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1.look forward to doing sth 期待做某事 2.enjoy/like doing sth 喜欢做某事

3.冠词a/an/the:an apple/orange a banana an honest boy/hour/umbrella a useful tool/university/European 4. not only…but also 不但。。。而且(就近原则) There be 。。。有。。。(就近原则) either A or B 要么A要么B (就近原则) Neither A nor B 既不A 也不B (就近原则)

5.finish doing sth 结束做某事 finish sth 结束某事

6.would like to do sth = want to do sth =feel like doing 想做某事

7.like doing=like to do=love doing=love to do=enjoy doing 喜欢做某事 7.promise to do sth = make a promise to do sth 答应/承诺做某事 8.花费:(1)pay: sb pay (money) for sth 某人支付(花费)(多少钱)买 某物

(2)spend: sb spend time/money on sth 某人花费时间/金钱在某事/物上

sb spend time/money (in) doing sth 某人花费时间/金钱做某事

(3)take: It takes sb time to do sth 做某事花费某人多少时间 (4)cost: sth cost sb money 某物花费某人多少钱 9.It’s adj for sb to do sth 做某事对于某人来说…….. It’s adj of sb to do sth 做某事某人………

10. There will be = There is/are going to be 将有…… 11.提建议的问句:Why not do…..? = Why don’t you do …….? = How/What about doing ……? Would you like to do …..?

12.问路句型:Could you tell me the way to ….? = Can you tell me how to get to ….? Where is ….? Is there …… near here ? How can I get to …? 13. What does she like ? 她喜欢什么?

What is she like ? 她怎么样?(性格,内在) What does she look like ? 她长什么样子?(外表) What is/are sth like ? 某物是什么样?(外在)

14.疑问词:in + 时间段(将来) How soon …..? 多久,多快….? (for) + 时间段 How long …? 多长时间

价格(多少钱) How much = What’s the price of ….? 距离(多远) How far 15. (否):很少,几乎没有

few little (C) (U)

a few a little


16.worry about=be worried about 担心,担忧

17.have a good time = have fun = enjoy oneself 玩得愉快 have fun doing=enjoy oneself doing 愉快做某事

18.leave sth +地点 把某物落/忘/丢在某地 lose sth 弄丢某物 forget sth 忘记某物

19.乘坐交通工具:go to sp. by + 交通工具(单数) = take the/a 交通工具 to sp.


20.语法:can(变否定:后跟not,变疑问:提前),will(变否定:后跟not,变疑问:提前), be going to (变否定:be后跟not,变疑问:be提前), be(was/were) 21.动名词做主语,动词用第三人称单数。(动名主语做得欢,后跟动词用三单)

22.not … any more = no more 不再

23. to do= in order to do=so as to do=in order that+句子=so that+句子 ‘为了。。。’,表目的。

E.g:Betty will go to the cinema to watch a movie.

24.go/walk across the street = cross the street 穿过街道 across 穿过(表面) go through the gate/door/forest/city 穿过大门/门/森林/城市 through穿过(内部)

25.used to do 过去常做(现在没做) be used to do/for doing 被用来做 be/get used to doing 习惯做

26.instead of 代替,而不是 instead 取而代之的是。。。

27.That's why..... 那就是为什么(...的原因) That's because.... 那就是因为......

28.Because of +词/短语 because+句子 29.as soon as 一。。。就。。。(主将从现) not...until... 直到。。。才。。。(不做。。。直到。。。)

30 .May I …? 我可以。。。吗? ----Yes, you can./ No, you can’t. 31.try it/them on 试穿 规则:代词放中间。 ‘代词放中间,名词放两边。’[适用于各种由‘动词+介词/副词’构成的短语动词]

32.系统语法1.人称代词 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 I 我 me 我 we 我们 us 我们 you 你 you 你 you 你们 you 你们 he 他 him 他 she 她 her 她 they 他们 them 他们 It 它 it 它 用法:1.主+v+宾 2.提问用who.

