【期刊名称】《医学信息》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)010
【摘要】Objective To investigate multislice CT angiography (computed tomography angiography, CTA) and its value in clinical diagnosis results in lower extremity arterial disease.Methods The author hospital to diagnose, lower extremity arterial disease in patients with treatment-related data were analyzed 33 cases, patients underwent 64-slice spiral CT examination of al images for maximum intensity projection, volume rendering technology, multi-planar reconstruction were analyzed, ef ective evaluation and image.Results 33 cases of revascularization showed good image. Artery occlusion in 21 cases, 10 cases of arterial stenosis, arterial lame two cases, one case was no exception. 30 underwent surgical treatment, surgery results are now ful y consistent with the CTA.Conclusion The incidence of lower extremity arterial disease and higher, using multi-slice spiral CT angiography in the diagnosis of clinical results are satisfactory and should be introduced.%目的:探讨多层螺旋CT血管造影技术(computed tomography angiography,CTA)在下肢动脉疾病中的临床诊断效果及其价值。方法对来笔者医院诊断、治疗的33例下肢动脉疾病患者相关资料进行分析,患者入院后对其进行常规检查,如:血压、肝肾功能等,患者均采用64层螺旋CT进行增强检查,对图像
进行有效的评价。结果33例患者中采用CT检查均取得理想效果,患者中21例动脉闭塞21例,10例动脉狭窄,2例动脉瘸,1例诊断过程中没有发生异常情况。30例行手术治疗,患者经过手术病理诊断和CTA诊断结果相同。结论下肢动脉及其病变发病率较高,临床上采用多层螺旋CT血管造影诊断效果理想,值得推广使用。 【总页数】2页(41-42)
【关键词】下肢动脉疾病;CT血管造影;诊断效果;价值 【作者】周英;韩庆森
【作者单位】山东省济南市第四人民医院放射科,山东 济南 250030;山东省济南市第四人民医院放射科,山东 济南 250030 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_medical-information_thesis/0201252171002.html 【相关文献】
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