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possible bad effect could be avoided and more favorable educational environment could be generated. Sample3:1+4+2+5=12 评语:内容阐述能力:1+4 缩写遗漏信息过多;

讨论论点明确,论述尚充分;篇章组织能力:2 语言运用能力:5 语言尚流畅

Some parents in the UK take their children to holidays during school time. Although this saves part of money, it could have a negative impact on children's education. It will be banned for families to take term-time breaks.

I, however, hold an opposite view on this ban. Taking term-like holidays is acceptable and reasonable. Firstly, study is not limited in school, but from the nature and experience. Term-like holidays give students an opportunity to put what they study of school into practice in reality. Geographic knowledge is a noticeable example. Therefore, a term-time holiday in fact is beneficial to study. Besides, cost is a considerable issue. The price even triples in the period of heated holiday. Some families do not have the ability to support. The only chance for them is to take a term-time holiday. An unforgettable holiday could not only contribute to the sense of family Union, but also the healthy development of children. Great experience with parents is an essential part of any child's growth. So a term-time holiday is a precious chance for parents of ordinary family to take their children to create a unique memory, because the short lack of school cannot equal to the healthy development of children.

On the other hand, a term-time holiday is beneficial to student's mastery of knowledge. Students could get more practice rather than mere theory. On the other hand, a healthy growth for a child is much more important. It is reasonable for parents to take children out of school for holiday in order to save money. Sample4:1.5+2.5+1+3.5=8.5


缩写部分:缩写不符合要求,表达思维混乱, 讨论:讨论尚切题,论述不充分,仅从原文的抄袭

篇章组织能力:1 语言运用能力:3.5 语言较多错误。

Recently, a hot topic is that whether parents should take children out of school for holiday during term time in order to save money. Most people disagree this kind of action because it is dangerous, bring down truancy levels in schools and the education is more important. As far as I am concerned, I disagree that parents take children out of school for holiday during term time in order to save money. The reasons are as follows.

To start with, nay time out of school has the potential to damage a child’s education. If the children out of school, they will have no time to study. The result is that they can’t improve themselves. And when they are out of school, they will have no energy to study, no interest to study as well. What’s more, this is part of the government’s wider commitment to bring down truancy levels in schools. The students didn’t study hard, the grade will be very slow. So the truancy levels in school will be down. There will also be stricter panalties for parents and schools. Education Secretary take the measures to make education more academically rigorous and to tackle a culture in the educational establishment which he believes has accepted \for failure”. Last but not least, a child’s education is more important than a holiday. If a child has good education, he will get good skills. It will be benefit to his future. Good education is the most important thing to a person, it is more important than everything.

To sum up, education is more important than a holiday. Parents shouldn’t take children out of school for holiday during term time in order to save money. TEM4-2016监考步骤 考试时间:2016年4月23日(星期六)上午8:30-10:40。考试正式开始15分钟后,迟到考生不得进入考场。考试正式开始60分钟后,考生方可交卷离开考场;考试结束前30分钟内考生不得交卷离开考场。请监考老师按以下流程实施考试。 一、8:15(入场铃响后)组织考生进入考场,检查考生证件,安排考生入座。向考生展示试卷密封完好性后当着考生面启封试卷,先发给每位考生空白记录纸壹张,然后发试题册壹份,答题卡1和2各壹张,要求考生在答题卡1和答题卡2填上准考证号、姓名和校名。提示考生调试好接收机。绝不能同时把答题卡1、2、3发给考生。


1.监考老师及全体考生带上耳机注意收听,利用Part I(Dictation)前的指示部分调节音量。Part I(Dictation)做在答题卡1上,听写共念四遍,用时10分钟,Part I结束后,磁带预留1分钟时间供考生检查听写。考生不必在答题卡1上书写听写标题。

2.继续做Part II(listening Comprehension Section A)。该项目做在答题卡1上。所发的空白记录纸在听时记笔记用。该项目有2分钟的时间给学生检查。 3. Part II(listening Comprehension Section B)做在答题卡2上。当听到THIS IS THE END OF PART II LISTENING COMPREHENSION,监考员收答题卡1。 三、9:00开始做Part III,该项目用时10分钟。 四、9:10开始做part IV, 该项目用时10分钟。 五、9:20开始做part V,该项目用时35分钟。

六、Part III、Part IV和Part V的答案均写在答题卡2上,9:55 收回答题卡2。

七、9:55监考员发答题卡3,(要求考生在答题卡3上填写准考证号、姓名和校名),并宣布开始做Part VI(Writing),该部分用时45分钟,10:40考试结束铃响后,监考老师宣布停止作答,收回答题卡3和试题册,清点答题卡和试题册份数,确定无误后方可宣布学生离开考场。 请考生认真学习本提示:



二、填涂处只准用橡皮擦修改;书写处只准用修改符号将该部分内容划去,不准用涂改液或透明胶带纸粘扯欲修改处;否则将影响网上评卷。 三、考试项目及时间如下:考试时间约为130分钟。

Part I:Dictation 约10min Part II:Listening Comprehension 20min

Part III: Language Usage 10min

Part IV: Cloze 10min Part V: Reading Comprehension 35min Part VI: Writing 45min

Part I 和Part II(Section A)做在答题卡1上;Part II (Section B)、Part III、Part IV和Part V做在答题卡2上;Part VI做在答题卡3上。