2,物主代词 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 单数 复数 单数 复数 my我的 our 我们的 mine 我的 Ours 我们的 your 你的 your 你们的 yours 你的 yours 你们的 his 他的 his 他的 her 她的 their 他们的 hers 她的 theirs 他们的 its 它的 its 它的 用法:1.形物代+名词=名物代(e.g. my+n=mine) 2.提问用whose。

3,指示代词 单数 复数 This 这,这个 These 这些 That 那,那个 Those 那些 this/that提问,it回答. these/those 提问,they回答。

33.代词辨析:it(前文出现的事物,同类同物) that(指事物时:同类不同物) 34. 时间介词:at+时刻 on+具体一天(早中晚) in+时间段 35. decide to do = make a decision to do 决定做某事 plan to do=make a plan to do 计划做

promise to do=make a promise to do 承诺做

hope to do=wish to do 希望做 hope/wish that+句子 wish sb to do 希望某人做某事

would like to = want to do=feel like doing 想做某事 36.时态判断方法:1时间词(标志词) 2,找动词。

37. be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 be strict in sth 对某事要求严格 38.初中英语不规则动词表,考前必须全背会,太重要!

一. AAA 型(原形→原形→原形) 原形 过去式 过去分词 read 汉语意思 读 read read cut cut cut let 切,割 让 let let put put put cost 放 花费,值 cost cost hit hit hit set 撞,击 安排,安置 set set hurt hurt hurt bet 使…伤痛 赌博,打赌 bet bet cast cast cast 抛 原形 二. ABA 型(原形→过去式→原形)

过去式 过去分词 汉语意思 成为 become became become come come came ran 来 跑 run run thrown throw threw 扔 原形

blow 三. ABC 型 1. ow →ew →own


blew drew 过去分词 汉语意思

blown 吹 画 draw drawn grown grow grew knew 生长 知道 know known 原形 2. i→a →u 过去式 过去分词 汉语意思 begin began drank begun 开始 喝 drink drunk sung sing sang swam 唱 游泳 swim swum rung ring rang 打电话 原形 3. 原形→过去式→过去式+(e)n

过去式 过去分词 汉语意思 wear wore worn 穿 忘记 forget forgot spoke forgotten spoken speak 说 冻 freeze froze chose frozen chosen choose 选择 驾驶 drive drove driven mistaken mistake mistook rose 误解 上升 rise risen shaken shake shook 摇

4. 原形→过去式→原形+(e)n 原形 过去式 过去分词 汉语意思 吃 eat ate eaten forbidden forbid forbade 禁止 give gave rode saw given ridden 给 骑 ride see seen written fallen 看见 写 write wrote fell fall 落下 打破,折断 break broke broken forgive forgave forgiven 原谅;宽恕 原形 过去式 5. 无规律 过去分词 been 汉语意思 am/is was 是 是 are were been done do did 做 走 go went gone taken take took 拿

原形 四. ABB 型

1. 原形→ought →ought

过去式 过去分词 brought 汉语意思 带来 bring brought buy bought bought fought 买 打架 fight fought think thought thought sought 思考 寻求 seek sought

2. 原形→aught →aught 原形 过去式 caught 过去分词 汉语意思 catch caught taught 捉,抓 教 teach taught 原形 3. 变其中一个元音字母

过去式 汉语意思 过去分词 fed feed fed met 喂 遇见 meet met got get got held 得到 拥有 hold held babysit babysat sat babysat sat 临时照看 坐 sit win won found won found 赢 发现 find bend bent dug bent dug 使弯曲 挖 dig lead led sold led sold 引导 卖 sell 原形 过去式 4. 原形→□t→□t

汉语意思 过去分词 felt feel felt kept 感到 保持 keep kept left leave left slept 离开 睡 sleep slept swept sweep swept smelt 扫 闻;发出气味 smell smelt retold retell retold 复述

5. 变其中一个辅音字母 原形 过去式 built 过去分词 汉语意思 建造 build built heard hear heard made 听见 制造 make made meant mean meant sent 意思 送,寄 send sent spent spend spent dealt 花费 处理 deal dealt rebuilt rebuild rebuilt lent 重建 借贷 lend lent 原形 过去式 6.辅音字母和元音字母都变

过去分词 汉语意思 有,吃 have had laid had laid lay 放置,产卵 丢失 lose lost paid lost paid pay 付钱 说 say said sold said sold sell 卖 告诉 tell told stood told stood stand 站 misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood 误解 shoot shot shot 放炮;开枪 理解 understand understood understood

五. AAB 型:beat-beat-beaten 打败


一般过去时,形式:动词加ed或者不规则变化。 一般将来时,形式:will/be going to 加动词原形 判断方法:找标志词(时间词),找动词(该动词用的什么时态则需要填的动词就用什么时态。)

37.practice doing sth 练习做某事

38.with(介词)拥有,具有,带有 without(介词)没有

39.look for 寻找(过程或动作) find 找到(结果) find out 查明,查出 40.看: (1)look 看(强调动作)。搭配:look at 看着 have a look 看一看 (2)watch 观看 搭配:watch TV/games/movies/films (3)see 看到(强调结果)搭配:see movies/films…

see sb do sth 看到某人经常做(做了)某事 see sb dong sth 看到某人正在做某事

What did you see ?(你看到了什么?) What can you see ?(你能看到什么?)

