1.Which of the following is not the scope of social psychology?( D )
A. people’s thoughts B. people’s feelings C. people’s behaviors D. people’s present 2.Whether you prefer slim or voluptuous female beauty depends on when and where in the world you live. This phenomenon displays ( C ) A. social behavior is biologically rooted. B. we construct our social reality.
C. social influences shape our behavior
D. social psychology’s principles are applicable in everyday life.
3.To evaluate surveys, we must bear in mind four potentially biasing influences. Which of the following is belonging to those potentially biasing influence?( A )
A. Unrepresentative samples B. Control C. Independent variable D. Informed consent 4.Take the phenomenon of College Students' love mate choice as an example, the following is not a research level of social psychology.( A ) A .The proportion of love B. Mate choice attitude C .Attraction factor D .Love relationship
5.Which of the following dosen’t belong to the main characteristic in heart of an individual learned helplessness?( D ) A.low self-efficacy B.negative thinking C.emotional disorders
D.good interpersonal relationship
6.On matters of opinion, we find support for our positions by overestimating the extent to which others agree. The phenomenon is called( B ) A.false uniqueness effect B.false consensus effect C.self-esteem
D.self-reference effect
7.when show an animated underwater scene, Japanese spontaneously recalled 60 percent more background features than did Americans, and they spoke of more relationships. Americans, as confirmed in a follow-up eye-tracking study, attend more to the focal object, such as a single big fish, and attend less to the surroundings. The example above essentially embodies?( A )
A.the difference between individualism and collectivism B.the difference between self-respect and inferiority C.the difference between optimism and pessimism D. the difference between active and passive
8. Which of the following does not belong to the independent personality of self concept?( B )
A.Personal, defined by individual traits and goals B.Conformity
C.“To thine own self be ture” D.support the individualistic Western
9.____ is a tendency to search for information that prove one's preconceptions. ( A ) A.Confirmation bia B.Belief perseverance C.Overconfidence D.Counterfactual thinking
10.Attribution theory is the theory of how people explain other's ___. ( D ) A.dispositions B.emotions C.thinkings D.behaviors
11.Which of the following options is not one of the ABCs of Attitudes?( C ) A. affect B. behavior C. belief D. cognition
12. Which of the following options is the function of attitude on behavior( B ) A.decide B. predict C. change D. strength
13.When saying becomes believing?( A )
A. when there is no compelling,external explanation for one’s words B. when there is no one disagrees what you said C. when you believe in what you said D. when people believe in what you said
14.What is involved in Asch’s Study of Group Pressure? ( B )
A.Suggestibility B.Comparison C.The chameleon effect D.Obedience 15.What don’t breed obedience? ( D )
A.The victim’s distance B.Closeness and legitimacy of the authority C.Institutional D.Norm formation 16.Why conform? ( D ) A.Bystander effect B.Emotional contaglon C.The effect of unanimity
D.Normative influence and informational influence 17.The key to the change of attitude is ( A ). A.the incentive of the strong B.tend to be motivated by
C. to reach the equilibrium state of D. the avoidance of motivation
18.To promote, maintain and regulate individual behavior, so that the psychological process of a certain goal, known as ( A ).
A.motivation B.need C.attention D.interested 19. Cause the main cause of deindividuation is ( D ).
A. group polarization B. social loafing C. conformity D . anonymity
20. Sometimes when group together to complete a job, each of the members of efforts to fulfil the task than the individual in a separate case when the phenomenon of fewer, it usually occur in multiple individual cooperation for a common goal, their work performance and cannot be calculated separately. This is called ( B ).
