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Lesson 4 Introdution Organic Chemistry(p59)


Because of the tremendous number of organic compounds known, and of the many more being synthesized daily, the study of organic chemistry is not the study of individual compounds , it is the study of groups or families of compounds all closely related to each other. Obviously, the former approach would be prohibitive. Once the structural relationships of certain typical member of a particular group or family are understood, these structural features are understood for any one of the many members of the family even though some may not be known compounds, For each group of family of compounds often called homologous sreies of compounds, structureal features are improtant. In studying organic chemistry, it is not enough to know the identities of the elements and how many atoms of each element are present in a given molecule. More improtantly, the order in which these atoms are linked together to form the molecule must aslo be known, Once the identities of the element and the number of atoms prsent in each of these element have been established, structural studies are quite improtant. They require considerable effort and ingenuity on the part of the organic chemist.


In summary, the following four steps are required in order to completely indentify any organic compound isolated for the first time from a natural source or produced for the first time in the laboratory:


( 1 ) Isolation of the compound from the mixture of organic or inorganic compounds among which it may be found , followed by application of appropriate criteria of purity.

( 1 )从被发现的有机或无机化合物中分离出来的物质,运用适当的标准检验其纯度。 ( 2 ) Establishment of its empirical and molecular formulas by use of appropriate methods of qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis, and molecular weight determination.

( 2 )使用适当的定性、定量分析法和测定分子量来确立实验式。

( 3 ) Proposal of a structural formula as the result of appropriate chemical and physical examination of the compound.

( 3 )通过对化合物进行适当的物理和化学测定,从而提出分子的结构式。

( 4 ) Synthesis of the compound by an unambiguous method as confirmation of the proposed structural formula.

( 4 )用清晰的方法合成化合物来验证所提出的结构式

Lesson 11 macromolecules(P91)大分子

Historical Background 历史背景:

It would not be appropriate to complete a study of the subject of organic chemistry without including an introduction to the chemistry of macromolecules, and their preparation and properties . Macromolecules ,as the name implies, are molecules much larger than the simple ,small molecules that the subject of organic chemistry has dealt with thus far. The term high polymer is also used to identify these large molecules .High polymers are materials possessing an average molecular weight above 10000.


Organic chemists are inclined to refer to certain structures as “dimers” “trimers ” “tetramers”,etc. The rapid development of the plastics, rubber,and synthetic fiber industries during the past several decades has created such a demen for chemists to work in these areas that, at the present , approximately half of the chemists in the United States ultimately do research or development work in the polymer field

有机化学家倾向于把特定结构的物质称为 二聚物 三聚物 四聚物 等等, 在过去几十年里塑料橡胶以及合成纤维的快速度发展创造需求,使化学家投入到这片领域。目前,大约有一半的美国的科学家在这里研究和工作。

Lesson26 Development of the Detergent Industry(1)P150


Although the start of the synthetic detergent industry is not shrouded in the veils of history as were the beginnings of the soap industry, it is nevertheless not easy to pinpoint exactly when the detergent industry ,as such ,came into being. The primary problem is to decide exactly what is being referred to as a synthetic detergent .The term itself leads to confusion .In the USA the words surfactant or syndet are being used ,whilst in Europe the term “tenside”(for tension-active mateial) is coming into fashion.


Lesson27 Development of the Detergent Industry(2)P156


Methods of test were developed and it was in fact, proved that linear alkyl benzene is biodegradable. Germany introduced legislation prohibiting the discharge of non-biologically degradable material into sewer systems. In the USA detergent manufacturers agreed voluntarily to switch over from PT benzene to linear alkyl benzene by June 1965. In the United Kingdom a similar type of “gentleman’s agreement ” was entered into.


Lesson32 Cosmetics Today(P179)


Cosmetic arts and practices go hand in hand with the history and prehistory of mankind. Scientific development of cosmetics started only late in the last century ,continuing during the first half of this century. However, during the period since World War II –particularly in the last two or three decades –cosmetic science has advanced at an impressive pace. The range of subject covered by papers delivered last month at the 16th IFSCC Congress held in New York City clearly shows the expansion of cosmetic science.



In the face of this positive state-of-the-industry situation some politicians insist that

cosmetics are unsafe and that the industry needs more regulation. The beauty of the free enterprise system is that it can be self-regulation. And , in the case of cosmetic products, the industry has shown that it is capable of regulating itself from within. Our safety record speaks for itself .Each individual company is fully aware that to exist and excel we must come out with more innovative and better products, because of the very competitive nature of business . To regulate the industry will slow down and eventually stagnate the innovation process. It will not be in the best interest of the consumers.


Lesson33 Emulsions 乳状液P186

When an emulsion is formed, the surface area between the dispersed and continuous phases to a great extent. The increase in surface area increase the free energy and therefore the instability of the emulsion. An emulsifier absorbing at the interface will lower the surface free energy and enhance the formation of an emulsion


The type of the emulsifier used determines the manner in which it is absorbed at the surface of the oil-water interface. Not only does this surface active agent reduce the surface tension between the two phases but it controls the type of emulsion formed(oil-water,or water-oil) and the stability of the dispersed particles.


Lesson45 Practice of Distillation(P238)


General Methods of Distillation—No investigation has yet been undertaken of the process by which steam actually isolates the essential oil from aromatic plants. It is

commonly assumed that the steam penetrated the plant tissue and vaporizes all volatile substances. If this were true, the isolation of oil from plants by hydrodistillation would appear to be a rather simple , merely requiring a sufficient quantity of steam. Howeve r, such is not the case. In fact, hydrodistillation of plants involves several physicochemical processes which will be discussed later.


Lesson 50 the role of fragrance in consumer product (P253)

Products have attibutes : they have form,size,price,efficacy,names,fragrance. An understanding of hte ralationships between attributes and benefits and of their purposeful use is a key to the art of developing and marketing consumer products. In this text we explore these relationships in a greneral way, with an emphasis on one attribute-fragrance


Product attributes in turn can be divided into three types 产品属性依次可分为三大类:

(1) Functional attributes are directly ralated to how well a product dose its job,hence to the primary product benefits. The horsepower,break effectiveness and interior dimensions of a car ,the neutralzation potential of an antacid are functional attributes.


(2) Nonfunctional attributes are directly rakated to secondary benefits. important among these are the aestheic attributes -- the color of a car and its upholstery, and the taste of an antacid.


(3) Signal attributes are related to benefits not directly but through association or suggestion . To illustrate the styling of a car may suggest power, reliability,or safety and is signal attributes with respect to these benefits.


Lesson 51 Food Additives 食品添加剂 (P257)



