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make a difficulty; make difficulties刁难;提出异议 stand on one’s dignity保持尊严

treat sb. as dirt; treat sb. like a piece of dirt瞧不起某人,视某人如草芥 to the disadvantage of sb.; to sb’s disadvantage对某人不利 with discretion慎重地 dispose of丢掉,处理,解决 keep one’s distance保持距离

keep sb. at a distance冷淡某人,与某人保持距离 distinguish oneself表现杰出,使受人注意 have to do with; be to do with与…有关 go to the dogs潦倒,堕落 love me, love my dog爱物及乌 put on (the) dog摆架子,装腔作势 wake a sleeping dog惹麻烦 work like a dog拼命工作 over and done with完结,了结 What is done can’t be undone木已成舟

(from)door to door从一处直接至另一处,挨门逐户地 out of doors在户外

packed to the doors被挤的水泄不通 on the dot准时地

in doubt不确定的,可怀疑地

no doubt确定地,我确信,我 想;很可能,公认地 like a dream轻而易举地,完美地 run dry流干,被耗尽

give sb. his due公道地对待,给某人应有的评价 (down) in the dump沮丧的,抑郁的 in duplicate一式两份的(地)

in the dust入土的 off duty下了班的 on duty上班的


each other互相

either …or…既不…也不… even if 即使,纵然

ever since 从…起一直到现在 except for 除…之外

ease off减轻(痛苦,紧张状态等) enjoy oneself享乐,过得快乐

establish oneself in 定居于,在…落户 establish sb as任命某人担任 expose sth to将某物暴露 equal to等同于 equivalent to相当于

excited about/at为某事而激动 eager for/to do急于做

up to one’s ears in深深卷入,深陷于,忙于 earn one’s living谋生 in earnest认真地

on earth究竟,到底;在世界上,在人间 in at ease局促不安,不自在 eat one’s words承认说错 on the ebb正在衰落

come into effect ;go into effect开始实行,开始生效

have an effect on sth.对…有影响,有效力 in effect实际上,正在实行,有效 to the effect that…大意是,以便 make an effect作出努力 spare no effect不遗余力

either …or…要么…要么…,不是…就是… in one’s element很适应,得其所 out of one’s element不适应,不得其所 in embryo萌芽的,未发展的,在筹划中的 lay /put /place emphasis on把重点放在 from end to end最终,结果 in the end最终,结果 on end竖着;连续地

make ends meet使收支相抵,量入为出 put an end to结束,终止,废除 end in以……为结束;以……面告终 end up结束,告终 make an enemy树敌 engage in从事于,使忙于 enjoy oneself过的快活,尽情玩 enter for报名参加 even if/though即使,虽然 evening dress夜礼服 evening school夜校 in the event结果,到头来 in the event of倘若,万一 for ever永远 ever since从…以来

ever so非常

every now and then; every now and again间或,不时的 every other 每隔 for example例如

set a good example树立好榜样 except for只要,要不是

to the exclusion of sb.(st)排除(其他的一切) in excuse of作为…的辩解

make an excuse for为…找一个借口 exert oneself努力,尽力

come into existence出现,成立,产生

make an experiment; carry out an experiment进行实验(试验) in someone’s eyes在…心目中;在…看来 keep an eye on留神,密切注意,照看 see eye to eye( with sb.)(与某人)想法一致 set eyes on看,望着 up to one’s eye in忙于



