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2019初三中考复习《考点整合》4--情景交际 docx

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Ⅰ 道歉

---I`m sorry. /I`m sorry to trouble you.

---It doesn`t matter. /That’s all right. / /never mind.

Ⅱ 请求、邀请、帮助、求助

---Would you mind if I open the window? ---Certainly not. /Of course not. /Certainly not.

---You had better not. There are children……../ I am afraid it’s too …../

---May I open the window? ... ---Yes, go ahead.

---Would you like to......?

---Yes, I`d love to./ I`d like to but...../ I am afraid I can’t…./

---Would you like me to……? ---Yes, please./It’s very kind of you./

---Would you please help me…..? ---No problem.

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---Would you like some coffee…..? ---That’s very kind of you./ No. thanks./

---Let me help you…./ Can I help you with the ….? ---No, thanks. I can manage it ./ That’s very kind of you./

Ⅲ 道谢

—Thank you very much./Thank a lot./Many thanks/Thanks for helping me. —Not at all./It’s my pleasure./ You`re welcome/ My pleasure.

Ⅳ 建议

---Shall we do something?/Let`s do something/What(how)about doing something? ---That’s a good idea./That sounds great./ All right.

---Why don’t you turn down the radio…..? ---Sorry, I didn’t notice it./ Sorry, I won’t. /

Ⅴ 发表观点 ---I think …….

---I agree. / I am afraid so. /I don’t agree with you./ I don’t think so.

Ⅵ 鼓励打气

---I am afraid I can’t ……

---Take it easy./ Try harder next time./ Just have a try./Don’t give up.

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Ⅶ 打电话

---Hello, may I speak to....?

---Hold on, please (稍等片刻)/She isn`t here right now./Can I take a message for you?

Ⅷ 表扬,夸赞

---Oh, how nice !/Your dress is beautiful.

---It`s nice of you to say so./Thank you./ I am glad you like it.

Ⅸ 遗憾和同情

---I got a bad cold./Sam hurt his leg yesterday ---what a pity!/I`m sorry to her that /What a shame. /

Ⅹ 祝愿,祝福

---Good luck./Best wishes to you./Have a nice (good)time (journey)./Congratulation! ---Thank you.

---Happy new year!/merry Christmas! ---The same to you!

---Happy birthday to you. ---Thank you.

---I`m happy ./I`m going to shanghai for a visit . ---Good luck./Have a good time./Enjoy yourself

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---I have a complaint about….

---What’s the trouble?/ What’s the problem?



1、--Professor Zhang,I’m awfully sorry for being late for your lecture. (2019宝山二模) -- .

A、My pleasure B、Never mind C、Of course not D、You are welcome

2、--We are going to have a barbecue in the country park on Sunday. Would you like to join us? -- .

A、Thanks, the same to you. B、Shall we go to the countryside to pick peaches? C、That’s very kind of you. You’re welcome.

D、I’d love to, but I’ll have a meeting. Thanks anyway.

3、-We’re going to have a picnic. Would you like to join us? (2019崇明二模)

- A、Of course not B、Sure, I'd love to. C、Me too D、Yes, please

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4、- (2019崇明二模)

-That's a good idea.

A、Would you mind repairing the computer for me? B、What kind of book do you like best, Catherine? C、I’m afraid the homework is too difficult for me. D、I think we should raise some money for charity. 5. --- Would you come and pick me up? (2019奉贤二模) --- ________________________________.

A. That sounds interesting B. That’s a good idea C. Never mind D. Okay. Any time

6. --- What kind of problems do you think Tom might have? (2019奉贤二模) ---- ________________________________________. A. I guess the work is too difficult for him B. Don’t give it up

C. Look on the bright side D. I guess his work is very interesting 7. –Shall we join in the Winter Olympic Games? (2019黄埔二模) ---_________. A. Good idea

B. You’re welcome C. Not at all

D. Never mind

8. –Would like me to lock the door for you? (2019黄埔二模) -- _________. A. Yes, I’d like to

B. It’s a pleasure C. Yes, please

D. It doesn’t matter

9.-I’m awfully sorry for being late, Professor Zhang. (2019嘉定二模)


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2019初三中考复习《考点整合》4--情景交际 docx