41.说:talk with/to sb 与某人交谈 talk about sth 谈论某事 say 说出(强调结果),后跟说的内容。 He says,………………… speak 演讲,说(语言) speak English/Chinese

tell 告诉,讲述 tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 告诉某人某事 tell sb to do 告诉某人做 42.死:die v. 死 (died) die of 死于(内因):hunger/disease等 die from 死于(外因):accident/earthquake等 dead adj.死的 be dead dead sth death n. 死亡 adj+death dying adj.奄奄一息的,垂死的 43.睡觉: sleepy adj.困倦的,想睡觉的

sleep v/n.睡觉 go to sleep sleep well asleep adj.睡着的 be/fall asleep 入睡/睡着 44.成功:success n. Working hard makes our success.

successful adj. He is a successful man in our country. successfully adv. I can finish the task successfully.

succeed v. succeed in doing 成功做某 Tony succeeds in getting full marks. 44.adj: -ed结尾形容人,人做主。 -ing 形容物,物做主语。

excited兴奋的 interested感兴趣的 bored 无聊的 relaxed 放松的 exciting令人兴奋的 interesting 有趣的 boring 令人无聊的 relaxing 令人放松的

45.建议:advise v. advise sb to do 建议某人做某事 advise doing 建议做 advice n.[U] a piece of advice(on/about sth.) 一条(关于....的)建议 some advice (on/about sth.) 一些(关于.....的)建议

suggest v. suggest that sb should do=suggest sb/sb’s doing 建议某人做某事 suggest doing 建议做某事

suggestion n.[C] a suggestion 一条建议 some suggestions 一些建议 45.感叹句,很容易,“名词短语”就搞定。

46.祈使句: 祈使句,很容易,常常把you来抛弃,动原开头莫忘记,加上Don't 变否定。 常见句型这四句,Do,No,Let,Be,你说好记不好记。 47.hundred: several hundred 几百 hundreds of 成百上千 用法规律:后跟of加s,前加数字用“原式”(原形)

类似的词还有:thousand 千 million百万 billion 十亿 trillion 万亿 48.play+ the +(西洋)乐器 play+球/棋/牌(play basketball/chess/cards) 49.so+adj+(a/an)+n such+(a/an)+adj+n

E.g. He is so honest a boy that everyone believes him.

=He is such an honest boy that everyone believes him.

50.marry v. 结婚 marry sb 嫁/娶某人 be/get married to sb 与某人结婚 51.good adj.好的(修饰名词) well adv.好地(修饰动词) adj.健康的 52.也:too (句尾,肯定) either (句尾,否定) also (句中,肯定)

53.疑问词:what(事/物):什么? what colour(颜色) what size (尺码)

where(地点):哪里? when(时间) what time(时刻):几点钟 ? what day(星期):星期几? what’s the date (日期):几号? how (adj/adv/方式/by+交通工具):怎么样?

how long (for+时间段):多久? how soon (in+时间段):多久,多快速? how far (距离):多远? how often (频率) why (原因):为什么? how much = what’s the price of…(价格):多少钱?

54、现完(1):构成have/has done(肯定) haven’t/hasn’t done(否定) Have/Has...done...?(疑问)

55、现完(2):如何使用?(找时间标志词:already(肯),yet(否/疑),so far(到目前为止),since+时间点,for +时间段;判断影响) 56、现完(3):三短语 have gone to 去了(未回) have been to 去过(已回) have been in 在某地待了多久 57、现完(4):瞬间动词转延续动词。

Bought → have had borrowed →have kept arrived/came/went →have been hear left→have been away joined→have been in/have been a member of died→have been dead became →have been begin/start→have been on

finished→have been over returned→have been back opened→have been open 58、被动语态(构成;主动被动互换)

一般现在时:be(is/am/are) done 一般过去时:was/were done 一般将来时:will be done 现在完成时:have/has been done 现在进行时:is/am/are being done

