【期刊名称】《南昌工程学院学报》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)001
【摘要】针对一阶梯式复杂土层边坡,采用人工修正的加速度时程作为地震输入条件,引入三量放大系数对土坡坡面质点进行地震时程响应分析,并采用Newmark滑块分析法和有限元动力时程分析法计算其稳定性。计算结果表明,在水平地震波作用下,阶梯式土坡坡面质点的水平位移和水平速度随距坡脚的沿坡面距离的增大而增大,且最大值都出现在坡顶,地震加速度放大系数呈不规则分布,受地震累积效应影响,土坡坡面质点三量响应滞后于地震波谱变化;拟静力法计算的安全系数偏保守,有限元动力时程分析法和Newmark法计算后通过处理的各项安全系数结果相近。%In view of the compIicated site soiI sIope,we use the artificiaI modified acceIeration curve as the earthquake input condition,introduce three-voIume ampIification coefficient on the seismic time histo-ry response anaIysis,and use Newmark sIiding bIock anaIysis and dynamic finite eIement time history a-naIysis to caIcuIate its stabiIity. CaIcuIation resuIts show that under horizontaI seismic action,bench sIope dispIacement and speed of x to x increase with the increase of distance from sIope foot aIong the sIope, that the maximum vaIue appears in the sIope,and that the sIope seismic acceIeration ampIification factor distribution is irreguIar,which are