D: Queen Anne 答案:【 James】
问题: Who was the1 eader of New Mode 选项 A: James工
B: Oliver Cromwell 像
c: v ames工工 D: v ames工工工 级
答案:【1 iver Crome11】
问题: James工 firmly be1 ieved\which he1d
that a kings actions are approved of ( 选项: 二 by mother B: by God C: by father .y teacher
问题: nes VI of Scot1 nd succeeded adz到Aeae, and he wa=( of England in the Union of the crows 选项: A: v ames工 B: v ames工工 c: v ames工工工 D: James Iv
智慧树笞案英伦历史文化抬遗(黑龙冮联盟) 第八章测试
问题:3x1 tain was considered the Emoire on which() 选项:
A: the sun never red B: the sun never right C: the sun never down D:the sun never set (
答案:【 the sun never set】 不 3
today, that is the British ( 选项:
A: gooamorning tea B: afternoon tea C: evening tea D: morning tea
答案:【 afternoon tea】
o: In 1801, under the Act of Union, Great Britain and Ireland were v÷+A
1==÷+=, v-AAAr=A以 TTTe-Sr2+1+÷v=
-----4------++1/ king of the ( 选项: A: USA B: UK C: UFO D: UN 答案:【Ur】
问题: ueen victoria came to the threne s
birthday 选项: A: 16th B: 17th C: 18th D: 28th 答案:【8th】
可题: George I1工 was interested in agricu1tura1 1mmorovement, so he was
given the nickname ( 选项:
A: Farmer George B: Lawyer George C: Singer George D: Worker George 答案:【 Farmer George】
智慧树答案英伦历史文化抬遗(黑龙江联盟 第九章测试
问题:aea5undy,ugu31,子的0 crash in 选项:
L:car B: airplane C: train D: boat 答案:【eax】
OE: () has become the United Kin'gdom's longest-reigning monarch, that
means she has ruled for longer thas any other Monarch in British history 选项: 多
A:E1 i zabeth IT工 B: Elizabeth Iv C: Elizabeth I D:E1 i zabeth工 答案:【21 zabeth II】
问题:Kng6e9 VI was the or191nE1g等 选项:
A: The Kind'3 Teeth B: The Kind's Love C: The king '3 Speech