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1. I’m going to listen to the radio. Please ____(not talk)any more. 2. The students ____(do)their homework from four to five this afternoon.

3. The students ____(be)busy now. They ____(have)an English exam next Monday. 4. Mary must ____(look)after her little sister because she is too young. 5. ____(he)you waiting for a bus now? 6. This coat is very cheap. I ____(take)it now. 7. I’ll tell him about it when he ____(come)back.

8. Could you tell me how.I ____(can get)to No 3 Middle school.

9. He ____ said that the new teacher ____(give)the students an English lesson now. 10. I ____(milk)a cow three times.

11. Edison’s mother ____(teach)him herself. 12. He ____(watch)TV once a week.

13. Don’t speak loudly. The baby ____(sleep). 14. I won’t go out until.I ____(finish)my homework. 15. Could you tell me when the train ____(arrive).

16. I often hear the sound of children ____(read)English in the room. 17.He asked me ____(help)him with his English this evening. 18. Their work is ____(clean)the streets. 19. Did he enjoy ____(work)in China.

20. We will stay at home if it _____(rain)tomorrow. 21. Be quiet! The boy ____(sing)an English song. 22. _____ you _____ your homework yet(start)? 23. Who ____(teach)them English last term.

24. There _____(be)a telephone call for you just now.


25. Please keep everything ____(clean).

26. Peter won’t have a rest until he ____(finish)his work. 27. I watched TV, so I ____(forget)_____(do)my homework. 28. When I ____(walk)along the river ,I met my friend,Tom. 29. When Mother came ,the little girl ____(play)with a cat.

30. When I was five,I _ __ _(get)to know the earth ____(move)around the sun. 31. They _____(see)a boy _____(fall)into the river while they ____(pass)it yesterday. 32. _____(study)hard at your lessons and(not talk)in class. 33. You _____(have)better _____(not eat)the bad food.

34. While I ____(do )my homework,my parents ____(watch)TV. 35. He ____( not finish)____(read)the book.

36. I ____(get)up very early this morning. I ____(read)English now. 37. He ____(hurry)to school every morning.

38. Our teacher ____(not stop)____(work)until eleven o’clock last night. 39. If he ____(know)it ,he ____(be)very happy.

40. It ____(take)us half an hour ____(read)English every day. 41. The children ____(run)in the street now. 42. There ____(be)two meetings tomorrow morning.

43. My father ____(sleep)when I ____(get)up this morning. 44. When I ____(go)to see Tom, he ____(not write)anything.

45. Sorry, when you ____(call)me, I ____(think)and ____(not hear)you. 46. Mr. Green ____(leave)his notebook at home yesterday. 47. I ____(want)to buy a new coat next Sunday. 48. His father ____(read)newspaper when I got there.


49. It ____(be)five years since he ____(buy)the motorbike. 50. We found it was very difficult ____(get)a car. 51. Mrs. Green hates ____(travel)by air.

52. We are too tired.let’stop ____(have)a good rest.

53. He ____(begin)to teach in our school about ten years ago. 54. She often ____(invite)me to her birthday party. 55. She ____(have)to leave now. Her mum is ill. 56. When is it sate ____(cross)the road’

57. My mother ____(bring)me to visit my aunt yesterday. 58. Noise makes us ____(feel)very bad. 59. Jim came ____(help)me with my lessons.

60. Everyone ____(laugh)at the woman’s mistake now. 61. Miss Yang ____(teach)in this school for about five years. 62. It’s very nice of you ____(say)so. 63. The plane ____(arrive)in twenty minutes. 64. _____(be)there a football match last week? 65. What would you like ____(have)for supper? 66. Could you land me your bike’ Mine is ____(break). 67. How long ____ your father ____(work)in the office. 68. Do you know when he ____(be)back’

69. It’s time for class. All the children stopped ____(play)football. 70. Do you mind my ____(trouble)you? 71. Do you know he ____(go )to Beijing. 72. Will you please ____(tell)the story in English.


73. Did he catch the bus or ____(miss)it last night.

74. My mother ____(work)at this school since it ____(open) 75. There ____(be)a shop near my home for several years.

76. What ____ your sister ____(do)when you _____(go)to see her yesterday? 77. Ask him to call me as soon as he _____(reach)Shanghai.

