( CDE )
A.The authority’s support
B.The critics he received from authority C.The authority’s closeness and legitimacy
D.Whether or not the authority was part of respected institution E.The liberating effects of a disobedient fellow participant 17.( AB )is right about central route. A. the aidience is analytical and motivated. B. its process is high effort and elaborate. C. it has rule of thumb heuristics.
D. central route to persuasion is often only temporarily. 18.( BCD ) is wrong about attitude inoculation.
A. exposing people to weak attack upon their attitudes so that when stronger attacks come, they will have refutationsavailable.
B. the way the message is delivered -- whether face-to-face, in writing, on film, or in some other way.
C. occurs when interested people focus on the arguments and respond with favorable thoughts.
D. occurs when people are influenced by incieental cues, such as a speaker's attractiveness. 19.How do individuals influence the group? ( ACD ) A.defections from the majority B.prestige
C.consistency D.self-confidence
20.The ways that Vincent Brown and Paul Paulus have identified to enhance group brainstorming including? ( ABC ) A.combine group and solitary brainstorming B.have group members interact by writing C.incorporate electronic brainstorming D.group members do their work alone
21. ( AD ) are the two routes to persuasion. A. central route B. intermediary route C. peripheric route D. peripheral route
22. ( ABCD ) are the Elements of Persuasion. A. how is it said. B. to whom is it said. C.what is it said. D. who says.
23. ( AB ) aren't recency effect's point. A. more common than primacy effect.
B. other things being equal, information presented first usually has the most influence. C. information presented last something has the most influence. D. less common than primacy effect. 24. ( BC ) is the involvement.
A. the process by which media influence often occurs. B. personal relevance of the issue.
C. high-involvement audience are more motivated to exert the effort to process a persuasive message.
D. the individual's tendency to engage in and enjoy thinking. 25. How can persuasion be resisted. ( ACD ) A. strengthening personal commitment. B. keep a good feeling.
C. real-life applications : inoculation programs. D. implications of attitude inoculation.
26.In the Milgram’s experiments about the ethics, the “teachers” did experience agony. They ( ABE ) A.Sweated B.Trembled C.Relaxed D.Excited
27.From Ervin Staub’s study of human genocide across the world, Staub (2003) shows ( AB )
A.Where gradually increasing aggression can lead B.Where gradually increasing invasion can lead C.Where gradually increasing aberration can lead D.Compliance bred acceptance E.Criticism produces contempt
28.Conformity is affected by ( BE ) A.Where people act B.How people act C.Other people act D.When people act E.What people act
29.Who is more likely to resist the pressure to conformity ( ABC ) A.People who is humane B.People who is democratic C.People who is individualistic D.People who is patriotic E.People who is selfish
30.Why does our behavior affect our attitudes ( ABC ) A self-presentation: impression management B self-justification: cognitive dissonance C self-perception D social movement
31.How well do our attitudes predict our behavior ( ABD ) A when attitudes predict behavior B when attitudes are potent
C when saying becomes believing
D when the attitude corresponds very closely to the predicted behavior 32.When does our behavior affect our attitude ( ABD ) A role playing B social movements
C comparing theories D evil and moral acts
33.Which of the following statements is wrong ( AB ) A Role play can not predict our attitude B the foot-in-the-door is not very effective
C The law of behavior decision attitude may lead to unethical behavior D Positive behavior to others will enhance the impression of the people 34.representasion heuristic is( AC ) A,category judgement B,likelihood judgement
C,discounting important part D,overweighting vivid instance
35.availability heuristic is ( BD ) A,category judgement B,likelihood judgement
C,discounting important part D,overweighting vivid instance
36.conterfactual thinking is( AD ) A,alternative image B,factual memory C,have happened D,didn't happened
37.harold kelly attribute our behavior to internal or external causes with the factor( ABC ) A,consistency B,distinctiveness C,consensus D,conformity
38.which of them are .self-reference effect( AB ) A.name-letter effect
B.Birthday-number effect C.Spotlight effect D.Possible selves
39.which of them are passible selves( AB ) A.dream to become who you want to be B.Afraid of becoming who you dislike C.Self-schema D.Spotlight effect
40. Social psychology is a subject which studies which problems?( ABC ) A.What is our faith.
B.Culture and the pressure of biological conformity. C.Attraction and intimacy. D.How to survive.
E.Cooperation and competition.
1.Our instant intuitions shape our fears,(_impressions)____,and _(relationships)_____. 2. Kelley's theory of attributions include three factors---_( distinctiveness) _,_(consistency)_,and _(consensus)_____.
