转轻期 by lysis
偏头痛 migraine ; megrim ; hemicrania ;
後头部痛 occipital pain
侧头部痛 temporal pain
前头部痛 frontal pain
头痛 have(suffer) a headache ; one's head aches ; feel a pain in the head
耳痛 earache ; sore ears ; toalgia
咽喉痛 sore throat ; pharyngalgia
眼痛 have painful eyes ; one's eyes hurt(smart)
齿痛 toothache
胸痛 chest pain
心前部痛 precordial pain
心绞痛 anginal pain
胸股下後痛 substernal (retrosternal) pain
胸膜炎痛 pleuritic pain
腹痛 abdominal pain ; belly(stomach) ache
上腹痛 epigastric pain ; pain in the epigastrium
上腹部痛 upper abdominal pain
下腹部痛 lower abdominal pain
左上腹部痛 left upper quadrant pain
侧腹部痛 flank pain
背痛 backache
腰痛 low backache ; lumbago
关节痛 joint pain
肌肉痛 muscular pain
神经痛 neuralgia
绞痛 colic ; colicky pain
胆石绞痛 biliary or gallstone colic
肾石痛 renal colic
痛 cramps ; crampy (cramping) pain; spasmodic
博动痛 throbbing(pounding, thumping, pulsating) pain
转移性痛 radiating pain ; pain with radiation
牵连痛 referred pain
电击痛 lightning (fulgurant, shooting) pain
带状痛 girdle pain
神经根性痛 root pain
空腹痛 hunger pain
夜间痛 nocturnal pain
自发痛 spontaneous pain
压痛 tenderness
固定痛fixed (steady) pain
灼热痛 burning pain
刺状痛 lancinating ; piercing ; stinging ; darting; stabbing
分裂状头痛 splitting ; racking
撕裂状痛 tearing ; rending ;
钝痛 dull ; obtuse ;
剧烈痛 sharp ; excruciating ; tormenting ; torturing ; racking ; agonizingly severe
不断阵痛 gnawing ; griping
擦伤痛 stinging ; smarting ; sore
针刺痛 pricking ; pricking
呼吸 breath ; respiration
呼吸困难 difficulty in breathing ; dyspnea
呼吸短促 be short of breath ; shortness of breath ;be short-winded; be out of breath ; lose one's breath
深呼吸 breathe deeply
叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath
喘息 pant
端坐呼吸 orthopnea
劳动时呼吸困难 exertional dyspnea ; difficulty in breathing on exertion( physical activity)
夜间呼吸困难 nocturnal dyspnea
呼吸快速 tachypnea ; rapid breathing
喘呜 wheeze ; wheezing
打喷嚏 sneezing ; sneeze
打嗝 hiccup (hiccough) ; singultus
咳嗽 cough
阵发性咳嗽 have a fit of coughing ; have a paroxysmal
清喉 clear the throat
乾咳 dry cough ; hacking couth ; nonproductive cough
有痰咳 productive cough ; cough with sputum
喀痰 sputum ; phlegm ; expectorate
喀血 hemoptysis ; bloody expectoration
粘喀痰 viscid (tenaceous ; thick ) sputum
浓喀痰 frothy sputum
泡沫状喀痰 mucoid sputum
脓性喀痰 purulent sputum
血性喀痰 bloody sputum
混血喀痰 blood-streaked sputum
绿色喀痰 greenish sputum
锈色喀痰 rusty sputum
感冒 common cold
流形性感冒 influenze ; flu ; grippe
上呼吸道感染 upper respiratory infection (U.R.I.)
胸膜炎 pleruisy
气喘 asthma
心悸 palpitation
悸动 palpitate ; throb
脉搏暂停 pause in the pulse ; skipped pulse (heart beat)
速脉 rapid pulse ; tachycardia
徐脉 slow pulse ; bradycardia
高血压 high blood pressure ; hypertension ; hypotension
心脏麻痹 heart attack ; heart failure ; cardiac standstill
狭心症 angina (=angina pectoris)
心脏瓣膜症 valvular disease of the heart ; leaking heart valve (leaky heart)
动脉硬化 hardening of the arteries ; arterioscalerosis
血液循环不佳have a poor circulation of blood
间歇性跛行 intermittent claudication
食欲不振 a poor (weak or bad) appetite ; no little appetite ; loss (lack or decrease) of appetite ; anorexia
食欲增进 increase (improvement) of appetite
无食欲 have no (little ; a poor) appetite
食欲旺盛 have a strong (voracious) appetite
丧失食欲 lose one's apptite
空腹 an empty stomach
咀嚼 chewing ; mastication
吞咽 swallow gulp
吞咽困难 difficulty in swallowing ; dysphagia
嗳气 打噎 belching ; eructation
打酸噎 sour eructation