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as a magician, i try to create images that make people stop and think. i also try to challenge myself to do things that doctors say are not possible. i was buried alive in new york city in a coffin, buried alive in a coffin in april, 1999, for a week. i lived there with nothing but water. and it ended up being so much fun that i decided i could pursue doing more of these things. the next one is i froze myself in a block of ice for three days and three nights in new york city. that one was way more difficult than i had expected. the one after that, i stood on top of a hundred foot pillar for 36 hours. i began to hallucinate so hard that the buildings that were behind me started to look like big animal heads.

作为一个魔术师, 我总是尝试去创造一个现象 可以让人们驻足思考。 我也试着挑战自己 做一些医生看来不可能的事情。 我曾于1999年4月, 被埋在纽约一口棺材里 整整一个星期。 着一个礼拜仅靠水存活下来。 但结果是我从中获得极大的乐趣。 于是我决定去追求 实现更多这样的事。 下一次就是我把自己冻在一个大冰块里 整整三天三夜,地点是纽约。 那次要比我想象的困难许多。 接下来的一次,我站在一百多英尺高的柱子顶端 整整36个小时。 快结束时我开始产生非常强烈的幻觉 以至于我觉得身后的建筑看起来像巨型动物的头。

so, next i went to london. in london i lived in a glass box for 44 days with nothing but water. it was, for me, one of the most difficult things i'd ever done, but it was also the most beautiful. there was so many skeptics, especially the press in london, that they started flying cheeseburgers on helicopters around my box to tempt me. (laughter) so, i felt very validated when the new england journal of medicine actually used the research for science.


后来,我去了伦敦。 在伦敦,我在一个玻璃箱里生存了44天 也是除了水什么都没有。 对于我来说,这次是所有挑战中最艰难的一次, 但它仍然是非常美好的一次历程。 当时有许多持怀疑态度的人,尤其是伦敦的记者们, 他们坐直升机徘徊在我的玻璃箱周围 到处扔汉堡引诱我。 (笑声) 我通过这次活动被认可而感到非常高兴, 事实上新英格兰医学杂志 还以此作为研究供科学参考。

my next pursuit was i wanted to see how long i could go without breathing, like how long i could survive with nothing, not even air. i didn't realize that it would become the most amazing journey of my life.

我的下一个追求便是想试试不呼吸能坚持多久, 也就是说什么都没有的情况下我能活多久, 甚至没有空气。 我并没有意识到, 这一次成就了我生命中最美妙的旅程。

as a young magician i was obsessed with houdini and his underwater challenges. so, i began, early on, competing against the other kids, seeing how long i could stay underwater while they went up and down to breathe, you know, five times, while i stayed under on one breath. by the time i was a teenager i was able to hold my breath for three minutes and 30 seconds. i would later find out that was houdini's personal record.

作为一个年轻的魔术师 我沉迷于霍迪尼和他在水下屏气挑战。 孩童时候,我就开始与其他的孩子们比试, 看可以在水下待多久, 当他们得反复探头出水面呼吸, 大概5次之多,我却可以一直待在水下,完全不需要换气。。 当我是青少年的时候 我已经可以水下屏气达3分30秒之久, 后来我才发现那就是霍迪尼的个人纪录。


in 1987 i heard of a story about a boy that fell through ice and was trapped under a river. he was underneath, not breathing for 45 minutes. when the rescue workers came they resuscitated him and there was no brain damage. his core temperature had dropped to 77 degrees. as a magician, i think everything is possible. and i think if something is done by one person it can be done by others. i started to think, if the boy could survive without breathing for that long, there must be a way that i could do it.

在1987年,我听说了一个故事, 一个男孩掉进冰封的河里, 困于河底。 他45分钟内没有呼吸。 当救援人员赶到 抢救并唤醒他时,发现他并没有脑损伤, 他的心脏温度降至77度。 作为一个魔术师,我相信一切皆有可能。 我认为如果某个人可以做到某件事, 那么任何人都可以做到。 我开始思索,如果这个男孩 可以如此长时间不呼吸而活下来, 那么必定有某种途径让我也可以做到。

so, i met with a top neurosurgeon. and i asked him, how long is it possible to go without breathing, like how long could i go without air? and he said to me that anything over six minutes you have a serious risk of hypoxic brain damage. so, i took that as a challenge, basically. (laughter) my first try, i figured that i could do something similar, and i created a water tank, and i filled it with ice and freezing cold water. and i stayed inside of that water tank hoping my core temperature would start to drop. and i was shivering. in my first attempt to hold my breath i couldn't even last a minute. so, i realized that was completely not going to work.

