vestibulocochlear nerve前庭耳蜗神经 口腔
gingiva 齿龈
molars 大臼齿
premolars 小臼齿
incisors 门齿
vestibule of mouth 口腔前庭
upper lip 上唇
upper lip frenulum 上唇系带
alveolar provess齿槽突
hard palate硬颚
palatine tonsil颚扁桃腺
sublingual caruncle 舌下阜
1. gastric cancer胃癌
2. pancreatic cancer胰脏癌
3. colon cancer结肠癌
4. rectal cancer直肠癌
5. prostate cancer摄护腺癌
6. nasotharyngdal carcinona鼻咽癌
7. cervical cancer子宫颈癌
8. lung cancer肺癌
9. esophageal cancer食道癌
10. bladder cancer膀胱癌
11. laryngl caner喉癌
12. ovarian cancer软巢癌
13. liver cancer肝癌
14. skin cancer皮肤癌
15. breast cancer乳癌
16. leukemia血癌
17. bone cancer骨癌
18. brain tumor脑癌
19. heart disease 心脏病
20. lymphoma 淋巴瘤
Hospital 医院
Nursing school = nursing home 护理学校
(nursing home) Private convalescence
(nursery school) 处理幼稚园之幼儿的地方
Department of Medicine = Department of Internal Medicine 内科
Resident in medicine 内科住院医师
Chief of Medicine 内科主任 (Medical man)
Internist = intern = intern 实习生 (Internist = 内科医师)
House officer 医院医师的称呼
Junior and senior students 医学院学生(通常3或4学生)
Extern 医院实习生
Clinical clerk 从事病历记录实习之学生
Student nurse 护理学生
Graduate nurse护理学校毕业的护士
Registered nurse (R.N.)取得考试许可证
Head nurse护士长
Scrub nurse 手术助理护士
Practicing physician = physician in practice = practitioner 开业医生
Ambulance = ambulatory 救护车(不限於车子 只要是搬运病人的船或飞机)
Ambulant 可走动 不必卧床的病人
Ambulantory patient住院患者可走动 (May ambulate, ambulatory, up ad lib,
may walk)
Malingerer 装病的人 (malinger 装病)
Paretic 麻痹患者
Malpractice 诊疗错误
Emergency room 急诊室
Ward 病房
Narcotic 麻醉药
Doctor 医生
Dentist 牙科医生
Gynecologist 妇科医生
Orthopedist 骨科医生
Oculist 眼科医生
Pediatrician 小儿科医生
Psychiatrist 精神病医生
Examination table 诊疗台
Clinical thermometer 体温计
Stethoscope 听诊器
Reflector 反光镜
X-ray checkup X 光检查
X-ray photograph X光像片
Operation 手术
Scalpel 手术刀
Syringe 针筒
Hypodermic needle 注射针
Injection 注射
Ice bag 冰袋
Fixation forceps 固定镊
Medicine, drug药品
Bandage 绷带
Absorbent cotton 脱脂棉
Gauze 纱布
Mask 口罩
Wheel chair 轮椅
Crutches ?收?br /> Ambulance 救护车
Stretcher 担架
Chart 病历表
Blood pressure 血压
Blood type 血型
Artificial respiration 人工呼吸
Pill 药丸
Ointment 软膏
Iodine tincture 碘酒