圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 第三章 口 语
Practice 1
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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
Greetings and Introduction
考官:Hello! I’m Lisa. What’s your name? 考生:My name is Zhang Jingjing. 考官:How are you? 考生:I’m fine. Thanks.
Part 1 Find the Difference
考官:Look at these pictures.(考官指着图片)They look the same in some ways, but some things are different. Here are four flowers, but here are five flowers.(考官分别指着两张图片中草地上的花朵)What other different things can you see?
考生:Here it’s a sunny day, but here it’s a raining day.(考生分别指着两张图片中
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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 的晴天和下雨天)Here this man’s scarf is red and white, but here the man’s scarf is blue and white.(考生分别指着两张图片中男人脖子上的围巾)Here the man is carrying ice-cream, but here the man is carry a bottle.(考生分别指着两张图片中男人手里的东西)Here is a guitar, but there isn’t a guitar here.(考生分别指着车里的后排座位)There isn’t some water here, but here is some water under the wheel.(考生分别指着前车轮下的水)
Part 2 Story
考官:Now look at these pictures. They show a story. It’s called ‘The Baby Bird and the Tree’. Look at the pictures first. Look at the first one.(考官指着第一张图片)The baby bird is under the tree. Its mother is in the tree. The baby bird wants to be with its mother. Now you tell the story.(考官指着其他的图片)
考生:The man is waiting for a helicopter. Now the helicopter is landing on the grass.(第二张图片)The man is taking the baby bird. They are going into the helicopter. The helicopter is flying up again.(第三张图片)Now the helicopter is above the tree, and the baby bird is jumping off the helicopter. Now it’s with its mother. They are very happy.(第四张图片)
Part 3 Find the Different Ones
考官:Now look at these four pictures. This is different. It’s a book,(考官指着第一排图片中的书)but the lemon, the pineapple and the orange are all fruit. Now you tell me about these pictures. Which one is different?(考官指着第二排图片)
考生:This is different. It’s yellow, but these are grey.(考生分别指着图片中的鸟和大象、老鼠、兔子)
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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 考官:What do you do with these? (考官指着第三排图片)
考生:This is different. It’s on the book, but these are near the book.(考生分别指着图片中书上和书旁边的东西)
考官:And what about these?(考官指着第四排图片)
考生:This is different. The kid is sleeping, but these kids are talking.(考生分别指着图片中睡觉的孩子和正在说话的孩子)
Part 4 Open Questions
考官:Now let’s talk about your lesson. What’s your favorite lesson? 考生:English.
考官:How do you feel it? 考生:It is a little difficult.
考官:Tell me about your English teacher. 考生:She is Miss Xu. She’s tall. 考官:Is she beautiful?
考生:Yes, she is very beautiful. 考官:What do you do after school? 考生:I do my homework.
考官:OK. Thanks. Goodbye, Zhang Jingjing. 考生:Goodbye, Lisa.(考生离开)
Practice 2
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圣才电子书 www.100xuexi.com 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
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剑桥少儿英语考试(第二级)章节题库-第三章 口 语【圣才出品】