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2012年考研英语一真题 - 答案及详解 - 免费 - 图文

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49.【解析】本题考点涉及代词的还原,现在分词做状语,过去分词做后置定语,非限制性定语从句以及被动。句首the second,回上文寻找,可在上段第一句找到The most famous of these efforts was initiated by Noam Chomsky,其中initiate为―发起、创始‖,可推知此处为the second effort,即上文的two previous attempts;shared by many language修饰traits;which引导的定语从句,同样修饰traits;定语从句的中的被动语态可采用主动的译法,添加主语―人们‖。


50.【解析】语法结构方面,本句考查了定语从句,过去分词做后置定语,并列结构等。词汇方面,family tree词义的选择,可借助上文by examining four family trees that between them represent more than 2,000 languages,可判断为语言的谱系,后文代词it指代family tree。 【参考译文】乔姆斯基的语法应该表明语言变化的模式,这种模式独立于语言谱系,或者独立于由该谱系所产生的路径,而格林伯格的普遍性理论则认为在特定种类的词序关系之间,有着紧密的相互依赖关系。 Section Ⅲ Writing Part A

【详解】:今年英语一的应用文于2007年和2009年两次考察建议信以来第三次考察建议信。传达给我们的信息是考察过的类型还是会反复考察。另外关于给外国来华留学生写信,也从某一种程度上反映最近2年汉语热这一社会热点。具体集体思路是:表达欢迎。第二点要提出具体的建议。第三点再次表达欢迎之后,要对留学生将要展开的跨过求学之旅进行美好的祝愿。 【范文】: Dear All,

I am writing on behalf of our Student’s Association to send our warm welcome. And in order to make you adjust life in China, I am making some constructive advices with regard to the life in our university,

To begin with, you’d better grasp the basic communicating vocabulary as much as possible so as to freely express yourself. In addition, you can read some books on Chinese customs and daily life style in case you feel uneasy once join a completely strange context. Finally, relax yourself and feel confident toward your future life。

I hope you will find these proposals useful, and I would be ready to discuss this matter with you to further details。

Sincerely yours,

Li Ming

Part B

【详解】: 认真分析图画,两个人针对同一个掉在地上的酒瓶,作出完全了不同的反应。

一个人看到的是那些洒在地上的酒,因此唉声叹气。另一个人看到的时候剩在酒瓶里的酒,因此觉得情况尚没有那么糟糕。从图中信息不难看出,出题者意图是反映面对困境时两类不同的人的不同态度。前者悲观因此眼中尽是悲剧,而后者乐观却总能看喜剧。因此可知,本文写作中心应该围绕不同的态度导致不同人生。写作过程中由于本文中心比较抽象,因此可以佐以例证。 【范文】:

In recent years, there have been great concerns over the life attitude of the youngsters. As is depicted in the picture above, facing a bottle with most the wine spilled out on the ground, one man is sighing the tragedy, whereas the other rejoices over the remained wine in the bottle。 The real implications of the picture lies in that different attitude leads to completely diverse results. For optimistic people, they could find the happiness even facing the most difficult situation. And life is a comedy. Conversely, for people with pessimistic attitude, troubles are everywhere and always exist. Their lives is filled with one after another tragedies。

To my best understanding, the story of Den Yaping could be the best illustration of this point. If she kept upset by her stature, she could not have achieved so much in table tennis. All in all, young people should bear in mind that \。

2012年考研英语一真题 - 答案及详解 - 免费 - 图文


