南开大学20春学期《大学英语(三)》在线作业 试卷总分:100 得分:100
一、单选题 (共 50 道试题,共 100 分)
1.– Are you free in July? – No, I( )with my parents in July. A.stayed B.stay
C.have stayed D.am staying
2.His parents will be( )him if he fails the examination. A.disappointing with B.disappointed on C.disappointed with D.disappointing for 答案:C
3.( )all we should put the theory into practice. A.To B.Of C.Beside D.Above
4.History is the story of( )happened to the people before today. A.whomever B.whichever C.wherever D.whatever 答案:D
5.The( )is concerned with successful election, whereas the statesman is interested in the future of his people. A.politics B.politician C.politically D.political 答案:B
6.– Are you feeling better today, Mrs. Silver? – ( ). A.Don't worry about me
B.Just stay in bed and have a good rest C.There must be something wrong
D.Yes, thanks doctor. But I still feel dizzy