4 ● 讨论切题,中心明● 讨论部分要点顺确 确 序合理 ● 标点符号使用● 观点明确,有些新● 段落划分合理 准确 意 衔接 ● 卷面整洁 ● 要点陈述清晰 ● 全文衔接手段准● 能针对原文观点展确、丰富、自然,开讨论 有助于理解 ● 论据充分有力 ● 论据种类丰富 ● 结论自然完整 达到字数要求各部分长度合适 缩写部分 通顺 词汇 ● 准确表述材料主● 缩写和讨论两个● 词汇运用较准题 部分顺序安排合理 确,有少量错误,● 较准确表述材料● 缩写和讨论部分但不影响理解 中心内容 内部结构基本完整 ● 词汇量较丰富 ● 材料要点有少量● 缩写部分两份材● 词汇运用较自遗漏 料之间有过渡(如然 ● 较准确描述材料有两份材料) 语法/句法 间关系(如有两份材料) ● 讨论部分要点较● 少量语法错讨论部分 明确 误,但不影响理解 ● 讨论较切题,中● 讨论部分要点顺● 句式较多样 心较明确 序较合理 ● 句式较自然 ● 观点明确,略有● 段落划分基本合书写规范 新意 理 ● 拼写/大小写较● 要点陈述较清晰 衔接 正确 ● 能尝试展开讨论 ● 全文衔接手段较● 标点符号使用● 论据较充分有力 准确、丰富、自较准确 ● 论据种类较丰富 然,对理解有帮助 ● 卷面较整洁 ● 结论较自然完整 达到字数要求各部分长度合适 3 缩写部分 通顺 词汇 ● 基本准确表述材● 缩写和讨论两个● 词汇运用有少料主题 部分顺序基本合理 量错误,且对理解● 表述材料中心内● 缩写和讨论部分有一定影响 容有一些偏差 内部结构部分遗漏 ● 词汇量较有限 ● 材料要点部分遗● 缩写部分两份材● 词汇运用不够漏 料之间美有过渡自然 ● 未能描述材料间(如有两份材料) 关系(如有两份材料) 缩写部分 通顺 词汇 ● 材料主题和中心● 缩写和讨论两个● 词汇运用有少内容与原 文相关,但有部分顺序安排不够量错误,且对理解较大偏差 合理 有一定影响 ● 基本不能总结要● 缩写和讨论部分● 词汇量较有限 点,仅是罗列部分细节 内部结构有较多遗● 词汇运用不够● 未能描述材料间漏 自然 关系(如有两份材料) ● 缩写部分两份材语法/句法 讨论部分 料之间没有过渡● 有较多语法错● 内容尚切题,但(如有两份材料) 误,严重影响理解 中心不够准确 ● 讨论部分要点不● 句式不够丰● 观点不够明确 明确 富,仅能使用少数● 要点陈述有些混● 讨论部分要点顺种类句式,或者句乱 序不合理 子错误较多 ● 只能展开简单讨● 段落划分不合理 ● 句式很不自然 论 衔接 书写规范 ● 论据简单 全文仅能使用少量● 有较多拼写/大● 没有结论或结论衔接手段,或者虽小写较正确 片面 有一些衔接手段,● 有较多标点符基本不符合字数要求,或但错误较多导致理号使不够准确 各部分长度很不合适 解困难 ● 卷面杂乱,涂改较多 2 1 0 缩写部分 通顺 ● 材料主题和中心● 缩写和讨论两个内容与原 文相关,但有部分顺序安排不够较大偏差 合理 ● 不能总结要点,● 缩写和讨论部分仅是罗列部分细节 内部结构有较多遗● 未能描述材料间漏 关系(如有两份材料) ● 缩写部分两份材讨论部分 料之间没有过渡● 讨论与话题相(如有两份材料) 关,但中心不够准确 ● 讨论部分要点间● 观点不够明确 关系混乱 ● 要点陈述不清 ● 讨论部分要点顺● 不能展开讨论 序不合理 ● 无论据 ● 段落划分不合理 ● 无结论 衔接 基本不符合字数要求,或全文仅能使用少量各部分长度很不合适 衔接手段,或者虽有一些衔接手段,但错误较多导致理解困难 空白,仅抄写部分考题内基本没有篇章组织容, 能力 或仅有部分无意义文字,或内 容完全不相关 词汇 ● 词汇严重贫乏,基本不能运用词汇表达意义 语法/句法 ● 语法知识贫乏,基本不能写出完整句子 书写规范 ● 基本无法正确拼写,使用大小写和标点符号 ● 卷面杂乱,涂改较多 基本没有语言运用能力 Sample1:(16.5分) 3.5+4.5+2.5+6=16.5 评语:内容阐述能力:3.5+4.5
讨论部分:论点明确能针对原文观点展开讨论,要点较明确 篇章组织能力:2.5
缩写和讨论部分内部结构完整 语言运用能力:6
词汇:词汇运用准确;词汇丰富;词汇运用自然 能使用自己的语言卷面整洁。
The latest news on the term-time holidays reveals that parents are to be banned from taking their children away from school during term-time holidays. Those who break this new rule will face fines as a result.
