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人教版八年级下册英语 Unit10 词汇运用专项练习(含答案)

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Unit 10


1. Thousands of visitors come to my________(家乡)Tianjin every year. 2. The development of the ________(铁路)makes traveling in China easier. 3. -How much is the small toy? -It's only 80 ________(美分).

4. My friends have left many soft and sweet ________(记忆)in my heart. 5. We all like to be with Rita because she is very________(诚实的)and kind. 6. There is a bookstore________(在……对面)our school.

7. Paul has found a new job and is ________(仔细考虑)moving to a new flat near his company.

8. More and more foreigners are learning Chinese________(现今). 9. What do you think of your __________(童年)?

10. Young people in the 21st __________(世纪)are full of hope and challenges. 11. The little girl coloured the picture with _______ (蜡笔).

12. The baby was _______ (抓住) his mother's hand tightly(紧紧地). 13.To be h_________ (诚实的), I haven’t played football for a while now. 14. Mr and Mrs Smith have been m_________ (结婚)for thirty years. 15. Her father has just had his f_________(四十岁)birthday.

16.Yang Hua bought the book two days ago.He has h_________ (买) it for two days. 17.Children liked to play together, e_________(尤其)during the summer holidays. 18. She felt that her failure would bring________( 耻辱) to her family.


19. My grandparents have a big________( 院子) . They grow many vegetables in it. 20. ________( 甜的) food and drink contains a lot of sugar. 21. They sell old books each for 80 c________. 22. There are many ________ ( 玩具) bears in my box.

23. He’s moving to Marin County to become a cheese ________( 生产者,制造者) . 24. The price of this ________( 围巾) is below ten dollars.


1. For ____________ (certainly) reasons, Mr. Li left there without saying anything. 2. You and I must be ____________ (truth ) with each other.

3. Mike’s mother gives her money away to a ____________ (child) home. 4. They decided ____________ (visit) their teachers on weekends. 5. I need your help. Please come here ____________ (quick). 6. I never like walking, __________ (especial) in winter. 7. __________ (hold) the rope so that you won’t fall.

8. The little boy can __________ (count) from one to ten fluently after practicing a couple of times.

9. I like vegetables, __________ (especial) carrots and potatoes. 10. They are considering __________ (go) to Hainan for vacation. 11. You can have this old book for 75 _________ (cent).


12. This film came from a _________(truth) story happened many years ago. 13. Our hometown has left many soft and sweet _________ (memory)in our hearts. 14. It’s said that the aliens have landed on the earth _________ (safe).

15. In many places, the government has also built new schools and _________(send) teachers from the cities to help. 16. Listen! A girl________(sing) in the hall. 17. Alison________(swim) for three hours.

18. When I entered the classroom, I found some students ________(watch) TV. 19. There are some children who ________(play) football on the playground. 20.- How long ________ you________(do) that? -For about four years.

21. The young man ________(skate) since he was eight years old 22. He’d like________(collect) shells because they are beautiful. 23. When I was twelve, I________ (start) to play tennis.

24. If you know his telephone number, please let me________(know). 25. Thank you for________(tell) me the truth.

26. The little girl has ________ (learn) about 100 songs so far. 27. He ________(live) in USA for 20 years.

28. Mr. Green is an engineer. He ________( work) in China for about two years. 29. Your father ________ (be) to Guangzhou twice. 30. The Smiths ________(be) in China for three years.


人教版八年级下册英语 Unit10 词汇运用专项练习(含答案)