于是我找了最好的神经科医师, 问他人若是不呼吸最长支撑多久, 也就是哪怕连空气都没有我能撑多久? 他告诉我,任何超过6分钟不呼吸的行为, 都会因缺氧而造成 严重脑损伤的危险。 那么毫无疑问,我便把它列入了我的挑战。


(笑声) 第一次试验,我打算模拟那个男孩遭遇的情况, 弄一个水缸, 注满彻骨的冰水, 然后就跳进那个水缸里, 希望我的体温可以下降。 当不住地时我颤抖。第一次尝试 我甚至连一分钟都坚持不了。 于是我意识到简单的模拟行不通,

so, i went to talk to a doctor friend, and i asked him how could i do that? \to hold my breath for a really long time. how could it be done?\you're a magician, create the illusion of not breathing, it will be much easier.\(laughter) so, he came up with this idea of creating a rebreather, with a co2 scrubber, which was basically a tube from home depot, with a balloon duct-taped to it, that he thought we could put inside of me, and somehow be able to circulate the air and rebreathe with this thing in me. this is a little hard to watch. but this is that attempt. so, that clearly wasn't going to work. (laughter)

我便找了一位医生朋友, 询问他我怎样才能屏气那么久, “我想在在水下长时间屏气。怎么样才可以做到呢?”我问他, 他回答,“大卫,你是魔术师, 设计一个不呼吸的假象岂不是更容易?” (笑声) 他想出这么个点子, 做一个内呼吸装置, 内置一个co2 涤气器, 其实基本上就是一个家用的管子, 再套一个气球仅此而已。 他认为可以把这个东西放到我身体里, 然后用某种方式可以循环空气达到再呼吸的目的。 他是这么把东西放进来的, 这过程看起来会不太舒服... 但那是一次尝试。 好了,很显然它是不会起作用的。 (笑声)

then i actually started thinking about liquid breathing. there is a chemical that's called perflubron. and it's so high in oxygen levels that in theory you could breathe it. so, i got my hands on that chemical, filled the sink up with it, and stuck my face in the sink and tried to breathe that in, which was really impossible. it's basically like trying to breathe, as a doctor said, while having an elephant standing on your chest. so, that idea disappeared.


接着我开始考虑 试试液体呼吸。 有一种叫全氟化合物的化学药剂, 含氧量特别高, 理论上你是可以用它来呼吸。 于是我打算尝试这种化学试剂, 将它灌满水缸,把脸浸在里面, 试着呼吸。 但那实在是不太可能, 基本上就如医生所说, 情况如同一头大象踩住你胸口的同时你还非得呼吸一样。 这个法子看来也行不通。

then i started thinking, would it be possible to hook up a heart/lung bypass machine and have a surgery where it was a tube going into my artery, and then appear to not breathe while they were oxygenating my blood? which was another insane idea, obviously.

接着我想到, 有没有可能在我的心脏和肺之间用机械搭桥, 然后做手术把管子放入动脉, 表面没有呼吸但事实上这些装备在为我的血液供氧? 但这显然又是另一个疯狂的想法。

then i thought about the craziest idea of all the ideas: to actually do it. (laughter) to actually try to hold my breath past the point that doctors would consider you brain dead. so, i started researching into pearl divers. you know, because they go down for four minutes on one breath. and when i was researching pearl divers, i found the world of free-diving. it was the most amazing thing that i ever discovered, pretty much. there is many different aspects to free-diving. there is depth records, where people go as deep as they can. and then there is static apnea. that's holding your breath as long as you can in one place without moving. that was the one that i studied.

后来,我想出了一个最疯狂的办法: 那就是,真刀真枪的来。 (笑声) 去真




