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1、 J___ n___ ____ry 一月 2、 F___ br___ ____ry二月 3、 M___ ____ch三月

4、 ____pr____ l四月 5、 M ____ y五月 6、 J ___ n____六月 7、 J____ l____七月 8、 A___ g___ st八月 9、 S___ pt___ mb___ r九月

10、 ____ ct___ b____ r十月 11、 N___ v___ mber十一月 12、D___ c___mber十二月

二、写出序数词。(12分) 1、 one__________ 2、 two___________ 3、 three___________4、 four_________ 5、 five__________ 6、 six____________ 7、 seven___________ 8、 eight__________

9、 nine___________10、 ten___________ 11、 eleven_________ 12、 twelve__________

三、从B栏中找出与A栏相对应得答语。(10分) A B

( )1、 What’s your favourite month? A、 It’s Friday、 ( )2、 What day is today? B、 June ( )3、 When is New Year’s Day? C、 January first、 ( )4、 How’s the weather today? D、 My birthday、 ( )5、 Whose birthday is in July? E、 It’s warm、 四、按要求写出下列单词得相应形式。(10分)

1、 sun (形容词) _______________ 2、 hot (反义词) _______________ 3、 leaf (复数) _______________ 4、 too (同音词) _______________ 5、 child (复数) _______________ 6、 cloudy (名词) _______________ 7、 warm (反义词) _____________ 8、 rain (形容词) _______________ 9、 windy (名词) _______________ 10、 black (反义词) _______________ 五、根据汉语提示并联系上下文补充句子。(16分)

1、 Can you say the ____________(月) of the____________(年)?

2、 What’s the________________(天气) like today? It’s _______________(晴朗得)、 3、 January first is __________________________________(新年)、 ________________________________(春节) often comes in February、

4、 Today is ______________(多云得)and ________________(多雨得), but not_____________(多风得)、

5、 ________________(星期三)is the____________________(第四)day of the week、 6、 It’s_______________(多雪得) in winter、 ______________(雪) is cold and white、 7、 _________________ (一月)first is New Year’s Day、_____________________(教师节)

is________________(九月) tenth、 六、连线。(10分)

1、 Children’s Day A、 May first 2、 New year’s Day B、 June first 3、 Teachers’ Day C、 January first 4、 National Day D、 September tenth 5、 International Workers’ Day E、 October first 七、选择题。(10分)

( ) 1、 _____ is the third day of the week、 A、 Monday B、 Sunday C、 Tuesday ( ) 2、 is the first day of the week、 A、 Sunday B、 Monday C、 Saturday ( ) 3、 - _____ birthday is in July?-My birthday is in July、 A、 Who’s B、 Who C、 Whose

( ) 4、 - _____is the weather today? -It’s sunny、 A、 When B、 What C、 How ( ) 5、 Today is April _____、 A、 twelve B、 twelveth C、 twelfth

( ) 6、 - ____month do you like best? –I like March best、 A、 Which B、 Whose C、 What

( ) 7、 -Where is the art room? -It’s on the ____ floor、 A、 one B、 first C、 room ( ) 8、 It’s ___ today、 Take off your jacket、 A、 cold B、 snowy C、 hot ( ) 9、 What is the ____ month? It’s May、 A、 fifth B、 five C、 fiveth ( ) 10、 June first is____、 A、 Children’s Day B、 Childrens’ Day C、 Childs’ Day 八、连词成句。(10分)

1、 day it is what __________________________________________________ 2、 in how weather is the December

__________________________________________________ 3、 my is May 20 birthday



4、 National when Day is __________________________________________________ 5、 Festival in is February Spring or January the __________________________________________________ 九、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分) I am a boy、 I am a student、 My name is Jim、 Today is June first、 It is Children’s Day、 It is a sunny day、 I have breakfast in the morning、 Then I go to the park with my friend Xiao Ming、 We play games in the park、 At4:30 in the afternoon, we go home 、 ( )1、 Today is July first 、 ( )2、 Jim goes to the park with his friend、 ( )3、 It is rainy、 ( )4、 They play games in the park、 ( )5、 They go home at 4:30 in the afternoon、


It is a big shop、 It is near our home、 It looks very lovely、 My parents and I often

go shopping、 I buy books, rulers and pens in the shop、 My parents buy milk, bread and

eggs、 The service(服务) is very good、 We all like the shop、

( ) 1、 The shop is near our home、

( ) 2、 I often go to the shop、 Mom and dad don’t、

( ) 3、 I buy school things in the small shop、

( ) 4、 Mom and dad never buy bread or milk there、

( ) 5、 We’re very happy about the service、

Amy’s Day

I get up at 6:30、 I have breakfast at 7:10, then I go to school at 7:40、 I have four

classes in the morning and two in the afternoon、 I have lunch at the school at 11:50、

And go home at 3:30 p、m(下午)、 After school, I play football on the playground、 In the

evening, I read books and go to bed at 8:30、

( ) 1、Amy goes to school at 7:30、

( ) 2、Amy has lunch at school、

( ) 3、She goes home at 3:30 p、m、

( ) 4、Amy often reads books in the morning、

( ) 5、Amy goes to bed at 9:30、




( )1、 A、 fifth B、 fiveth C、 fifteenth

( )2、 A、 snowy B、 snow C、 below ( )3、 A、 Friday B、 Wednesday C、 Tuesday ( )4、 A、 today B、 tomorrow C、 yesterday ( )5、 A、 November B、 December C、 September Ⅱ.听录音,给下列图片排序。 Ⅲ、听录音,选出您所听到得句子。 ( )1、 A、 Nice to see you again、 B、How are you? ( )2、 A、 This is rice、 B、This is a race、 ( )3、 A、 The wind is blowing the flowers、 B、 The wind is blowing the leaves、 ( )4、 A、 I go to school at seven in the morning B、I have my supper with my family ( )5、 A、 What day is it? B、 When is it?

