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2019初三中考复习《考点整合》4--情景交际 docx

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Sure. Why not? B)I'd rather not C) That's a good idea.D )Yes, I'd like to

11.-I was sick last week and I missed so many classes.(静安)

I’ll help you.

A.I’m so sorry. B. Don’t worry. C. That’s right. D. Study harder. 12.--I'm interested in paintings of wild animals.(杨浦) -- _____

A)I'm afraid I don't like that idea. B) So do I. Do you have any other hobbies? C) That's amazing I love old paintings too. D) We have some famous paintings of tigers. 13.-We're going hiking this weekend.Would you like to join us?(闵行) -_________. A.Yes,I'd like to. C.I am busy now.

B.Never mind. D.I'll take your advice.

14. –I’ve been waiting for you for ages. What kept you so long, John? (静安) –______, but I have been caught in a traffic jam for nearly an hour. A. Not at all

B. Never mind C. I’m so sorry

D. That’s all right

15.- I think it's a good idea to volunteer somewhere before college (杨浦) -__________it's a great experience

A) Not at present B)Are you kidding? C I don’t think so. D)I suppose you're right. 16. -In my opinion,dogs are better pets than any other animal. (闵行)

-_____.They are really faithful and helpful to humans.

A,I don’t think so B,I agree C.That’s all right D.I am afraid not.

答案: 1-5 C B C B C 6-10 B C C A B 11-16 B B A C D B

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2019初三中考复习《考点整合》4--情景交际 docx


