【期刊名称】《船舶力学》 【年(卷),期】2017(000)0z1
【摘要】基于三维线性频域势流理论和脉冲响应函数方法计算时延函数与时域波浪力,利用准静定系泊模型来模拟系泊力,利用计算流体力学方法得到粘性阻尼系数,建立了风机在波浪作用下的时域运动方程.论文求解DeepCwind半潜式平台风机的动力响应,计算结果与试验值以及其他数值模拟结果吻合的较好,证明了方法的适用性.%Retardation functions and time-domain wave forces are solvedbased on three dimensional frequency-domain potential theory and impulse response function method, mooring forces are modeled by a quasi-static cable model, viscous damping coefficients are calculated through free-decay numerical simulation based on computational fluid dynamics method, so FOWT motion equation in wave in time-domain is established. The results of DeepCwind semisubmersible FOWT obtained by this method are in good agreement with the experimental data and other numerical simulations results, which prove the applicability of this method.
【关键词】脉冲响应;准静定系泊模型;计算流体力学;粘性阻尼 【作者】蔡恒;朱仁传