【期刊名称】《兵工自动化》 【年(卷),期】2011(030)001
【摘要】According to China conditions, a great deal of towed howitzer is equipped at present. In order to meet the demands of future digital battlefield, towed howitzers are necessary to be digital transformed. Combined with foreign army situation in towed howitzer digital transformation, it can be concluded that electromechanical integration technology is the key. Beside the traditional fire control system and GPS, gesture measuring, trajectory correction and so on should be merged into towed howitzer digital transformation to improve operational effectiveness.%根据我国国情,目前还装备有大量的牵引火炮.为适应未来数字化战场的需要,有必要对牵引火炮进行数字化改造.结合外军牵引火炮数字化改造进展情况,指出机电技术融合是牵引火炮数字化改造的关键,除了传统火控系统、定位系统外,如火炮姿态检测、弹道修正等也应融入到数字化改造中,最大限度提高牵引火炮作战效能. 【总页数】3页(83-84,94)
【关键词】牵引火炮;数字化;机电一体化;作战效能 【作者】潘孝斌;谈乐斌;何永