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Culture Conveys True Feelings;Friendship Warms Our Hearts——CPAFFC Delegation Visits Japan

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Culture Conveys True Feelings;Friendship Warms Our Hearts——CPAFFC Delegation Visits Japan


【期刊名称】《友声:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2012(000)001

【摘要】<正>ACPAFFC delegation led by Chen Haosu paid a good willvisit to Japan from October 13 to 19,2011. It attended a reception celebrating the 55th anniversary of the founding of the Japan-China 【总页数】2页(P.18-19)

【关键词】delegation founding exchanges Japanese attended bi 【作者】; 【作者单位】; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】D822.2 【相关文献】

1.Say goodbye to the cancer pain with a warming heart -- the 2010 year's heart-warming party of Tongji Hospital in Wuhan [J], Yi Cheng; Qiaoli Peng(Photo); Xi Yang(Photo); Yangyang Yu(Photo)

2.A Warming Spring in Sino-Japanese Relations——First State Visit to Japan by a Chinese President in a Decade [J],

3.Japanese Shame Culture and American Guilt Culture [J], Lu Weijie 4.The Culture Ministerial Meeting of ASEAN-China (10+1) and the

Culture Conveys True Feelings;Friendship Warms Our Hearts——CPAFFC Delegation Visits Japan