A. social facilitation B. social loafing C. deindividuation D. group polarization 21. Psychologists believe that, in general,deindividuation can make individual aggression( C )
A. uncertainty B. invariant C. increase D. decrease
22. Group strengthen we itself has no point of view is called ( B ) A. the effects of social arousal B. social facilitation C. deindividuation D. group polarization
23. Low limit contact group under the circumstance of not including ( A ) A. social facilitation B. social loafing
C. desocialization D. deindividuation
24. Individual because of the pressure group, with groups in the psychological and behavior in most of the people to maintain consistent phenomenon called ( C ) A. assimilate B. obey C. conformity D. internalization
25. The presence of others can affect helping behavior. Usually, the more people present, the more helping behavior ( A )
A. the less B. more difficult to predict C. the more D. the more rapid increase 26.Why conform? ( D ) A.Bystander effect B.Emotional contaglon C.The effect of unanimity
D.Normative influence and informational influence 27.What can’t predicts conformity?( D )
A.Group size B.Cohesion C.Public response D.Prior commitment 28.How many people will have a largest effect in conformity? ( B ) A.1-3 B.3-5 C.5-7 D.7-9
29.Which of the following options is not one of the ABCs of Attitudes?( C ) A. affect B. behavior C. belief D. cognition
30. Which of the following options is the function of attitude on behavior( B ) A.decide B. predict C. change D. strength 31.When saying becomes believing?( A )
A. when there is no compelling,external explanation for one’s words B. when there is no one disagrees what you said C. when you believe in what you said D. when people believe in what you said
32.which of the following options is true about impression management? ( B )
A. our attitudes change because we are motivated to maintain consistency among our cognition.
B. we express attitudes that match our actions.
C. we express attitudes to leave a good impression to others. D. the aboves are wrong.
33.how consistent is the person's behavior in this sitiation is( A ) A,consistency B,distinctiveness C,consensus D,confomity
34.How specific is the person's behavior to this paticular situation is( B )
A,consistency B,distinctiveness C,consensus D,confomity
35.To wahat extent do others in this situation behave similary is( C )
A,consistency B,distinctiveness C,consensus D,confomity
36.with consistency,distinctiveness yes,we atttibute one'behavior to ( A ) A,external attribution B,internal attribution C,disposition attribution D,situational attribution
37.Humans tend to put themselves as the center of everything and
intuition overestimate the attention degree of others to us. what effect it reflects? ( C )
A. primacy effect B.recency effect C.spotlight effect D.stark effect 38.Which one organizes our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Besides, it enables us to remember our past, assess, our present, and project our future and thus to behave adaptively.( A )
A.sense of self B.self-schemas C.self-efficacy D.self-esteem
39.Social Psychology in which year separating from sociology and psychology?( C ) A. 1906 B. 1907 C. 1908 D. 1910 40. Social psychology is an about what subject? ( A )
A. environment B. humanity C. cultural D. society
1.What is including of the social influence?( ACD )
A. culture and biology B. prejudice C. pressures to conform D. persuasion E. aggression
2.What is including of the social relations?( CDE ) A.groups of people B. our attitudes C. prejudice D. attraction and intimacy E. helping
3.What is including of the social thinking?( BCE )
A.culture and biology B. what we believe C. judgments we make D. groups of people E. our attitudes
4.Which is idea of social thinking? ( ABC )
A.we construct our social reality B. our social intuitions are powerful, something perilous C. attitudes shape, and are shaped by ,behavior D. social influences shape behavior E. dispositions shape behavior
5.which of them were collectivism( AB ) A.giving priority to the goal of a group B.Giving priority to the ambition of a group C.Individual goals D.individual ambitions
6.which of them were individualism( AB ) A.individual goals B.Individual ambitions
C.Collective goals D.Collective ambitions
7.which of them are .self-reference effect( AB ) A.name-letter effect
B.Birthday-number effect C.Spotlight effect D.Possible selves
8.which of them are passible selves( AB ) A.dream to become who you want to be B.Afraid of becoming who you dislike C.Self-schema D.Spotlight effect
9.conterfactual thinking is( AD )
A,alternative image B,factual memory C,have happened D,didn't happened 10.harold kelly attribute our behavior to internal or external causes with the factor( ABC )
A,consistency B,distinctiveness C,consensus D,conformity 11. Why does our behavior affect our attitudes ( ABC ) A self-presentation: impression management B self-justification: cognitive dissonance C self-perception D social movement
12. How well do our attitudes predict our behavior ( ABD ) A. when attitudes predict behavior B. when attitudes are potent
C. when saying becomes believing
D. when the attitude corresponds very closely to the predicted behavior 13 When does our behavior affect our attitude ( ABD ) A. role playing B. social movements C. comparing theories D. evil and moral acts
14Who is more likely to resist the pressure to conformity ( ABC ) A.People who is humane B.People who is democratic C.People who is individualistic D.People who is patriotic E.People who is selfish
15.Why do the results of these classic experiments so often startle people? ( CE ) A.Because we expect people to act in accord with their disposition B.Because the situation they are
C.Because the fundamental attribution error D.Because the conformity and obedience E.Because the attribution bias
16.Four factors that determined obedience were the victim’s emotional distance. They are