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深圳外国语学校 2017 年初一新生入学能力评估

人机对话综合能力 试题及解析


1.所有试题内容由蓝天老师根据蓝天学员口述内容进行编辑,答案也是根据学生描述的内容推测得出。若有不同见解,欢迎提出指正。 2.不同学生在答题时,顺序不同。



A. 朗读一篇关于 How to be a student leader. 的文章。关键句:Congratulations! There are 3 steps to be a leader. (40s 准备) B. 问答:

Q1. How many steps are mentioned? (3)

Q2. What’s the main idea of this passage? (How to be a good student leader.) C. 口语:

Q3. Do you want to be a school leader? Why or why not? Give at least 2 reasons. (45秒答题) 二、听力。听 4 段对话,回答问题。 1-9 听对话,各回答 1 个问题

1. 对话内容:关于考试,问感受, 与之前题相比 similar M: How about the exam?

W: It is similar as the exam I took before. Q: How do you feel about the exam?

A. Sad

B. Nervous

C. Confident

2. 对话内容:从 office 到 airport。(关键信息点如下) M: How will you go to the airport?

W: It will take me 30 minutes by airbus, but I don’t have that much time. M: You can take a taxi. W: I think I have no choice.

Q: How will the woman probably go to the airport?

A. By subway

B. By airport Express

C. By taxi

3. 对话内容:关键词为 house, shake。 M: What happened yesterday?

W: I was cooking when the house began to shake. And I ran out immediately. Q: What probably happened yesterday?

A. A fire

B. A typhoon

C. An earthquake

4. 对话内容:男问女下班回家时间。(关键信息点如下)

It usually takes me 15 minutes. But if I don’t come back before rush hour, it will take me 20 minutes more.

Q. How long does the woman take to go back home from office in rush hour?


B. 20mins

C. 35mins

Q. How did you feel about Jane?

A. She was always busy with paper B. She seldom finished her paper early C. She never finished her paper 5. 听一段独白,回答以下问题


Welcome to Hotel xx. It costs $200 per night. Breakfast is served between 7:00 and 10:00. 1. Q1. How long did the breakfast serve?

A. 1h

B. 2h

C. 3h

2. Q2. When will the man arrive?

A. May B. June C. July

6. 听一段独白,回答以下问题

文章主要内容围绕 the Senior Olympic Games in American 展开, 主要介绍不同年份在不同地点举行的老年人奥运会、参赛人年龄等信息。

文章关键信息点 American World Senior Games are for people who are over 50 years old. Over then thousand people came to Senior Olympics in the last two weeks. Q1. Which of the following sentence is true?

A. The first Senior Olympic was held in the St. John 30 years ago B. In 2007, the Olympic attracted 10 ,000 people and lasted 2 weeks C. People under 50 years old can join the Olympics in 2017. 三、看两篇阅读,各回答一个问题。

1. 阅读介绍美国流行的调料“老干妈”。美国的流行调料( ketchup)可拌薯条, 沙拉,汉堡等就像中国的“老干妈”。

Ketchup is the most popular sauce in the US. In 97% of the US family, they use ketchup in hamburgers, sandwiches, hot dogs and even cheese. It’s just like Laoganma in China. Q: Which is the best title?

A. How to make a ketchup?

B. Ketchup is the most popular dish in American. C. Ketchup on most Ameican table.(有争议) 2. 看小短文,回答问题。

文章主要讲述李安的导演梦: 李安梦想当导演,但是爸爸不同意,爸爸觉得他应该读大学。37 岁拍了第一部电影,成为好莱坞导演,2013 年获得奥斯卡,在颁奖典礼上别人问他 How did you succeed? Lee wants to be a movie director when he was young. But his dad said,’that is a job for girls.’But he wants to be a movie director. Then he was out of job for 6 years, and he studied Hollywood Movies. When he was 37 years old, he became a movie director for the first time. He won Oscar



