither+主+助/情/be “某人确实不” 85、lie-lied-lied-lying-lies 撒谎 lie-lay-lain-lying-lies 躺

lay-laid-laid-laying-lays 下蛋,放置 【规则为撒谎,不规则就躺,躺下就下蛋】 86、A be full of B= A be filled with B A里面充满了B fill A with B 用B装A 87、except和expect

88、on both sides=on each side 89、lend、borrow、keep 90、find it adj to do 91、情态动词

92、need to do、need doing、need do


94、what to do with 和how to deal with... 95、forget ,leave sth + sp,miss 96、祈使句

97、need do,need to do,need doing 98、must I .....?--yes,you must

99、get married to和be married to marry (to) sb 100、three days off和 a three-day holiday 1、live、alive、living 2、倍数表达

3、how soon和how long 4.陈述句:

(1)主谓 (2)主谓宾 (3)主系表 (4)主谓宾 宾补 (5)主谓宾宾 5.疑问句:


(2)特殊疑问句:疑问词(what/who等)+时表词(助[do/does/did/have/has]/情[can/will/may/should等]/系[be])+主语+句剩+动词? 6.感叹句:what+名词短语 How+非名短

7.状语从句:时间(when/while/as soon as/not...until/till/before/after等)/条件(if)/结果/ 目的(so that等)/让步(though/although/even though等)/比较(more...than等)状语从句 8定语从句:

(1)关系代词:which(物),who(人)/whom(人,宾格),that(人/物) (2)关系副词:where(地点),when(时间) ,why(原因) 9宾语从句


连词有三大类,that和陈述句玩匹配,if和whether,两个好哥们儿 共同含义为是否,亲密无间好*友,一般情况可互换,感情深厚不间断 Whether其实很虚伪,有了or not 就劈腿,if 受不了,见到or not 就要跑 疑问词,心眼实,规规矩矩做连词,连词判断很容易,记住俩字叫句意 Follow me ,句意,follow follow me,句意,句意,句意 谈时态你别迷茫,三句口诀记心堂,

主过去,从过去;主现在,从实际;从句事实用现在。 最后一点是语序,清清楚楚陈述句。

中考英语干货[背诵版] - 图文


