【期刊名称】《安徽农业科学》 【年(卷),期】2012(040)009
【摘要】[目的]研究Fenton氧化降解活性艳红X-3B的条件及历程.[方法]利用Fenton氧化工艺,分析3种不同初始浓度的活性艳红X-3B废水的降解条件,同时利用GC-MS对其降解产物及历程进行研究.[结果]当H2O2∶Fe2+(摩尔比)=3.1时,COD去除效果最好,随着Fe2+投加量的增加,废水会变成铁红色,同时沉淀物增加;对于COD分别为200、400和800mg/L的废水,H2O2投加量分别为0.5、1.0、3.5ml,废水的初始pH为4~5时,COD的去除率最高.Fenton氧化反应的速度非常快,大部分的降解都发生在初始的5min之内.[结论]Fenton氧化技术是一种高效降解难降解染料的实用技术.%[ Objective] We aimed to study the degradation conditions and course of reactive brilliant X-3B on the basis of Fenton oxidation. [Method] By using Fenton oxidation,we studied the degradation conditions of reactive brilliant X-3B wastewater with different initial concentration, then analyzed its degradation products and process through gas chromatography-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). [Result] When H2O2: Fe2+ (molar ratio) =3.1 ,the removal rate of COD was the highest. With the increase of Fe2+ usage,the wastewater became red and more deposits generated. As COD of wastewater was 200,400 and 800 mg/L,the usage of H2O2 was 0.5,1.0 and 3.5 ml respectively, and the