Ⅳ、听录音,选择正确答语。 ( )1、 A、 It’s seven B、 It’s sunny C、 It’s October ( )2、 A、 It’s Monday, May first B、 It’s hot C、 It’s a pen ( )3、 A、 It’s windy B、 Yes, it is、 C、 It’s Tuesday ( )4、 A、 Yes, it is B、 No, It isn’t C、 It’s 4:00 ( )5、 A、 February B、 March C、 May 笔试部分(共七大题,计60分) I、选出下列每组单词中不同类得一项。 ( )1、 A、 sunny B、 rain C、 cloudy D、 windy ( )2、 A、 first B、 second C、 four D、 fifth ( )3、 A、 January B、 April C、 October D、 Monday ( )4、 A、 March B、 Sunday C、 Friday D、 Saturday ( )5、 A、 Today B、 tomorrow C、 yesterday D、 May II、根据所给单词提示,找规律写出所缺单词。 one five seven nine Apirl May July Wednesday Thursday Saturday breakfast supper afternoon evening III、单选 ( )1、 ____ is the third day of the week ? A、 Sunday B、 Tuesday C、 Wednesday ( )2、Can you say the ______of the year? A、 month B、 months C、 monthes 冀教版四年级英语下册Unit2测试题

( )3、- Is it snowy ? Good morning、 Here is today’s weather、 It is windy in Wuhan、 It’s rainy in -No, it is ____ today、 Beijing 、It’s cloudy in Tianjin、 It’s sunny in Changchun、 It’s snowy in Harbin、 It’s A、 cloud B、 snow C、 hot rainy in Nanjing、 ( )4、 ____ the weather today? Ⅶ、 A、 How’s B、 What C、 What’s ( )5、The boy in yellow T-shirt is____ second、

A、 a B、 an C、 the 一、选词填空。 冀教版小学四年级英语第二单元试卷

( )6、What day was ____ ? A、 tomorrow B、 today ( )7、-When is lunch?


A、 At 8:00 B、 At 12:00 ( )8、 It’s time ______ school 、 、

A、 for B、 to ( )9、-What day is it? - It’s Friday, March _____、 A、 three B、 third ( )10、- ____ is Spring Festival?

-It is in______、

A、 When, January or February B、 What time, January or February

C、 What day, February or March


1、is school when? _______________________________________? 2、is sunny a it day? _______________________________________? 3、the is date what?


4、work at school hard I、


5、is it July Monday , twelfth、


Ⅵ、阅读下列一段天气预报,完成表格 C、 yesterday

C、 on 12:00

C、 in

C、 thirteen There are twelve______s in a year、 They are January,_________,_________,__________,May,_________,July,

_________,____________,October,__________and_____________、There is snow

in____________、There is rain in__________、There flowers bloom in ___________、I like__________best、 Word List February June fall spring month winter summer March December August April September November 二、完成句子。

__________is the first day of the week、 Monday is the __________day、

Tuesday is the _________day、 Wednesday is the ________day、 Thursday is the_________day、 Friday is the__________day、 Saturday is the_________day、 三、把下列答语得序号写在相应问句前得括号内。 ( )1、Can you say the months of the year? ( )2、What day is it? ( )3、Where is it? ( )4、What day was yesterday?

( )5、When is Spring Festival?

( )6、How many days are there in a week? A、Yesterday was March tenth、 B、Sure、 C、It is January or February、

D、It is Monday、

E、There are seven days in a week、


F、It is in the classroom、 四、瞧日历填空。

小学四年级英语第二单元试卷 中英文连线(12分)

五月 April 星期一 Wednesday 十一月 August 星期二 Saturday 八月 May 星期三 Monday 二月 November 星期四 Friday 四月 October 星期五 Tuesday 十月 February 星期六 Thursday 三 瞧图填空(10)

1. How’s the weather today? It’s___________、 .What day is it? It’s___________、 3 .What is it? It’s an ___________、 . When is lunch? Tt_____________、

5 . Where is the book? It’s___________

四、按要求写出下列单词得相应形式。(10分) 1、hot (反义词) 2、sun(形容词) 3、first(基数词) 4、fifth(基数词) 5、four(序数词) 6、cloudy(名词) 7、yes(反义词) 8、New Year’s Day(翻译) 9、he(反义词) 10、五月(英语)

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Tuesday What day is it?——It’s_______、

October 太阳图 How’s the weather today?——It’s_______、 twelfth What’s the date? ——It’s_______、 What day is it?——It’s_______、

Monday How’s the weather today?——It’s_______、 March 云朵图 What’s the date? ——It’s_______、 first What day is it?——It’s_______、

How’s the weather today?——It’s_______、 Sunday What’s the date? ——It’s_______、 August 下雨图 What day is it?——It’s_______、

thirtieth How’s the weather today?——It’s_______、 Friday What’s the date? ——It’s_______、 莲山课件 原文地址:

January 下雪图 ninth