59、be made of 由...制成(看得出材料) be made from 由...制成(看不出材料) 60、方位介词(1)above,over,on 61、方位介词(2)under,below

62、remember to do和remember doing,stop to do和stop doing,forget to do和forget doing 63、be used to do,be/get used to doing和 used to do 64、if(是否【宾语从句,时态三口诀】;如果【条件句:主将从现】) 66、other adj.其他的,另外的 other+n

the other (两个中的)另一个 one....the other... ‘一个。。。另一个。。。’ another adj/pro (三个及以上的)另一个 another+n/短语 【单复数均可】 Others 其他的人或物,相当于other+n some...others... ‘一些。。。另一些。。。’ the others 其他的人或物(剩余全部) some...the others...‘一些。。。另一些。。。’ 67、so…that... 如此。。。以至于。。。 so that 为了。。。 68、such…that...= so…that..;too...to... 太。。。以至于不。。。

adj/adv enough to do . 足够...去做某事 69、more than+数词 = over+数词 “超过...”

more than + 名词 “不仅是,不只是...” more than+adj/adv “非常,十分...”

more A than B “与其说是B,不如说是A” one of+the+adj(最高级)+n.(复数)+v(三单)

70. It is adj for sb to do sth 做某事对于某人来说怎么样【形容词修饰事情】 It is adj of sb to do sth 做某事,某人怎么样 【形容词修饰人】 71情态动词:can/could shall/should will/would may/might must 等 72不定代词;all/most/any/some/every/little/few/none 73.六大时态:

一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时,现在完成时,现在进行时,过去进行时 74.have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself

75.频度副词:always,usually,often,sometimes,seldom,hardly,never 76.some time,some times,sometime和sometimes 77. at the end of in the end=at last=finally 78.in the way ,on the way, by the way


80、到达:reach+地点,arrive in+大地点 arrive at+小地点,get to+地点

81、许多,大量:lots of=a lot of=plenty of=a number of=a large amount of=too many+【c】=too much+【u】

82、a number of 许多 the number of 。。。的数量/数字 83、方位介词:to (范围外,不接壤),on(范围外,接壤),in(范围内,不接壤) 84、so + 助/情/be + 主 “某人也是” so +主+助/情/be “某人确实如此” neither +助/情/be+ 主 “某人也不” neither+主+助/情/be “某人确实不” 85、lie-lied-lied-lying-lies 撒谎 lie-lay-lain-lying-lies 躺

lay-laid-laid-laying-lays 下蛋,放置 【规则为撒谎,不规则就躺,躺下就下蛋】 86、A be full of B= A be filled with B A里面充满了B fill A with B 用B装A 87、except和expect

88、on both sides=on each side 89、lend、borrow、keep 90、find it adj to do 91、情态动词

92、need to do、need doing、need do


94、what to do with 和how to deal with... 95、forget ,leave sth + sp,miss 96、祈使句

97、need do,need to do,need doing 98、must I .....?--yes,you must

99、get married to和be married to marry (to) sb 100、three days off和 a three-day holiday 1、live、alive、living 2、倍数表达

3、how soon和how long 4.陈述句:

(1)主谓 (2)主谓宾 (3)主系表 (4)主谓宾 宾补 (5)主谓宾宾 5.疑问句:


(2)特殊疑问句:疑问词(what/who等)+时表词(助[do/does/did/have/has]/情[can/will/may/should等]/系[be])+主语+句剩+动词? 6.感叹句:what+名词短语 How+非名短

7.状语从句:时间(when/while/as soon as/not...until/till/before/after等)/条件(if)/结果/ 目的(so that等)/让步(though/although/even though等)/比较(more...than等)状语从句 8定语从句:

(1)关系代词:which(物),who(人)/whom(人,宾格),that(人/物) (2)关系副词:where(地点),when(时间) ,why(原因) 9宾语从句


连词有三大类,that和陈述句玩匹配,if和whether,两个好哥们儿 共同含义为是否,亲密无间好*友,一般情况可互换,感情深厚不间断 Whether其实很虚伪,有了or not 就劈腿,if 受不了,见到or not 就要跑 疑问词,心眼实,规规矩矩做连词,连词判断很容易,记住俩字叫句意 Follow me ,句意,follow follow me,句意,句意,句意 谈时态你别迷茫,三句口诀记心堂,

主过去,从过去;主现在,从实际;从句事实用现在。 最后一点是语序,清清楚楚陈述句。

中考英语干货[背诵版] - 图文 