78. The old man ____(lie)on the ground. Let’s go and see what’s the matter with him. 79. Don’t stop ____(have)a rest before you finish doing your work.

80. The dog _____( eat)up all the food on the plate. Now there is nothing left. 81. Luckily I ____(catch)the early bus this morning.

82. Mr. Brown ____(do)about six hours of sport every week,and ____(eat)a lot of fruits and vegetables everyday. 83. My son says he ____(be)a doctor when he ____(grow)up. 84. You must finish the work before you ____(go)out. 85. If you see him tomorrow, ____(give)him this letter. 86. Jim ____(sick)since Monday. 87. They ____(stay)here for three days. 88.She called to see how he ____(be)。

89. ____ you ever ____(read)Lao She’s works when you were at school? 90. I ____ just ____(arrive)when he left.

91. She ____(be)to Australia three times before she was twenty. 92. I said I ____(show)him the picture when I had finished it. 93. I ____(be)free next Sunday. 94. I ____(read)a novel at that time.

95. He ____(swim)in the river when it began to rain.

96. While she was shopping someone ____(come)to the house.


97. Give me some water ____(drink). 98. He has no house ____(live). 99. I went there ____(see)him.

100. He was kind enough ____(excuse)me. 101. He works hard ____(pass)the exam. 102. I’m sorry ____(have)kept you waiting. 103. He lived ____(see)his son a great man. 104. He must be very rich ___(buy)that big house. 105. This is too difficult _____(understand). 106. English is not easy ____(learn).

107. The picture had better ____(not be)put up on the wall. 108. Would you like ____(go )out or would you rather stay here? 109. The room is large enough for 100 people ____(have)a meeting in. 110. Music ____(love)by everybody in our small town. 111. The bridge ____(repair)now. 112. Let it ____(not touch).

113. The book ____(write)by Lao She in 1948.

114. Don’t you notice that smoking ____(not allow)here? 115. You must not go higher, or you ____(fall).

116. We all went into the classroom when the bell ____(ring).

117. You’d better leave now. Your pupils may ____(wait)for you at the school gate. 118. Do you think we shall ____(lose)the game the day after tomorrow? 119. If you do so ,you ____(break)the rules.

120. The girl ____( sing)a happy song and cake into the room.


121. The house ____(build)for about ten years.

122. When the room ____(shine)upon the river,the scene was very beautiful. 123. His father ____(leave)for Australia last night.

124. We ____(start)at eight if it ____(stop)raining by that time. 125. I didn’t know anything about it until you ____(tell)me. 126. I ____(have)my breakfast when the morning post came. 127. Yesterday a man ____(hit)my car. 128. A dog was found ____(lie)on the found. 129. A dog was found ____(die)on the ground.

130. When I ____(see)Mr. Smith tomorrow,I’ll tell he the good news.

131. Have the man started to work on your new house’ Yes, it ____(build)now. 132. They told me he ____(be)back tomorrow. 133This job can ____(do )quite easily. 134. All the questions ____(answer)already.

135. The winds ____(blow)the clouds away before we went out for shopping. 136. The fish ____(taste)good.

137. Just at the moment his cat ____(drop)into the water. 138. You’d better have someone ____(repair)it for you. 139. I’m not afraid ____(speak)the truth. 140. You must take care ____(not catch)a cold. 141. He held the door open for us ____(enter). 142. Water ____(freeze)at 0 centigrade. 143.I’ll phone you when I ____(arrive)there. 144. The train ____(leave)at ten thirty-two.


145. I ____(graduate)from school last year. 146. He ____(spend)all his childhood in Scotland.

147. ____ you ____(watch)TV at 8 o’clock yesterday evening. 148. I ____ never ____(see)a ghost. 149. He ____(be)in love four times in his lite. 150. His father ____(die)ten years ago. 151. His father ____(die)for ten years.

152. Great changes ____(take)place in my hometown these years. 153. It _____(rain)all the week. 154. He ____(work)all day.

155. I ____ only ____(know)Jane for two days. 156. He ____(work)for ages.

157. When I arrived at the station,the train ____ already ____(leave). 158. I real led that I ____(meet)him somewhere before.