3. The “ABCs” of attitudes: _ affect behavior and cognition
4. For the optimist, the effect of_(positive persuasion )_is better; for the pessimist, the effect of_(negative persuasion)_ is better.
5. To reduce and eliminate cognitive dissonance we can: Change cognition Change behavior and Increase third party cognition 6. evaluating one’s opinions and abilities by comparing oneself with others is called _ (social comparison )_.
7. The “ABCs” of attitudes: _ affect behavior and cognition 8. our thinking is partly _(controlled)__and-more than psychologists once supposed-partly (automatic).
9.If the two kinds of information are continuously present, and then after a period of time, the (primacy effect) will appear, especially in the case of the first kind of information is more so.
1.The social relations including of prejudice ,aggression ,attraction and intimacy ,helping. 正确
2.Our social intuitions are always powerful. 错误
3.We exhibit unrealistic optimism about our future. 正确
4.Most people suffer from low self esteem or feels of inferiority, Because of self-serving bias. 错误
5.Help people fosters liking. 正确
6.Reactance,Unanimity let us be different. 错误
7.One person coughs,laughs,or yawns,and others are soon doing the same. it’s Mood linkage. 正确
8.Conformity meas a change in behavior or belief as the result of real or imagined group pressure正确
9.The central route can lead to a more stable attitude and behavior change, and the impact of the external route to the short and superficial.正确
10.The enhancement of dominant responses is strongest when people think they are being evaluated.错
1. 1.correlational research:The study of the naturally occurring relationships among variables.
2.Confirmation bias:a tendency to search for information that confirms one's preconceptions
3.learned helplessness:The hopelessness and resignation learned when a human or an
animal perceives no control over repeated bad events.
4. social facilitation: Original meaning :the tendency of people to perform simple or well-learned tasks better when others are present)(current meaning :the strengthening of dominant responses in the presence of others
5. Conformity:A change in behavior or belief as result of real or imagined group pressure.
6. Priming:priming is the awkening or activating of certain association.
2. 7. social psychology: The scientific study of how people think about ,influence and relate to one another.
8. Role:A set of norms that defines how people in given social position ought to behave.
1.Reasons for focus effect and illusion transparency? Answer:·a) Social surroundings affect our self-awareness.As individuals in a group of a
different culture
·b) Self-interest colors our social judgment.When problems arise in a close
relationship such as marriage,we usually attribute more responsibility to our partners than to ourselves.
·c) Self concerned about the social nature of the excitation.Human behavior tends to
have a certain strategy
2. What paths lead to persuasion?
Answer: a) Central route to persuasion:occurs when interested people focus on the
arguments and respond with favorable thoughts.
b) Peripheral route to persuasion:occurs when people are influenced by
incidental cues,such as a speaker's attractiveness.
3. why do we make the attribution error?
Answer: 行动者和观察者的不同;聚焦观点偏见;观点在随时变化;自我觉知;文化差异
4. Please explain foot-in-the-door phenomenon,and offer an example
Answer: 答:如果想要别人帮你一个大忙,一个有效的策略是:请他们帮一个小忙。如邀请选
5. What factors can predict the conformity?
(3)凝聚力。一个群体的凝聚力越强,对成员的影响力就越大。 (4 ) 地位。地位高的人往往有更大的影响力。
( 5) 公开的反应。在实验中,人们必须面对他人做反应时要比私下里回答问题会表现出更多的从众行为。
(6 ) 无事前承诺。个体一旦在公众面前做出承诺,就会坚持到底,最多,也就是在以后的情境中改变自己的判断。
6. The pros and cons of self serving bias? A: ·When you succeed, you can enhance your sense of honor and confidence in yourself, so that you can motivate yourself to keep going. ·Failure, to a certain extent, to maintain their dignity and interests, especially in the
case of other people do not know, it may be possible to restore their own situation. ·When success is made, the reason is more due to its own, it will exaggerate its value,
ignore the contribution and achievements of others, so as not to recognize the value of their own and others, may have the contradiction of human relations. ·After doing something wrong, self serving bias is attributed to external factors to
blame everyone and everything but not oneself. This is an escape from the wrong performance.
1.Tawna is nearing the end of her daily run. Her mind prods her to keep going ; her body begs her to walk the remaining six blokes. She compromises and dose a slow jog home . The next day conditions are identical ,except that two friends run with her. Tawna runs her route two minutes faster. She wonders,”Did one run better merely because Gail and Sonja went along? Would l always run better if in a group?”. Answer:
2.In the Netherlands, most high school students rate themselves as more honest, persistent, original, friendly, and reliable than the average high student.
Question:What principle of the social psychology this case reflects? Please point out and make a brief analysis. Answer:
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