历年试题有记叙文、说明文、议论文、应用文,材料提供的方式有文字提示、表格提示以及图片提示等。下面就不同体裁的作文的写作分别作一简介。 记叙文
记叙文是对人物活动、经历或事情经过等情况,按一定顺序叙述的一种文体。有记事、写人和景物描写等。 记叙文写作的注意事项:
1.主题要明确,内容要充实。文中的故事要有头有尾,要有高潮。 2.记叙文可围绕6W(who,what,when,where,why,how)展开。
[例题1] 请根据所给的图画内容,以“All for Money”为题写一篇短文,叙述你的一段经历,并谈谈你的感受。 参考词汇:mug水杯;attendant服务员;soda water汽水;make money赚钱;announcer广播员 参考范文:
One day,I was going to travel by train.After I got on the train,I put tea into my mug and waited for the attendant to pour water.Then from the loud speaker came the announ-cer's voice,“All passengers,may I have your attention,please? We are sorry to tell you that no hot water is supplied in our train.\attendant came with a cart,shouting,“Soda water,8 yuan a bottle!\I had to buy it, but I felt uncomfortable. At any rate,the train should supply hot water. The attendant should not make money from the passengers.(113 words) 说明文
说明文是对人或事物的特征、性质、状态以及功能,或是对事情的发生、发展、结果等进行解释、介绍、阐述的一种文体。如商品介绍,旅游指南,工作总结,实验报告,知识介绍等均属说明文之列。 说明文写作时应注意: 1.限制要说明的事物和范围;
[例题2] 香港是我们伟大祖国的一部分,现已回归祖国。为庆祝香港回归四周年,
你校英语组特举办一期介绍香港各方面情况的黑板报,由你执笔起草首篇--香港简介。内容要点如下: 1. 地理位置:位于深圳的南边;
3. 交通:有现代化的港口、香港新国际机场、新修建的京九铁路把香港和祖国首都北京连接起来;
4. 历史:自古以来就是中国的领土,150多年前,英国殖民者(colonialist)占领了香港,直到1997年7月1日才回归。每一个中国人都为此感到自豪。 参考范文:
Hong Kong lies to the south of Shenzhen.It has a population of 6 million and an area of more than 1,000 square kilometers.It has not only a modern seaport but also the newly-built Hong Kong International Airport.What's more,the newly-built railway from Beijing to Jiulong connects Hong Kong with the capital of our country.
Since long,long ago,Hong Kong has been a part of China.But more than 150 years ago,the English colonialists took Hong Kong by force.
To our great delight,Hong Kong returned to China on July 1,1997.Being a Chinese,we feel very proud of our great country.(108 words) 议论文
议论文又叫说理文,它是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。作者通过摆事实、讲道理、辨是非,以确定其观点的正确或错误,树立或否定某种主张。议论文应该做到:观点明确、论据充分、语言精炼、论证合理、思维严密。 议论文写作的注意事项:
3.掌握议论文的一般结构。议论文一般由引子、正文和结论三部分组成。一般在引子部分提出论点,即文章的主题,在正文部分摆出有利的事实,对论点进行严密的论证,最后根据前面的论证得出结论。 4.层次要清楚,态度要诚恳,做到以理服人。
[例题3] 请以“Is Watching TV a Good Thing?”为题写一篇议论文。内容如下: 1.看电视已成为人们生活中的一个重要部分; 2.看电视使人们从中受益;
4.看电视是否是件好事,取决于人们自己。 参考词汇:犯罪crime 取决depend on 参考范文:
Is Watching TV a Good Thing?
Television has changed people's life much since it was invent-ed.Now it has become one important part of modern life.People enjoy themselves after hard work by watching TV.They can see some plays,some stories,some sports matches without going out of home,and without spending much money in buying tickets.TV programs make people's life more interesting.
People learn much from TV.Students can study by watching some educational programs.People can get news,weather reports,programs about science and computers.People all over the world can learn from each other and get knowledge when they are watching TV.
But not all the programs are good enough.Today,there are too many programs about love and crime.Some young people become bad because they learn from the bad people in those programs.And watching TV usually takes too much time.It's no good for people's work and study.It's not good for their eyes,either.
People all over the world are watching TV.Is watching TV a good thing or a bad one? I think it depends on people themselves.If one can choose good programs and he doesn't spend too much time on TV,it can be a good thing for him. 看图作文