The regulation was established, according to a senior source at the Department for Education, mainly because the time out of school would do harm to children’s educational development. He also mentioned that the regulation was an integral part of government’s practice to lower the truancy levels in schools. This rigorous measure is believed to resolve the cultural problems in the education eventually. Additionally, the general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers considered the measure useful as it would prevent parents from too much pressure.
To the best of my belief, it is unwise to ban parents from taking their children out of school for holiday in purpose of saving money. Firstly, it is essential that students get an experience of social life and beautiful nature instead of repetitive school life during term-time. If the duration of the holiday is relatively short, the student will surely be able to make up what has been taught during his absence. Moreover, if the ban is strictly practiced, a great number of families will be faced with immense economic burden which they cannot afford to undertake. Even with the social welfare system, the expensive tuition fee can only be covered partly, leaving students’ parents in an economic dilemma. Last but not least, the truancy level may not be lowered by such rigorous measures and strict penalties because this type of coercion is easily inclined to trigger students’ and parents’ opposition. That is to say, it is highly possible that parents take students out of school for holiday even more frequently and the truancy level rises consequently after the establishment of the regulation. The messy environment will finally damage the school.
To sum up, I’m not an advocate of the ban on holidays during term-time because students need social life, families need light economic burden and schools need harmonious campus environment. Sample 2:2.5+5+2.5+6=16 评语:内容阐述能力:2.5+5
缩写部分:基本准确表述材料主题;材料中心内容少量遗漏 讨论部分:论点明确能针对原文观点展开讨论,要点较明确 篇章组织能力:2.5
词汇:词汇运用准确;词汇丰富;词汇运用自然 能使用自己的语言卷面整洁。
In general, the excerpt introduces Michael Gove's proposal that parents should not be allowed to take their children out of school for holiday during term time. He argues, firstly, any time out of will pose potential damage to a child's education and secondly, taking term-time holiday can ensure a more academically rigorous educational environment.
Different from UK's Education Secretary, I believe this policy is unjustifiable, inefficient and harmful, and thus should not be welcomed.
To begin with, prohibiting children from going out with parents during terms violates children and parents' freedom of choice. Parents are rational being who are able to make reasonable and best choice for their children according to evaluation and cost-benefit analysis based on their own family conditions. School, as a mere education agency, is entitled with no right to intervene with individual family's affairs as long as they do not harm a third party that might involve.
Besides, even if the policy has a legitimate justification, say, for the sake of overall educational environment, it is very unlikely to take effect. If parents really want to take their children out, they could find multiple ways to fake 'authorized excuse' and ask for a leave, for example, by providing the school with fabricated proof from doctors to escape the penalties.
Moreover, from a consequential level, this policy will further misunderstanding between parents and school, and even undermine children's incentive to learn. Leaving a short period of time from school is not necessarily detrimental to students' study as long as they could catch up later, while forbidding them from going out makes both students and parents feel slightly offended and become increasingly dissatisfied with the stricter school management, which is not at all beneficial to promote a better educational culture in the UK.
To my understanding, given all the negative aspects of the ban, the school can take other alternative measures to solve the problem, for instance, increasing the intensity and difficulty of courses, so that